Thursday, February 15, 2018


  [DAY 24]

Kid: "Mom, what's this old thing?"
Mother: "That's a record player sweetie."

Kid: "What does it do?"

Mother: "It plays records, silly! Look, I'll show you how it works."

 Mother: "You place this metal rod onto the vinyl record, and then sound emits from the scratches on the surface.... Or something.... don't quote me on that."
Kid: "Like this??"

 Mother: "Exactly!"
Kid: "WOAH! It's playing MUSIC!!!"

Boy's workin' on empty

Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?

I just think about my baby

  I'm so full of love

I could barely eat...

  There's nothing sweeter than my babe

I'd never want once from the cherry tree
  Cause my baby's sweet as can be

  She'd give me toothaches just from kissin' me...

When my time comes around

  Lay me gently in the cold dark earth

  No grave can hold my body down  

 I'll crawl home to her
Boys, when my baby found me

  I was three days on a drunken sin

  I woke with her walls around me

  Nothin' in her room but an empty crib...

  And I was burning up a fever

  I didn't care much how long I lived

  But I swear I thought I dreamed her

  She never asked me once about the wrong I did...

When my time comes around

  Lay me gently in the cold dark earth

  No grave can hold my body down  

 I'll crawl home to her

 When my time comes around

  Lay me gently in the cold dark earth
  No grave can hold my body down  

 I'll crawl home to her

My babe would never fret none
About what my hands and my body done...

  If the Lord don't forgive me

 I'd still have my baby

  And my babe would have me
 When I was kissin' on my baby

And she put her love down soft and sweet

  In the low lamp light I was free

 Heaven and hell were words to me...
When my time comes around

   Lay me gently in the cold dark earth

  No grave can hold my body down

  I'll crawl home to her

  When my time comes around

   Lay me gently in the cold dark earth

  No grave can hold my body down

  I'll crawl home to her

 [DAY 25]

Giles: "Early bird catches the worm, eh?"

Tamela: "OH! ...It's just you. Hey Giles. What are you doing here?"

Giles: "Bathroom downstairs is closed. And I could be asking you the same question."

Tamela: "Just heading back to my room, had to visit the little lady's room. I should stop drinking before bed, fill's the bladder right up!"

Giles: "That's Paul's room. OLD room, anyway..."
Tamela: "Is it?"
Giles: "Uh-huh."

Tamela: "Well I'll be! Silly me. I'm on the wrong floor!"

Giles: "Funny how that happens, ain't it?"

Tamela: "Oh, absolutely. I can be such a goof sometimes!"

Giles: "I hadn't noticed."

Tamela: "...Well, I got an elevator to catch. See you at the mission today?"

Giles: "Sure, but my door is always open if you want to visit and have a chat before then.... Y'know, just in case you can't wait that long before seeing me again."

Tamela: "It's too early in the morning for flirting, Giles."

Giles: "Who says I was flirting?"

Tamela: "Please."

Giles: "Please and thank you?"

Tamela: "Desperation does not suit you, my friend. You're better when you play hard to get."

Giles: "Like you?"

Tamela: "Goodbye, Giles."

Wil: "Ah fuck, not again!"

Kaitlin: "What's that?"

Wil: "Oh, nothing. My chair locks up and gets stuck sometimes. A minor inconvenience, as I'm sure you can imagine."

Kaitlin: "Minor? Seems more like a major inconvenience to me. If you didn't have the ability to stand and shuffle like a penguin, you'd be screwed."

Wil: "You're not one for sugarcoating things, are you?"
*Kaitlin shakes her head as she sips her coffee*
Wil: "Haha."

Kaitlin: "Say, why do you keep that ugly old thing around anyway? Surely you could upgrade to something a bit more efficient?"

Wil: "Eh. It does its job."

Kaitlin: "Does it though?"
Wil: "Sure..... most of the time."
Kaitlin: "Why not get one that does its job ALL of the time...?"
Wil: "Do you have ANY idea how expensive modern wheelchairs are!?"

Kaitlin: "I do not, no."

Wil: "Exactly my point: You don't know what you're talking about."

Kaitlin: "Okaaay...? Sorry I asked, then."
Wil: "Crap. I'm sorry... I just miss Maya is all. I haven't been feeling like myself lately..."
Kaitlin: "Join the club."

Wil: "And besides...... It's only temporary."

Kaitlin: "Temporary?? You saving up for an expensive one?"

Wil: "Well, no..."

Kaitlin: "I don't understand. I thought your condition was permanent?"

Wil: "Ahahaha, don't be silly!"
Kaitlin: "Come again?"

Wil: "Nothing in this world is permanent, change is the only constant, right?"

Kaitlin: "Wil..."

Wil: "What?"

Kaitlin: "I can't help but feel you're not being totally honest with yourself."

Wil: "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Kaitlin: "If your current situation... AKA your wheelchair... is your future, why not accept it? You're only going to make it worse if you cling onto a false hope."
Wil: "Stop!"
Kaitlin: "Huh?" 

Wil: "Just stop talking!!"

Kaitlin: "Excuse me!?"

Wil: "Don't you get it??"

Wil: "This cheap, crappy, ugly wheelchair is the only form of hope I have left! I keep it around because I want to continue believing there will be a day when I can finally rid myself of it."

Wil: "If I accept a new wheelchair…"

Wil: "I accept that I will never be able to walk or run again."

*silence ensues*

Wil: "I know this sounds so petty and cliche, but I NEVER expected to wind up in a wheelchair."

Wil: "I'm not saying being disabled is the worst fate in the world; many people adapt to the lifestyle just fine. But me? I was supposed to be a STAR. I was the LAST person who should have been dealt this terrible fate. I could have amounted to so much, I had so much fucking potential... I had a football scholarship, free ride all the way through, a hot girlfriend, tons of friends, and after the crash.... I had nothing. Nothing. I lost literally everything."

Wil: "And when I FINALLY grab hold of something new and promising, someone I care about and who actually care's for me back... I manage to fuck up and lose her, too."

Kaitlin: "I feel for you, I really do, but it's not like Maya DIED."

Wil: "I know, I know... But still. I can't help but feel I let her down."

Kaitlin: "Understandable, I suppose... And I'm sorry I was insensitive about your wheelchair, I didn't know..."
Wil: "How could you? Ha... Look at you apologizing to me when I should be the one apologizing to you!"

Kaitlin: "That's nonsense! You're not the one who threw a soda can at the other person..."
*Kaitlin pretends to inconspicuously sip on her coffee*

Wil: "Hahaha! Good to know you haven't forgotten that little incident from the Exam mission. But I suppose none of that would've happened if I had just asked nicely for it."

Kaitlin: "Even then, I once shut you down when you were just trying to get to know me better, when we were watching that Parry Hotter movie with Zelinda."

Wil: "Nah, it's rude to talk during a movie anyway..... And I believe it's called Harry Potter."

Kaitlin: "No, it's rude to shut people down who are only trying to be nice. Furthermore, I was completely in the wrong a few days ago when I accused you of trying to compare our lives. I said some very hurtful things, and I hope you know that I genuinely regret them. You did not deserve any of that. I am still so embarrassed it happened, but I cannot help myself sometimes! My anger can get the best of me at the worst of times, probably a good thing I ditched the military..."

Wil: "Haha, well, apology accepted! I'm glad we're finally having this talk, it's been a long time coming. I can't help but feel we've had this invisible barrier between us, but I'm happy to knock it down."

Kaitlin: "Yes, of course. I wasn't joking the other night when I said I wanted a clean slate with everyone, especially you. We've had a rocky history together, but who knows, perhaps we can work together moving forward? I didn't initially suspect my closest ally, Tamela, of being a Spy, but the longer she stays in this game, the more and more I believe she COULD be the Mole."

Wil: "Well, I lost my ally in Maya, so I basically have no one to talk game with. Giles is great and all, but he's not as into the game as he should be. So I'm totally down to have another ear to bounce my ideas off of. Of course, you're not completely off my radar just like that, you're still a  top suspect of mine."

Kaitlin: "Good, because you're not off my list of suspects either! Either way you flip it, having a pact can prove beneficial, even this far into the game. It's important not to miss a SINGLE detail, and I have a feeling this next mission will be crucial. I NEED that final exemption, so we should work together so one of us can get it. Deal?"

Wil: "Absolutely! You have a deal."

 Kaitlin: "Under ONE condition..."
Wil: "I'm listening."

Kaitlin: "Tamela cannot earn the exemption under any circumstance. She earned the last one, and she's the biggest competition I have. Admittedly, I'm not sure if I can beat her at the end, so if it comes down to it... Do whatever it takes to ensure she doesn't get it, even if that means betraying me."

Wil: "Alright. Is that all?"

Kaitlin: "Yes, that is all."

Wil: "Then let's do this thang!"

V: "Hello, Agents."

V: "For this mission, the 4 of you will play 3 rounds of One Night Revolution, a version of One Night Ultimate Werewolf."

V: "The only twist? You will NOT be communicating verbally. Instead, you will be playing through a game server and typing messages to each other. All season long, you've been gathering information about your fellow Agents, attempting to figure out their 'tell', so to speak. But now, we have stripped you of your ability to be able to tell when someone is lying through verbal and physical cues. 
Instead, you'll have to distinguish between those you trust and those you distrust by written words alone, mimicking the rise of technological communication in the modern era. It's no easy task, but it's a task thousands of workers for the FBI, CIA, MI6, and the UN must do each and every day, weeding out the innocent from the suspicious through online activity only. 
Field Agents are certainly important for clandestine operations, but the guys behind the screen are the real miracle-workers. Now is your chance to role-play as one."

V: "The rest of the instructions that you'll need are on the computers. I should remind you that the Mole has the ability to hack their computer and gain secret information about the mission at hand. You should also know that whoever has the best score at the end of the mission will be the proud owner of the FINAL Exemption of the season."

V: "This mission in total is worth $210. Good luck, Agents."

* * * * *


[Round 1]
Kaitlin was the Informant. She ABSTAINED from voting.
Wil was the Robber, and robbed Giles' identity. He ABSTAINED. 
Giles was the Vanilla Rebel. He voted KAITLIN.
Tamela was the Seer, and investigated Wil. She voted KAITLIN.
(The Rebel Fighters win: +$70 for the Group Pot)

[Round 2]
Giles was the Seer, and investigated Tamela. He voted TAMELA.
Kaitlin was a Vanilla Rebel. She voted WIL.
Tamela was the Informant. She voted KAITLIN.
Wil was a Vanilla Rebel. He voted TAMELA.
(The Rebel Fighters win: +$70 for the Group Pot)

[Round 3]
Kaitlin was the Robber, and robbed Giles' identity. She voted WIL.
Wil is the Troublemaker, and switched Giles & Kaitlin. He voted GILES.
 Giles was the Informant. He voted WIL.
Tamela was the Vanilla Rebel. She voted GILES.
(The Rebel Fighters win: +$70 for the Group Pot)


GROUP POT: $1000

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