Tuesday, March 13, 2018


[DAY 26]

Dan the Cameraman: "Jesus. What time is it??"

Stan the Cameraman: "8 PM. No one's left their room all day."

Fran the Camerawoman: "We need footage! Should we draw them out somehow? Pull the fire alarm, perhaps...?"

Jan the Camerawoman: "No, let them mourn. They only just found out about Pacco this morning. We'll get the footage we need tomorrow, don't worry."

   [DAY 27]

[The rest of the episode was shot mostly by the lovely Alleen. Thanks Alleen! :-) ]

 Wil: "I just cannot believe he's gone... Like, GONE gone..."

Tamela: "I know... I swear that guy had multiple personalities or something though, such a strange character. His eccentricities will be missed."

Giles: "The more I think about it, the more I think you might actually be onto something."
Tamela: "Yeah?"
Giles: "Yah, think about it. His tagline was 'Biggest Mole Fanboy'... Perhaps that wasn't as much of an exaggeration as we thought? Maybe he was an actor and enjoyed pretending to be previous Mole contestants?"

Wil: "Wait, so you're saying..... You know what, once in Norway, right before one of his passing-out episodes, he was acting VERY strangely. Maya and I thought he was just playing charades, pretending to be people like Evarrine and Adrian, but when we brought it up later he couldn't remember any of it..."

Tamela: "Evarrine and Adrian?? I don't remember anyone with those names?"

Kaitlin: "I have not a clue. Sorry I cannot help more with this, unfortunately I did not know this show existed before V found me on the streets...."

Wil: "No worries Kaitlin, this may just be a conspiracy theory anyway."

Kaitlin: "Well, In other news... I have something I'd like to share with you all."
Wil: "Yes, please take our minds off Pacco. Thinking about him saddens me too much."
Kaitlin: "I promised everyone I would start to open up, and I feel like now is as good as a time as ever, especially when you consider how short and precious our lives are."

Wil: "...Not helping."

Kaitlin: "I am tired of being a closed book. I don't want to be that standoffish girl anymore. I am a full-grown woman now, and I want to be a role model for all those little girls--and boys-- who are out there struggling at this very moment. There are thousands upon thousands of them, and I want them to know it's okay to seek help and speak out against injustice. Keeping quiet and internalizing your fear only feeds the beast, until one day the beast grows so strong that you can longer contain it, and it turns around and eats you alive...."

Giles: "Hot damn. You paint with words! However, I'm still wondering EXACTLY what happened to you in the foster care system?"

Kaitlin: "Well, it all started with the death of my parents, as you already know. They caused the fire which caused the smoke that caused their deaths... Fast forward to my teen years. I was in-and-out of foster homes, no family could stand me for too long. I was too 'aggressive', they said. Things with Mr. Jerry were getting worse... He was a supervisor at the Home, and a lot of the girls thought he was creepy. He would call me a 'pretty girl' and would try to find ways to 'accidentally' touch me. Then one night he entered my room... Fortunately another girl at the Home saw him and reported him. He was fired on the spot."
Giles: "Jeez! I can't believe this!"
Kaitlin: "And that's not all..."

Wil: "What was Mr. Jerry's first name? I'm gonna go find him and kick his ass! Fucking scumbag."

Kaitlin: "The moment I turned 18 I joined the military, figuring it was my next best option. The Home kicked me out since I was legally an adult, and they really only give you a month's worth of rent money. I had very little education and no work experience, so to the military I marched. I was excited, though. It represented hope... A new beginning. It gave me purpose. It was great! ...At first. Then I was blackmailed..."

Tamela: "I didn't know this part! Who blackmailed you??"

Kaitlin: "I-I.... I haven't told anyone this yet, and doing so will likely land me in hot water, but... The truth needs to come out, one way or another.
Alright, so..... After a year in the military, I had to quit. Why? Because Major Haywood blackmailed me. He got someone to plant his expensive Rolex watch in my locker, and when he called me into his office... H-he told me he wouldn't make a case against me IF I slept with him... And so I did.
I was young and naive. I didn't think I had any other option.
But by the third time he asked, I had had enough. I realized my only way out was to run.
That's how I winded up homeless.
That's when I was on the verge of suicide...
And that's exactly where V found me."

Wil: "That is just crazy. I'm so sorry, Kaitlin. You've been through so much, and you're still so young!"
Tamela: "I don't mean to interrupt, but it's getting dark. We should head back. And Kait, I'm proud of you for finally opening up to the world. You already know you're my role model."

Giles: "Absolutely! You sharing your story will undoubtedly give hope to kids who may be in a situation similar to yours. You are a true Wonder Woman!"
Kaitlin: "Awww... Thanks guys." :-)
Giles: "And yeah, let's head back. Don't want to miss the dinner buffet!"

* * *

Kaitlin: "Hey Giles?"
Giles: "Yeah?"

Kaitlin: "Thank you for suggesting we all get out of the hotel and visit the park together. I really needed this. It was... therapeutic, in a way. I never realized before that just talking things out can help draw out your emotions naturally instead of letting them fester inside. Expressing my feelings about my childhood as well as Pacco's death was paramount for my mental health, so thank you."

Giles: "No problem! We ALL could've used the outing and chat.
The only other thing I'd recommend is a massage, I notice you carry all your tension into your upper-back, which--"

Man: "Whatcha reading sweetheart?"

Kaitlin: "Nunya."

Man: "Nunya?"

Kaitlin: "Yeah, nunya damn business."

Man: "Haha, ahhh, I see. I think you're in need of a drink!"

Kaitlin: "And I think YOU'RE in need of a brain. Get the hint, buddy."

Man: "Alright, so she's not a drinker... How about a dancer? You look like a girl who enjoys a spontaneous foxtrot?"

Kaitlin: "Actually I do enjoy the occasional glass of red wine, but that wasn't the point I was--"
Man: "What kind of music do you like dancing to?"
Kaitlin: "Pardon?"

Man: "No opinion? That's okay, I'm sure I can find something smooth."

Man: "Will you join me for this dance?"

*The creepy man scoffs at her rejection*

*arguing can be heard*

Kaitlin: "Hmmm...?"

 Kaitlin: "....."

Her eyes

  And words  

Are so icy

Oh but she burns

Like rum on the fire...

Hot and fast and angry as she can be

I walk my days on a wire...

It looks ugly, but it's clean

Oh momma, don't fuss over me

The way she tells me I'm hers

  And she is mine

Open hand or closed fist would be fine

The blood is rare ♪ 

 And sweet as cherry wine...

Calls of guilty thrown at me

All while she stains

The sheets of some other

Thrown at me so powerfully

Just like she throws ♪ 

  With the arm of her brother

But I want it

It's a crime

That she's not around most of the time

The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine

Open hand or closed fist would be fine

The blood is rare  

 And sweet as cherry wine...

Her fight and fury is fiery

Oh but she loves

Like sleep to the freezing

Sweet and right and merciful

I'm all but washed

In the tide of her breathing

And it's worth it, it's divine

I have this some of the time

  The way she shows me I'm hers ♪ 

  And she is mine

Open hand

 Or closed fist would be fine

The blood is rare

 And sweet as cherry wine

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 If you or someone you know is the victim of sexual abuse or domestic violence, please call:
(945) 726-7766
[Our operators are available 24/7]

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

   [DAY 28]

V: "Good evening, Agents."

V: "One at a time, I will type your name's into the database."

V: "If you scored well enough on your Ranking, your screen will appear green, and thus, you will have a seat in the Finale.
However, if you ranked the Mole the lowest, your screen will be red, and you will be the next victim of the Mole."

V: "Wil has earned himself the final exemption, therefore, his name will not be called tonight as he is automatically safe.
That leaves 2 seats at the finale still up for grabs."

V: "Let's decide who gets to claim them now, and who's shot of winning over a million dollars is over."

V: "Let's begin with..... Tamela."

Tamela: "Wooh...."

V: "Next.....Giles."

Giles: "Ouch."

V: "Unfortunately Giles, your time here has come to an end. Time to go."

Giles: "That's okay. I needed to go get a haircut anyhow."
*Wil snorts*

Giles: "Congrats on making it to the finale guys! Promise me you won't let that Blue Spy get away with it all. Whoever it is... I'm NOT inviting you over for Christmas!! As for the other two... Free cruise passes for life." ;-)

V: "Why was Giles cast, you ask? For one simple reason: We needed some comic relief for an otherwise serious season. Amid all of life's worries, it's important to stop and find the humor in the chaos of it all. It is dire that none of us take ourselves too seriously, because after all, laughter is life's greatest medicine.
So thank you, Giles Kruger, for making us laugh all season long!
AND here we have them: The Final 3 of The Mole: Season 6!!
How does it feel, you three?"

Wil: "It feels incredible!"
Kaitlin: "I can't believe we did it!"
Tamela: "I know!!! High-five!?!"

Kaitlin: "Hell yeah! Girl power baby!"

Wil: "Hahaha."

V: "Making it this far is no easy feat. All 3 of you, regardless of allegiance, had to go through many trials and tribulations to get here. The Mole had to outlast the other spy, and the two agents had to survive a total of 8 executions. If you're still standing after 4 weeks of this crazy adventure, you have already proven yourself as a worthy Agent, so again, congratulations are in order."

V: "Tomorrow, for your final mission, your task will be to infiltrate the United Nation's Headquarters.... literally. It will not be an easy task, and will require you to use all the skills you have developed over the course of the season. Teamwork will be essential for success, but sabotage and betrayal will inevitably run rampant when trust is compromised. 
Directly after the mission, you will complete your final Ranking, where you must answer the question... Who is, the Mole?"

V: "Could it be Kaitlin?"

V: "Wil, perhaps?"

V: "Or is it Tamela?"

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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