Saturday, November 18, 2017


 [DAY 20]

Taxi Driver: "-and he was a very short man, my ex. I've always had a thing for short guys...
They are EXCEPTIONALLY cuter, me thinks."

Maya: "Well, you know... Pacco here is a short man!"
Taxi Driver: "Hmmm...? Is he now?!"

~ ~ ~

Taxi Driver: "Welp, this is your stop! If you ever get lonely honey, leave a light on for me at midnight and I'll be sure to stop by... Hope to see you again, Mr. Pacco The Taco!"  ;-)

Maya: ".....WOW."
Pacco: "..."

Maya: "Wow wow wow.... That was absolutely hilarious!! Pacco, why didn't you get on that?!"
Pacco: "'Twas not meant to be."
Maya: "Of course it was! Unless she wasn't your type?"
Pacco: "Nawh, she was fine."
Maya: "Then what's up?"

Pacco: "...It doesn't matter. Let's catch up with the others."

Paul: "Where the hell are we?"
Giles: "Did you just say 'hell' as a swear word?!?
HALLELUJAH! Everyone, our efforts to dirty-up his mind from the brainwashing is FINALLY paying off!!"
Paul: "Why do people keep telling me I'm brainwashed...."

Kaitlin: "Well this clearly isn't our place."
Tamela: "It sure ain't."
Wil: "Let's go inside and see what's up."

~ ~ ~

Tamela: "You guys don't think this could be another mission, do you?"

Kaitlin: "It better not be. I need to take a shower!"
Giles: "Hm.... A mission in a hotel? So many possibilities... You know, I've always wanted to have a paintball gun fight in a hotel! Maybe they're setting us up for some kind of bonus mission?"

Pacco: "While a bonus mission is possible, it's more likely they've relocated us to a new living area. For example, last season after the merge they had them stay at a house on a lake rather than going back to one of the beaches."

Wil: "So you think this is like our new HQ? AWESOME-SAUCE!!"

???: "Indeed, you could call it that."

Maya: "Huh? What did you say Kaitlin?"
Kaitlin: "I didn't say anything."
Giles: "That sounded like--"

V: "Welcome to your new living quarters, Agents!"

Maya: "V! You're alive! Glad to see that my wrench didn't actually kill you... hehe... And I also see you're still rocking those sunglasses, eh?"
Tamela (whispering to Paul): "You think she sleeps with them too?"
*Paul snorts*

V: "They say your eyes are the window to your soul, well… I do not need anyone taking a peek at my soul today, thank you very much. Any other questions?"

Maya: "Nope, I'm good..."

V: "Anyway: Unfortunately, your new 'home' wasn't chosen under the best circumstances; we lost our lease on the Penthouse... It's a long story.
But that's the bad news. The WORSE news is that New York being New York, there wasn't much else available, especially under such short notice."

V: "So, for the time being, and perhaps permanently, you will be residing in this here hotel."

 Paul: "Doesn't look too shabby."

Giles: "I've seen better, but I've also seen worse, so... I'll take it!"

V: "I do suppose that the silver lining here is you finally all get your own room, which is perfect considering we have entered the most competitive part of the show. It is an INDIVIDUAL game, now more than ever, as you all race each other to the finale.
As a reminder, there are only 3 seats at the end, so 4 of you will be eliminated in the next 10 days."

V: "On the counter are the keys to the seven rooms. I'll leave you to it to sort out your own sleeping arrangements. The rooms are scattered a bit, but I'm sure you can figure it out.
I will be seeing you all tomorrow night for your next Execution Ceremony.... Until then, enjoy your stay at the Hilton!!"

* * * * *

Wil: "I call a ground-floor room! I don't want to bother with an elevator."
Maya: "Then I call being your neighbor!"

Wil: "Sweet, you can be my classic 'girl next door'."
Maya: "Hehe, and you'll be my 'boy next door'." ;-)
Wil: "Ooh this place has a pool too, how fancy. Try not to drown again, mkay Maya?"

Maya: "Hey! I was the one who was trying to drown YOU!"
 Giles: "Wait, there's a pool?! Alright, it's officially official, I'm taking the last room down here!!"

Paul: "I thought we were going to share a floor...."

Giles: "I get room A3 then? Let's hope that means I get A3-SOME, eh? Eh?? ...Really? You guys are just ignoring me now? Gosh, I fucking HATE couples...."

Kaitlin: "Did you want the suite on the top floor Pacco?"
 Pacco: "I don't care."
Tamela: "You can have it if you want, we don't mind at all."
Pacco: "It does not matter to me."

Tamela: "Well, it should! I heard it has a nice view."

Pacco: "Just because I'm dying doesn't mean you need to be extra nice to me, you know."

Tamela: "Pacco, that's not what we're trying to--"

Pacco: "Don't. I knew this would happen once you all found out about my cancer. I don't want or need any special treatment, alright? One of you lucky ladies can have it instead."

 Paul: "Oh, heya neighbor! Wanna go upstairs and grab a bite to eat?"

Pacco: "Sorry, I got a headache and need to lie down."

 Paul: "His condition must be getting worse... I'll pray for you, Brother Pacco."

Tamela: "The view isn't as good as the penthouse, but still better than a prison..."
Kaitlin: "No kidding. Wait--are you finally admitting you were in prison?"
Tamela: "Say what? The prison thing was just a bad dream is all."
Kaitlin: "You sure?"
Tamela: ""

Kaitlin: "You really seem to have trouble remembering things, you know that?"
Tamela: "I suppose.... Something's off, I know that much. I'm working on getting the answers I need though. I'm not a hacker nor a journalist for nothing! Here's to hoping this hotel has free wi-fi... I obviously didn't bring my credit card. In fact I don't remember the last time I had my purse..."

Kaitlin: "Hey! C8. Isn't this one of ours?"
Tamela: "Oh yeah, you're right. I'll take C6 then?"

Kaitlin: "Sure thing. Catch up with you later?"

 Tamela: "Of course! I'm glad we're back to normal now. We have a LOT to catch up on..."
Kaitlin: "Like, personally or game-wise?"
Tamela: "Er... both!"

Tamela: "Ahhh... Beautiful!"

Kaitlin: "Finally... Complete privacy!"
Jan the Camerawoman: "I'm still here..."
Kaitlin: "For now, yes."
Jan the Camerawoman: "...What's that supposed to mean?"
Kaitlin: "It means if you don't leave right now I'm throwing you off the balcony."
Jan the Camerawoman: "ONTO THE NEXT PERSON!"

Wil: "My own room... Finally!"

Wil: "Aye, lookin' pretty good!!"

Maya: "This room looks as red as my hair!"

Maya: "NOICE."

Giles: "What a coincidence! It's my ship away from ship!!"

Paul: "Ahhh... Peace and quiet. I do like my solitude."

*Pacco sighs heavily*

Paul: "Who is it?"

Giles: "The hooker you hired-- Who do you think??"

Paul: "What, you think you're so special that you are the only friend I have?"
Giles: "Just open up already Benjamin Button!"
Paul: "Who's that?"

Giles: "You really don't know anything about pop culture, do you? He's a character from a film who aged backwards, and I gotta say, after shaving off that scruff of yours, you're reminding me more and more of Brad Pitt by the hour! Mhmmm Mr. Pitt...."

 Giles: "...Although clean-shaven Paul only reminds me of how recently you were underage, and how close I was to becoming a pedophile.... Oh well! You only live once, right?" ;-}

 Paul: "..."
Giles: "What?! It's a joke dude!"
Paul: "Well, you're not funny."
Giles: "It's my JOB to be funny!"
Paul: "Perhaps you better start looking for another career, then."

 Giles: "Okaaay...? What's up with you?"

 Paul: "Nothing's up with me. What's up with YOU?"

Giles: "Are we seriously going to have our first fight through a door?"
Paul: "THAT. That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about!"
Giles: "I'm so lost.What did I do?"

Paul: "UGH!! Why do I even bother with you!?"

Giles: "Wait, hold up now!"

Giles: "Stop acting like a woman already and tell me what's wrong!"

Paul: "Fine. The truth is I don't know what you want. You act interested, but then you go off and say something or do something that makes me think otherwise."

Giles: "Oh, well, thanks for being straight-up with me. But I like you, so I still don't exactly see the problem here."

Paul: "That's just it... I'm NOT straight."

 Giles: "No shit Sherlock. I think our kiss has already established THAT much."
Paul: "You don't understand. I am not gay either."

Giles: "Then what the fuck are you? A Bicorn like me?"

Paul: "Huh?"

Giles: "It's a play off the word 'unicorn', combining 'bisexual' with-- oh never mind, what are you trying to tell me? You're an Acorn? Oh god, you're an Acorn, aren't you?"
Paul: "Now I'M officially lost."

Giles: "Acorn as in: Asexual. So, are you? WAIT, no, we have too much sexual tension between us, you can't possibly be an Acorn... DEMICORN! Yes! I solved it!!"

Paul: "No no no, I'm none of those.... 'corns', other than perhaps.... Absticorn."

Giles: "Oh... Is that a new species?"
Paul: "I practice abstinence, Brother Giles. I have no interest in pleasuring myself in such deplorable and immoral ways, especially those in which involve another member of the same sex as myself."

Giles: "Seriously!? When are you going to let this bullshit religious stuff go?"

Paul: "Excuse me??"

Giles: "Why do I even bother with YOU?! Have you ever considered that?"

Paul: "I have, and it seems you do not respect me or my religion, so--"

Giles: "Of course I respect you, dude! But I only respect YOU. I'm under no obligation to respect a belief that I do not personally adhere to. And I'm really fucking tired of trying with you when you simply won't listen to anyone or anything other than your stupid fucking religion."

Paul: "..."

Giles: "I've already dated someone once who was ashamed to be with me..."

Giles: "...and I vowed to never revisit that kind of toxic relationship again, so you'll have to forgive me, 'Brother' Paul, for being such an ass, but you've really left me no other choice."

Giles: "I'm outta here, ya big 'ole Jesus freak."
Paul: "GOOD! Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!"

*Giles slams the door shut*
Paul: "Grrr!!"

*Tamela hears a toilet flush behind her*

Tamela: "Oh! Heya Maya, didn't know you were in here too."

Maya: "I figured it was you or Kaitlin brushing your teeth in here when I heard Jan barge through the door with her camera."
Tamela: "Ha, true. We signed away all sense of privacy with that contract they forced us to sign."
Maya: "Weren't we blindfolded for part of that??"

Tamela: "Actually... I think you might be right! I distinctly remember someone telling me to walk here... sit there... sign this--"
Jan the Camerawoman: "Discussing Production is STRICTLY forbidden!!"
Tamela: "Yeah, whatever... Not that I remember much of that first day anyhow."

Maya: "Glad you brought it up yourself, because Wil and I keep wondering what was up with you that first day. We thought maybe Kaitlin would know, but we didn't want to ask her behind your back, plus... it's Kaitlin. She's not exactly a fan of Wil nor I."
Tamela: "She USED to be a fan of you guys, but now she's an air conditioner."
Maya: "...Wut."

Tamela: "Sorry, silly joke. I'm just trying to avoid your question because it costs too much energy to think about this late at night... But I don't blame you for wondering."

Maya: "Then I apologize for being so direct. You don't owe me an explanation, it's fine, I will drop it."
Tamela: "No, it's going to get out one way or another, and if I let you wonder about it on your own you'll come up with an even crazier theory, like..... for instance: I have a serious drug or alcohol addiction or something, haha!"
Maya: "...Oh."
Tamela: "Oh what?"

Maya: "That's not it? I assumed you had a drug addiction... And then Wil thought you were the drug DEALER, which he thought explained why you were in prison. I told him he was stupid. He agreed with that."
Tamela: "My god! Is that what you people all think of me?! That I'm some drug-crazed woman!?!"
Maya: "Uhhh... Sorry to break it to you, but.... yes."
Tamela: "Jesus. Perhaps I should've just been upfront with everybody to begin with..."

Maya: "Welp, I'm all ears now!"
Tamela: "Ha, if only I was all mouth--"
*she spits into the sink*
"--literally AND figuratively, I should add. I actually do not know what has been going on with me, so I don't really have much to tell you..."

Maya: "You have to at least know why you were scared that first day? I just remember you being EXTREMELY jumpy, not trusting a single soul, paranoid of everything around you... Not unlike Kaitlin, actually! Hehe. Sorry."
Tamela: "No, you're fine. And you are right: I remember being terrified. It was only a day before this game started-- or perhaps a week... Or.... uh.... well, that's not important: I was staying at my father's house back in New Jersey, waiting to hear if I made the cut to be on Season 3. One night I went to bed, and when I woke up.........."

Maya: "...Yes?"
Tamela: "...Oh. Right. Erm.... Where was I? When I woke up, I was sitting....... no, running... No, that's not right. I was actually DRIVING...... Nope, wait, I think I'm getting mixed up again.... I was, uh.... Walking into a building-- the PENTHOUSE building, believe it or not-- when these two men blindfolded me. I went up the elevator kicking and screaming, fully thinking I was being kidnapped. One man whispered something in my ear, telling me his name was Joe... For some reason that was INCREDIBLY reassuring so I stopped freaking out. They told me a few things about what was going on, that I made it onto Season 6--which still doesn't make much sense to me-- and how our host would soon arrive and I should just sit and wait, and well... the rest you know."
Maya: "..."
Tamela: "What?"

Maya: "It's just.... You don't make much sense. Things you have said don't add up, like you're forgetting important details. Reminds me a bit of my grandfather, actually. Do you suffer from dementia of some sort?"

Tamela: "What? DEMENTIA?! Of course not! I mean... I'm too young... aren't I?"
Maya: "I'm no expert by any means of the word, but you have obvious symptoms of memory loss. Perhaps you have a mild form of amnesia?"
Tamela: "I highly doubt that."
Maya: "Then... what are the pills for?"
Tamela: "How do you know about that!?"
Maya: "Word spreads like wildfire around here."
Tamela: "Oh, I see."

Maya: "...You didn't answer the question."
Tamela: "Huh?"
Maya: "The pills you were taking... What were they for?"
Tamela: "I, uhm... don't actually know..."
Maya: "What was that?"
Tamela: "Sorry."
*she spits into the sink again*

Tamela: "I don't actually know why I was taking them; just out of habit, I suppose. I think they were.... for my depression? That sounds right."
Maya: "So let me get this straight: you don't remember how you got here, you've been taking a bottle of mysterious pills you don't know the purpose of for weeks, and when they ran out a week ago Production REFUSED to refill it for you.... Is that all correct?"
Tamela: "Er, yes...?"

Maya: "Jesus, woman. Did it EVER occur to you that maybe, just maybe the PILLS were the cause of your memory loss...?"
Tamela: "I-I of course--! That was obviously s-something I.... that I.... ahem.... I mean.... Actually... Now that I think about it.... I don't THINK I've considered that yet...."

Maya: "Okay. Good. So I think your next step is contacting Production and asking why they allowed you to have them to begin with."
Tamela: "Good call. IF they were bad for me, then why allow me to continue taking them?"
Maya: "Exactly. I have strong faith they know what they're doing; which is more than I can say about the Trump administration, that's for sure!"

Tamela: "Trump Administration?"

Maya: "Yes... That's what I said. I know, I know, politics are taboo on reality shows, but fuck it."
Tamela: "Politics? I hope you're not talking about DONALD Trump, because the thought of him being a politician just reeks of disaster!! Dave Byrd being in politics is already a disaster enough as it is, buahahahaha!!"
Maya: "Erm, Tamela?"
Tamela: "Uh-huh?"

Maya: "I never thought I'd be able to ask this question in an actual serious context, but...
Who is currently the President of the United States?"

Tamela: "Is this a trick question? Obama, of course."
Maya: "And the year is..."
Tamela: "2013. Why?"

Maya: "Holy shit... Holy sweet Mary mother of fuck! Fucking FUCKNUGGETS!!!"

Tamela: "I think you may have just broken a commandment somewhere in there..."

Maya: "Okay, okay, okay. Calm down, Valentina."

Tamela: "What's wrong? Why are you going pale? And who the hell is Valentina?!?"

Maya: "I-I think... I'm going to go get someone. Yes. Tamela.... y-you st-stay right h-here, mmmkay? Okay. DON'T MOVE!"
Tamela: "..."

 [DAY 21]

Wil: "Sup guys! Good morning. Ooh, how's the continental breakfast?"
Kaitlin: "Mangwanani akanaka. And it is good."

Giles: "You two are pretty tardy... You weren't doing the nasty, were you?"

Maya: "Ha! You wish. I'm just a late riser and Wil was kind enough to wait for me. Get your mind out of the gutter already, Kenneth."
Wil: "Hehe..."

Giles: "Hey! Let's not forget how dirty your mind was the other day during that clue mission. Some of the stuff ya'll said was SHOCKING."

Kaitlin: "Too soon... I lost my dear friend Mrs. Peacock to a great big shock."
Giles: "Wait. Speaking of Tamela, where is she?"
 Kaitlin: "Don't look at me. I don't know her whereabouts 24/7."

 Maya: "Uhm, so, long story guys. But let's just say last night she found out that Donald Trump is the President, annnd it didn't go over well."

Giles: "Who in the WORLD doesn't know that?!"
Maya: "You'd be surprised..."

Giles: "True. Some people are incredibly ignorant..."

 Maya: "Did something happen?"

Kaitlin: "They got in an argument last night."
Giles: "Yup."
Wil: "About what?"
Giles: "It doesn't matter..."

Maya: "And what of Pacco? Why is he sitting by himself?"

Giles: "Hard to say. He's been acting pretty weird since we got here, but, what's new? The guy has a split personality."

 Kaitlin: "YES! Finally, SOMEONE said it... I didn't want to be the one, especially after finding out about his cancer."

Maya (whispering): "Split personality?! I was starting to think he might be, you know... Transgender."

Giles: "No, his quirks aren't just a matter of feminine versus masculine, it's... more than that."
Kaitlin: "It's everything under the sun. Temperament, taste, hobbies, style, interests... ACCENT even. It's very strange."

Maya: "So you guys are SERIOUSLY suggesting he has D.I.D.??"

Kaitlin: "You got a better explanation?"

Giles: "I'm just gonna go talk to him. I feel bad."
Kaitlin: "You're not going to talk to your boyfriend?"
Giles: "Pardon?"
Kaitlin: "Nothing..."
Giles: "Hm... You sure are an observant one, aren't you?"

Kaitlin: "I'm not sure what you mean."
Giles: "You know exactly what I mean. Don't play dumb."
Kaitlin: "I'll 'play' however I want, thank you very much."
Giles: "Welp, it's HIS secret, not mine, so do with it what you will."
Kaitlin: "No wonder why he doesn't trust you..."
Giles: "And what's THAT supposed to mean, 'Oh Great Wise One'??"

Wil: "Why is everyone in such a negative mood today? We were all so excited coming here yesterday. I think we need to lighten the mood somehow, but how?"

Maya: "We could build a fort and have a nap party?"

Wil: "Adorable, but no."

Kaitlin: "Don't look at me. I hate your version of 'fun'."
Wil: "Wait... I have it!"
Maya: "Please don't be sports, please don't be sports..."

Wil: "How about doing the thing the cast does every season?! The Song & Dance??"

Maya: "Oh fuck, you're right! I completely forgot about that!! I'd hate to be the cast that kills that tradition, so count me in!"

Kaitlin: "Sounds repulsive. They actually do that every season?"

Wil: "It's more fun than it sounds, trust me."

Kaitlin: "Right. Because believing someone who says 'trust me' is the smart thing to do."

Wil: "I FEEL like I'm losing you..."

Giles: "Hey. How goes it?"
Pacco: "Fantastic. Just trying to enjoy my breakfast privately..."
Giles: "Oh. So you want company?"
Pacco: "That's the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I just said."
Giles: "Perfect! And, lucky for us, this seat is unoccupied!"

Pacco: "..."

Wil: "Look, we're not FORCING you to be part of it, but if the season 2 cast managed to get BRIANNE of all people to participate, then surely you can too."
Kaitlin: "I've never watched the show, so I don't know who that is."
Wil: "PERHAPS you should've spent more time with Pacco the superfan instead of by yourself..."
 Kaitlin: "..."

Wil: "...Sorry. I didn't mean that. Apparently the negativity is contagious."

Maya: "Hey! I'm a superfan too, you know!"

Wil: "OH, right! I keep forgetting about you!"

Maya: "Hey..."

Wil: "What?! I'm kidding! Hehehe."

Kaitlin: "Well, anyway, I appreciate the olive branch Wil, but I'll pass."

Wil: "Oh, come on, Kaitlin! When's the last time you allowed yourself to have real, genuine fun?"

Kaitlin: "I have plenty of fun on my own, thanks."

Wil: "Stop trying to deceive yourself. You and I both know that's not true."

Kaitlin: "Excuse me? I hate to break it to you, but you barely know me. We've known each other for what, 3 weeks? What makes you think you know anything about my life and what I've gone through?"

Wil: "...You REALLY want to go there? I'm down to get all deep and serious and stuff if you are."

Kaitlin: "Not really, buuut... Looks like I don't have a choice now, do I?"

Wil: "I've been in the slumps ever since my accident... Life the past year has not exactly been roses and peaches. But it wasn't until I got onto this show, and met all you people that I felt like I was starting to find my inner kid again. Playing all the missions, getting to travel the world, being apart of a television show in general... It's so incredible!"

Wil: " I feel like for the first time in a long time I've finally been able to peel away at my depression and let myself ENJOY life and actually have fun, rather than wallowing in self-pity."
Kaitlin: "Good for you Wil, that's great to hear. Now if you'll just excuse me--"
Wil: "SO to say I don't know what you're going through is really not accurate. I know EXACTLY what you're going through, I was just like you not even a month ago. When you're depressed, it's impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But really, all you need in life is to find that special someone who will help you see the way....."

Maya: "Awww, Wil, you're too sweet." ^.^

Kaitlin: "Hold up. So you're saying you were just like me a month ago?"
Wil: "Yeah, sure."
Kaitlin: "So you were also living on the streets, completely homeless?"

Wil: "Well, no--"

Kaitlin: "And you also watched your parents burn alive at the age of 10??"

Wil: "Of course not--"

Kaitlin: "And you ALSO grew up in an orphanage, losing more and more hope each time a new family rejected you?!"

Wil: "Kaitlin--"

Kaitlin: "AND you're sitting there telling me right now that you ALSO were MOLESTED as a CHILD?!?"

*Wil goes silent*

Kaitlin: "Exactly. So STOP trying to compare our circumstances."

Wil: "I....I'm sorry, Kaitlin. I didn't mean to offend you. I had no idea..."

Kaitlin: "Boohoo, Wil. You're slightly paralyzed waist down. Get over it already! I personally know war veterans who have lost entire LIMBS because they risked their lives protecting their country!
And you? You were nothing more than a selfish and spoiled BRAT who endangered the lives of others, and for what?! Because you were trying to impress your buddies? Because mommy and daddy bought you a car before you were actually responsible enough?? Because someone was drinking a bit behind the wheel?!? Which is it, then??"

Wil: "..."

Kaitlin: "Thank you for proving my point. You don't have an excuse, other than that you were reckless and dumb."

Kaitlin: "Sorry if I sounded harsh... but you should probably know what you're talking about before you go comparing people's lives next time."

Maya: "...Damn. What a cunt."
Wil: "Ha. Sadly however... She has a point."
Maya: "Wil..."

Wil: "Don't. It's fine, really. I deserved that."

Maya: "You deserved to get shitted on!? I don't think so, Wil. What you deserve is the same respect and compassion that you give everyone else around you. All you wanted to do was include her in the song & dance, how does that qualify you for getting verbally abused? I say we sing our hearts out and dance the shit outta this place, see how that makes her feel. What do you say??"
Wil: "I dunno... I think it'd be best if we just studied for the Ranking tonight instead..."
Maya: "Wilson..."

Giles: "So that's your grand solution?!? To just destroy your relationship with anyone you've ever known?!"
Maya: "Hmmm....?"

Pacco: "I don't expect you to understand..."

Giles: "Then make me."

Pacco: "Imagine being told you have less than a year to live... Sure, a year is a long time. So you might continue cherishing the existing relationships you have with your friends and family. But forming new ones? What's the point? What is the point in wasting everyone's time?"

Giles: "I'm dying too you know... I mean, we ALL are, but slower. It's not like any of us are immortal. So theoretically aren't we ALL wasting each other's time...?"

Pacco: "True, but you still have DECADES ahead of you, whereas I have.... mere weeks."

Giles: "So why not make the most out of your last few weeks and find a lovely lady to hold you tight during your last minutes on Earth? Why not enjoy your time here and party with us, have a few drinks, laugh, have a good time??"
Pacco: "You still don't get it."
Giles: "What don't I get?"

Pacco: "I.... I don’t want anyone to miss me when I’m gone...”

Pacco: "I'm sorry. I need to go rest. Big night tonight and all... you understand."


V: "Good evening, Agents. Please have a seat."

V: "No exemptions were earned this round, and thus, everyone is eligible to be eliminated; including a Spy, who, let me remind you: can be assassinated at ANY moment..."

 V: "The Agent who performed the poorest on the Ranking will soon be Executed... But let's narrow it down a bit, because why not change things up?
*Wil, Paul, Pacco, and Giles sigh in relief*

V: "That means Maya, Tamela, and Kaitlin: one of you is about to leave us, and that unlucky woman is in fact...."

















































 V: "MAYA."
Wil: "WAIT, no, Valentina! I-I’ll win this for the both of us, I swear. Trust me, in the end, we can still"

???: "Augh!"

V:"Pacco Khuvizayaa, RED SPY, has been ASSASSINATED!"


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