Tuesday, October 24, 2017


V: "Unbeknownst to them, the contestants are being taken on a small detour to New England before returning to New York City."

V: "This secluded mansion, affectionately known as the Hill House, serves as the location for our next mission: 'Escape From Clue Manor'."

V: "Upon the plane's landing, each player was given an alias, then later a makeover, and was encouraged to roleplay as their character until the mission were to officially begin... 
Let's watch and listen as the evening's first guest arrives to Cluedo Mansion."


~Giles as THE BUTLER~

Giles: "May I help you with something?"

Pacco: "Oh, how embarrassing! You caught me snooping. Ah, well.... You could actually help direct me where to go?"

Giles: "Of course! Right this way, sir."

~ ~ ~

Pacco: "Where's everyone else?"
Giles: "You're as cordial as ever, Professor. You are the first guest to arrive."

Pacco: "Super! ...Oh, how marvelous-- What an exquisitely beautiful painting this is!!"

Giles: "Ah, another guest has arrived! Ms. White, have you finished cleaning?"

~Kaitlin as THE MAID~

Kaitlin: "Nearly so, Mr. Black. Only some dusting left to do."

Giles: "How dashingly beautiful you look this evening! Please, come in."


 Maya: "Where shall I put these roses that Production needlessly gave me?"
Giles: "Ms. White will take care of them for you."
Pacco: "Hey you!"
Maya: "Yes?"

Pacco: "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

Maya: "Oh, you must have seen some of my films. I suppose you’ve seen Fifty Shades of Scarlet?"
Pacco: "...I decline to comment further."
Kaitlin: "Would you like some tea, Miss Scarlet?"

Maya: "While tea is lovely do you have anything a bit stronger? This trip has been a rough one and I think we could all use a bit of livening up, don't you think?"
Kaitlin: "Oh, yes, of course..."

Maya: "Thank you darling."
Kaitlin: "Anything for you, princess..."
Maya: "What was that?"
Kaitlin: "Nothing!"

Kaitlin: "Huh? Who let you in?"

 ~Wil as Colonel Mustard~

 Wil: "I had to let myself in, since your main entryway was NOT wheelchair-friendly. I fought in Vietnam, mind you, and this is how you show your respect?!"

Kaitlin: "Oh, my sincerest apologies, Colonel! I'll let Madam M. know right away!"
*Wil grumbles* 
Kaitlin: "I can't tell if he's acting or being serious... Men." >.>

Wil: "Hm...?"

Wil: "Greetings. Did you receive an invitation from the mysterious 'MM' too?"

 ~Tamela as MRS. PEACOCK~

Tamela: "I did, yes. Now, I wasn't sure if I should come, but my husband convinced me to, as he believed it important to his political career."
Wil: "You're married to a politician? Don't tell me it's the Governor..."

Tamela: "My my, of course not! I would NEVER disrespect myself and stand in that man's presence.... Am I the only lady this evening? How peculiar."
Wil: "Hahaha! I'd hope not. That man was cancerous. And no, Miss Scarlet excused herself to the bathroom."
Pacco: "Pardon me?"

Wil: "What's that?"
Pacco: "What did you just utter about The Governor?"
Wil: "I called The Gov cancerous. Do you not agree?"

Pacco: "No. I most definitely DO NOT. Dave Byrd was many things, but I would never use that word to describe him, or anyone else for that matter."
Wil: "What? Why not?"

Pacco: "Because! It's extremely disrespectful to cancer victims to use adjectives like that! It's the equivalent of calling someone 'retarded' because they are acting in an unintelligent manner. Don't you see that?!"

Wil: "Well, yeah, I suppose I--"

Pacco: "No, just stop. Don't pretend that you understand, because you really do not."

Tamela: "Why are you acting so jossed around? What's the sudden temper about, Pacc--er, I mean.... Professor?"

Pacco: ".......What just happened?"

Pacco: "...and why are my nails polished? Eww..."

Wil: "Huh? What is going on again here? You keep having these strange episodes, Pacco."

 Pacco: "Oh no. Only SHE would ever do her nails this colour..."

Tamela: "Who?"

Pacco: "Joss. Joss Hodge. I once met her years ago... The bitch..."

 Wil: "So were you roleplaying as Professor Plum when you blew up on me earlier, or...?"

Tamela: "I... I don't think he was. Pacco, is there more here that you're not telling us? Do you know someone who was affected by cancer? A relative, maybe? A sibling? Your mother or father? Or even perhaps....."

 Pacco: "Yes. I am afraid it's true... I have brain cancer."

Tamela: "Oh my..."

Pacco: "We thought it was getting better, but then just in this last year, a series of complications a-and I f-fou-found out that-that......."
*Pacco gulps*

Pacco: ".....I found out that I'm terminal."

Wil: "I....I don't even know what to say..."

Tamela: "Right here, right now in this moment, you are going at it stronger than ever and having the time of your life playing this game with people you met just weeks ago. I'm sure I can speak for everyone here when I say all our lives have been touched by yours, and we are incredibly happy to still have you here playing with us. If you ever want or need something, all you need to do is ask, because after all, we are your family now-- your MOLE Family."

 Pacco: "Th-thank you....."

~ ~ ~

*The doorbell rings*


  ~Paul as Reverend Green~


Giles: "What are you trying to pull, Ms. White?"
Kaitlin: "Excuse me??"

Giles: "Why won't you let the boy in?"

Paul: "I'm not the best at lipreading, but did you just refer to me as 'boy'?! I am NOT a boy! I am a MAN, and a respected Reverend for Christ's sake!"
Giles: "Nonsense. You're 18 kid."
Paul: "18 and a HALF, actually!"

 Kaitlin: "He's a shady character. I know his type, and I do not trust him one bit. I won't be letting me into this household!"

Giles: "Well, if you won't, then I must."
Kaitlin: "Fine. Do as you please, Butler. But if he massacres us all... THAT'S on you."

Giles: "...What an odd thing to say."

Giles: "Good evening, good sir!"

Giles: "It's awfully cold and wet out here. I urge you to come inside and make yourself comfortable immediately!"

 Paul: "I will do just that. Thank you for sharing your warmth, Gi- I mean... Mr. Black."

Giles: "Don't mention it! Anything for a young hottie." ;-)
Paul: "Uhmmm..."
Giles: "Oh, right. Not supposed to break character. My bad ya'll!"

~ ~ ~

 Wil: "Arrrr. I'm an ol' war veteran! War vets don't drink TEA!"
Kaitlin: "Heeere we go again...."
Wil: "Bring me some rum--err. Whiskey? Hehehehe... Yes, whiskey, please!"
Kaitlin: "...I hate this character."

 Wil: "I don't think I'm doing this right. Is the accent too much?"

Maya: "Don’t quit your day job buddy.
You know, it may just be because of the character but I’m feeling like we should run off and make some orange later..." ;-)

Wil: "...Woah. It was Scarlet, with the rope, in the bedroom... Just sayin'!"
Maya: "Heehee!"

Pacco: "....."

Pacco: "I guess I shall mingle elsewhere, excuse me."

~ ~ ~

Kaitlin: "A drink for you as well, the ALWAYS endearing Mrs. Peacocky?"

 Tamela: "Hmmm...Why don't you do me a solid and drink it first, darling? I wouldn't want to be 'accidentally', you know.... poisoned."

Kaitlin: "I can if you insist..."

*The Maid takes a glass, makes it obvious she pretends to sip from it, and hands it to her*

Kaitlin: "See? It is PERFECTLY fine."

Pacco: "Don't trust her! She's faking it!" 
 Kaitlin: "Trust?? SHE'S the one that you cannot trust!"

Giles: "Woah, what hap--"
Kaitlin: "MOVE!"
Giles: "Hey!"
Tamela: "Just let her go."

 ~ ~ ~

 Maya: "Why am I so surprised that our host is one big flake? Madam M? More like Madam Missing. What do you say we all have a little fun around here?"

Wil: "Agreed... Anyone up for some billiards? I was district champion back in the day, before my time in the war of course."

Maya: "Let's take up the Colonel on his billiards offer. Get your balls in the right holes and maybe you'll score a little something extra." ;-)
Wil: "Perhaps my long cue will land me that shot??" ;-D
Maya: "Hehe we're so bad."

~ ~ ~

Kaitlin: "Your hot chocolate, Reverend."

 Paul: "Thank you my dear sister."

*Pacco sneezes*

Paul: "God bless you."

 Tamela: "Please use a handkerchief young man. No one wants your germs nor do we want to get sick."
Pacco: "Then you'll have to excuse me, I'm currently anticipating a sneezing fit."
Tamela: "How lovely."

Kaitlin: "Mrs. Peacock, I must've somehow forgotten your drink!
Oh, and don't mind Mr. Tarantula in the corner... He doesn't like uppity hacker journalists...."

Tamela: "Ha! Unfortunately for you Ms. White, arachnophobia isn't a fear of mine. Nor am I a germaphobe or chromophobe, unlike you."
Giles: "Speaking of spiders, my mother once told me to take this tarantula out instead of killing it. We went and had some drinks. Cool guy. Wants to be a web designer."

Pacco: "Wut."
Maya: "....OH! I get it! Hehehe, that almost went WOOSH right over my head! ...but yeah lame joke dude."

Wil:  "An honest gentleman knows ladies go first. Care to break Mrs. Peacock? Miss Scarlet?"

Tamela: "Ladies do not play billiards, especially not sober. I need a drink, a PROPER one that isn't contaminated by cyanide. Excuse me."

Maya: "Hmph, a lady does what she wants. I suppose I'll start."

Wil: "Go ahead my dear! Break!"

Wil: "...Hopefully tonight these will be the ONLY balls you break."

Paul: "Annnnd on THAT note, I better get going before this turns into another brothel."
Kaitlin: "Another?"
Paul: "I find it is usually best NOT to ask questions."
Kaitlin: "Yes, of course, you're religious, how could I forget."
Paul: "What's up with you tonight?"
Kaitlin: "What happened to not asking questions? Butler?"

Giles: "Hmm?"

Kaitlin: "I'm going to go check on the Madam, see what's taking her so long to get this mission going. Will you set the table in preparation for dinner? Perhaps that's when the action will start."
Giles: "Uh-huh, sure thing, after I finish this bottle of whiskey."
Kaitlin: "...men..."

Wil: "That was supposed to be MY bottle!" >_<

*Maya bends down and whispers sweet-nothings in Wil's ear*

Maya: "See you soon then, OK?"
Wil: "Yes, definitely!"

Maya: "Teeheehee!"
Wil: "Hehe..."

Giles: "Sounds to me like you might get lucky tonight!"
Wil: "I sure as fuck hope so! It's been awhile since, well.... you know."
Giles: "Yeah I get it. I can't go a week without sex. How long have you gone?"
Wil: "Er... I'd rather not say."

Giles: "That bad, eh?"

Wil: "Yeah... That's what happens when you screw up your life."
Giles: "Still works, don't it? Didn't get damaged in the crash?"
Wil: "Nope, everything's still in working order..."

Giles: "Then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. You're a good-looking guy with an even better personality. Don't sweat it. Get in there and get the job done man!"
Wil: "Hahaha... Thanks dude. Really."
Giles: "No problem... Hey."

Wil: "Yeah?"
Giles: "Don't sit here and worry too long, got it? Sometimes in life you can't think: just gotta do."
Wil: "Sound advice. But I think I just need a minute to wrap my head around it... But I promise I won't make her wait."
Giles: "Good. Congrats Wil, you scored a great one."
Wil: "You think?"

Giles: "Of course! She's smoking hot, especially with that new hair color. Damn is she fine..."
Wil: "Easy now, I'm not one to share!"
Giles: "Aww and here I was, thinking I found the perfect threesome!"
Wil: "..."
Giles: "Relax. I'm kidding."
Wil: "Sorry, I'm just nervous."

Giles: "What for? You're not a virgin, right?"
Wil: "Of course I'm not! But... Disabled Wil is."

Giles: "So what? You said yourself everything is in working order. As long as that's true, you're set."
Wil: "I suppose you're right... Thanks again, man. I appreciate it."
Giles: "You're welcome. Now if you'll excuse me... I have a table to set.... Good luck, buddy."

~ ~ ~

Pacco: "AHCHEW!!"

Pacco: "How curious! An open door... Shall I go in?"

Kaitlin: "Madam! Are you in there?! We're all awaiting your arrival!"
Tamela: "Kaitlin..."

Kaitlin: "I'm not sure who you're referring to. As you should know, I'm Ms. White, the Maid... AKA the Slave around here."

Tamela: "When are you going to talk to me again?"

Kaitlin: "Madam!! What's taking you so damn long?!"

Tamela: "This is really starting to affect my mental health, you know. I'm quicker to anger, moodier in general... I can't concentrate during missions, let alone the entirety of this game. I ALREADY can't sleep due to my nightmares, and now I'm starting to lose my appetite too. Can't you just let me apologize??"

 Kaitlin: "Fine. You have the floor."

Tamela: "Th-thank you... I'm sorry for snooping through your things. Like I said before, I was only trying to help. I'm a natural hacker, and snooping comes with hacking... for the most part. I really regret what I did, and I hope you can--"
Kaitlin: "Stop."
Tamela: "Huh?"

Kaitlin: "I'm not actually mad at you."
Tamela: "Wait... what?"
Kaitlin: "I mean... Was I annoyed you read my PRIVATE journal? Yes, of course I was. But it wasn't really THAT big of a deal to me."

 Tamela: "Okay, so... If not me, then... who?"
Kaitlin: "I wish I knew the answer to that myself..."
Tamela: "Oh shit! I was going to warn you- the oven seems really hot. Did you accidentally leave it on?"

 Kaitlin: "Oven? I never touched the oven. I'll go check."
Tamela: "Okay, we'll chat later, right?"
Kaitlin: "Sure."
Tamela: "..."

 *As Mrs. Peacock walks back to the Billiards Room, she hears footsteps inside the Conservatory*

Tamela: "Who's in there?"

Paul: "I don't trust this Monarch woman, and I ESPECIALLY don't trust this mission. Something fishy is going on...."

Maya: "I need to hurry before he comes in!"

Giles: "This only reminds me of Eva.." :-(

Wil: "Okay Wil, you got this! And lil' Willie.... You better not disappoint me tonight! ....or her for that matter... Huh? It's locked?'

*Dining Room door slams shut*
Giles: "Hmmm...?"

Maya: "Damn it! I'm so fucked... And no, not literally."

Paul: "Ah-ha! The Study! I can find some good dirt here..."

*Study's door slams shut*
Paul: "What the--!"

Tamela: "Anyone in here? Hello? Probably just Production... Or a raccoon."

Tamela: "Oh no. I locked myself out!"

*Kaitlin gasps at the loud thud behind her*

Pacco: "Oh shoot! I've been in here too long me thinks."

Pacco: "It's... locked?"

~12 minutes later~

 Pacco: "Hey! You got a fake bookcase too?"
Paul: "Nope, but close: fake fireplace."

Kaitlin: "A key!"

 Giles: "A key?"

 Giles: "Ah-hah! We escaped our rooms!!"
Kaitlin: "Gross! We almost kissed. Ew."
Giles: "Right? Missed opportunity indeed."
Kaitlin: "Grosser."

Wil: "Why is this wall so dusty?!"

Wil: "Why is it raining? ...Ah, I see. The fire sprinklers are on!"

Paul: "Is it just me, or-"
Pacco: "Having trouble breathing? I'm right there with you. I think we're losing oxygen... and fast."

Pacco: "Quick! Check the chimney to see if the passageway has been blocked!"
Paul: "It's fake, remember? Too easy of a solution, which is probably why breaking the windows is out of the question too..."
Pacco: "Alright, let's split up! You cover the Study, I'll cover the Library. Go!"

Giles: "Woah! What was that? An explosion?! What do you see??"

 Kaitlin: " It-it fl-flames... flames, on the side of my face, breathing...breathless...heathing breath--........"

Giles: "..."

 Maya: "Hello? Anyone in here?"
Tamela: "Maya!? Is that you??"
Maya: "Tamela!? Yes, it's a-me, Maya!"

 Wil: "Guys! ...Or gals!! We have a situation.... This room is flooding quickly, and I don't think we have much time before we drown. We need to find a way out of here to survive this room!!"

 Paul: "Yep, zero luck. These are airtight shut."

Pacco: "Wonder if there's any oxygen masks in here?"


 Kaitlin: "I-I-I can't m-move.... mom... dad....nooo....."

 Giles: "What are you saying?! That your.... Oh shit. Don't tell me you're an orphan because...."

Giles: "...Your parents were killed in a fire..."

Tamela: "Well, we found a bottle opener. Who wants to get drunk before we die?"

Wil: "Step 2... Find a drink... Other than water of course!"

Tamela: "No doubt. Water is NOT an option. I vote alcohol to drown our sorrows away..."

Wil: "Too soon! Hehe..."

Paul: "Hmm.... Is it just me or is it tilted by a few degrees?"

Pacco: "What is a candlestick doing inside the drawer? Ooh... there's something rattling in it!"

Tamela: "Huh? What's that drifting under the pool table.... A lead pipe? A broken one, at that..."

Wil: "OH!"


 Wil: "Shit, are you okay?? Did I run over your toe?!"

 Maya: "Yes... yes you did... But I'll survive." *winces*
Wil: "If you survive this flood first, that is!"
Maya: "True! What's in the drawer?"

Wil: "Nothing.... Oh never mind. A pair of socks!"
Maya: "Yipee! A makeshift condom!"
Wil: "Miss Scarlet, I must say! You have been VERY dirty this evening... And I positively love it." >;]

Maya: "Then we better get some friction going before this water washes away my dirtiness... We ARE, after all, back in the master bedroom.... And plus, it's always been on my bucket list to die while having sex- talk about going out in style! Drowning in pure ecstasy as the tide rises, filling our lungs with deadly water...."

Wil: "Annnd you lost me. That creepily reminds me of The Titanic..."

Maya: "Yeah, you're probably right....... Being engulfed in flames would be better."
Wil: "..."

Paul: "Pacco, you're gonna wanna hear this. A note slipped under my door, saying we had less than a minute before we suffocated to death. And in PS: 'This room was only designed with ONE person in mind'."

 Pacco: "That can only mean one thing..."
Paul: "Yes?"
Pacco: "One of us needs to die."
Paul: "Sorry, what??"
Pacco: "With two of us, we're consuming DOUBLE the amount of limited oxygen and dispelling just as much carbon dioxide. If one of us perishes... It grants the other person extra time to figure out a way to survive."
Paul: "Bu-but how do we even decide who to--"

Pacco: "Paul, your expiration date lies further away than mine.... So please, take this gift of life and use it to escape."
*Professor Plum lifts the Candlestick above his head and bashes it on his OWN skull*

Paul: "...GREAT! Works for me! Heaven, you're gonna have to wait a little while longer to receive this 'ole dog into your graces!!" 

*coughs and gasps*
"Okay... No more strenuous activity, or deep breaths for me... This is getting serious."

Maya: "Stop moving!"
Wil: “Miss Scarlet, I mustache you a question...."
Maya: "WHAT."

Wil: “Would you do me the honor of being my ketchup??”
 Maya: "Shut up and stop moving!!"
Wil: "Fine. We'll save the food foreplay for later... How's the sock fitting on the sprinkler?"

Maya: "It's not, that's the problem. We're wasting time! I'm coming back down."

Tamela: "Hey guys! I found another broken pipe!"
*chokes on water*

 Kaitlin: "I-ugh-can-can't-eugh.... breathe.... Giles, please, ge-get help...."

Giles: "Kaitlin, you're having a panic attack. You need to breathe. Breathe with me, okay? Breathe in..... then out. IN............... OUT... IN.............OUT... IN...........OUT... IN.....OUT... IN....OUT.
Can you keep doing that for me? The fire is fake, right? Production wouldn't do anything to put us in direct danger. You are fine. I am fine. Everyone and everything you know right now is OK too. Keep breathing. This will be over in just a minute, focus your thoughts on something positive, like your future."

Kaitlin: "I have no future. I didn't go to school, and I quit the military. I have no life experience."
Giles: "Okay, then think of your friends and how happy they will be to see you soon!"
Kaitlin: "I don't have any friends."
Giles: "Any pets?"
Kaitlin: "Just a goldfish. Giles, this isn't help--"

Giles: "How about your past instead? The happy times you spent with your parents!"
Kaitlin: "You mean before they died in a fire they caused themselves?"
Giles: "Er... Yes."
Kaitlin: "Didn't have any 'happy memories' with them. They were addicted to drugs and abusive."
Giles: "Fuck. Okay, think of how much fun you had your last birthday!"
Kaitlin: "Spent it alone in my apartment."

Giles: "And when you turned 18?"
Kaitlin: "I finally had freedom.... For the first time in my life I could choose what I wanted to be and where I could live, no longer trapped in an orphanage."
Giles: "Great! Now let's just capture the feeling of that and retain the essence of the freedom you felt and--"
Kaitlin: "No more than 20 months in and I was blackmailed by the major of the military himself, Mr. Haywood. I had no choice but to quit..."
Giles: "Harsh. Okay... and then?"

Kaitlin: "I was forced into homelessness, the orphanage wouldn't take me back. It was the ONE place I thought I had, the one place I could always return to when the most recent foster family rejected me, exploited me, or... sexually abused me. And so when I lost the free shelter and food  provided by the orphanage, I had finally hit rock bottom. The rockiest bottom you would ever find, filled with thoughts of just wanting to end it all and....."

Giles: "And then...?"
Kaitlin: "And then..... The Mole found me."
Giles: "You didn't apply?"
Kaitlin: "No. Not at all. I hadn't even HEARD of the show before... I was rummaging through a restaurant's dumpster just one month ago when a woman approached me. It was V...."
Giles: "V?! Our V??"
Kaitlin: "Yes. She saved me..."

Kaitlin: "V saved my life, Giles."
*Kaitlin stares off into the distance for a few moments*

 ~~~>What happens next is a stunning human accomplishment. Out of nowhere, Kaitlin springs into action and tears apart the entire dining room until she finds a ROPE shaped as a noose hidden under the table. Realizing the mission is Clue-themed, she connects the dots that the rope is vital to her survival, so she goes to search for another Cluedo weapon. She decides to investigate the kitchen, where the walls are now consumed by fire. 
She instantly spots something out of a place; a dagger handle sticking out of a holder containing spatulas and knives. She lassos the holder, spilling its contents on the floor; from there she grabs the dagger and returns to the dining room to look for a way out.
 After a few unsuccessful attempts, and as the fire worsens, Giles passes out from smoke inhalation. 

She now knows she's on her own, and at this point she surveys the room and locates something she can stab; the canvas painting of a woman.

 She crawls over to it, stabs it ferociously, and finds a fire extinguisher behind it. After breaking the glass, she grabs it, and attempts to extinguish the flames that have entered the dining room, but to no avail.
She then stops and thinks critically, her mind returning to the time after her parents were killed and when a firefighter was giving her a lesson on how to stop a house fire. 
"In order to starve the beast, you must destroy its food source"... And that's when she knew what to do: She had to go straight to where the fire was getting its fuel and stop it at its source, and with the extinguisher still in tow, she ran into the kitchen, turned off the stove, and finished extinguishing until every single flame was gone.

~KAITLIN managed to SURVIVE THE FIRE within just 38 SECONDS~

Wil: "If there's ONE thing I know about Escape Rooms, it's the multiple secret passageways. There's gotta be SOMETHING more beyond these walls.... Or maybe the ceiling?"

*Maya bangs against the walls*
Maya: "I'm not finding anything!"

*Suddenly... the water reaches the electrical ceiling lights*

Tamela: "I'm not finding anything in the fireplace eith--ZAUGHKK!!"

Maya: "AUGH!"

*Paul uses the key found in the Candlestick to open the safe*

Paul: "A REVOLVER??"

*he gasps for breath*

Paul: "I can't t-ta-KUH.... this tort-UAH... anymore......" 

Wil: "I know they're acting and all, but still, this ain't cool. Not bringing back the best flashbacks..."

 ~~~>After mourning the death of Miss Scarlet and Mrs. Peacock, Wil stops to evaluate his current situation as the waters rise higher and higher, forcing him out of his chair as it floats to the ceiling. Soon enough, there's only a foot left of air and there's only seconds to spare before the entire room is succumbed by the flood of water... Wil only has seconds to survive the room before he drowns. 
Then it clicks; both lead pipes are split in half, therefore, they're cut from the same cloth! He searches for a way to bind them together, and discovers the butterfly stickers on the wall. 

He wraps the largest sticker over the crack, and swims back to the Conservatory to see if he missed anything; surely enough, they did; they somehow failed to investigate the pool in the room! Wil dives into the bottom, and fits the LEAD PIPE back into its rightful spot. 

With the fire sprinklers still going, he searches around the room until he happens upon the curtains and finds a hard object hidden within; it is a WRENCH. With the wrench in hand, he swims to the ceiling of both the Master Bedroom and the Billiards Room and cranks the sprinklers off. The moment he does so, the flood suddenly begins to dissipate and drain into an unseen and mysterious hole.... 
~WIL managed to SURVIVE THE FLOOD within 51 SECONDS~

Wil: "Ms. White! You survived too! Hallelujah! And here I was, thinking I might be the only survivor... Wouldn't be my first time on that rodeo, considering my days back in 'Nam..."

Kaitlin: "Yes, you and I both survived... But SHE didn't..."

Wil: "Wait, is that...."

Kaitlin: "Yes, it is. It's our missing hostess! Madam Monarch. But she was never missing... She was MURDERED, in her own home!"

Wil: "That... that is horrid! But who would do this?!"

Kaitlin: "I think that's up to us--The survivors-- to figure out. I found a note in her jacket, that reads 
on the back..."

Wil: "So why don't we get the hell out of here?! We survived, didn't we? What's the hold up? Let's get out of here before this house tries to kill us again! What's next, an earthquake!?"

Kaitlin: "Already two steps... or strides...? Ahead of you. All the doors are barred shut. There's no way out!"

Wil: "So what? We're stuck here, awaiting to be the Killer's next victims? Unless.... NO. You can't be!"

Kaitlin: "What. You think I'M the murderer!? Of course not! That's absurd! I believe the killer to be one of the 'dead' guests. It can't be Paul, he shot himself in the head. Can't be Pacco either, his head is bashed in."
Wil: "And Giles? Oh gawd. Don't tell me you strangled The Butler!!"
Kaitlin: "No you sicko! I tried to save him, but he was worthless. The SMOKE got to him of all things."
Wil: "Well, on my end... Tamela still had electricity running through her veins."
Kaitlin: "And Maya?"
Wil: "She was slumped against the wall last I checked."
Kaitlin: "Sooo how was she killed?"
Wil: "I assumed the electricity got her, too."
Kaitlin: "Sounds like only Tamela got the SHOCKING death. What 2 Cluedo weapons did you have in there with you?"
Wil: "Wrench and Lead Pipe."
Kaitlin: "Was Scarlet bleeding....?"
Wil: "Yeah, Scarlet's hands, were, well... scarlety. A lot of blood."
Kaitlin: "Wait. No blood on her head?"
Wil: "Nope, why...... OH SHIT. SCARLET IS THE KILLER!"
*slow clapping is heard up the stairs*

MISS SCARLET: "Congrats, oh my goodness, CONGRATS you fools for FINALLY figuring it out!"

 Scarlet: "And for a second there, I thought I was going to get away with it scot-free! But I suppose you have caught me red-handed.... Quite literally, may I add."

Scarlet: "Meh, my motive is unimportant. But if you REALLY must know, KING Monarch is quite the catch! The Madam was in the way of our love affair, so she just HAD to go...."

Scarlet: "After excusing myself to the bathroom, I made my way to her master bedroom, where I attacked her with a wrench I found in the garage. I knew it wouldn't be long before the Maid or Butler checked up on her, so I needed a distraction! I assisted the Butler with dinner preparations, and by "assisted", I mean turning the stove on high and letting it sit, awaiting for it to explode and cause a distraction for me to hide the body!"

Scarlet: "Unfortunately, the distraction was taking longer than expected, so I thought it best to distract everyone by leading them into the billiards room in order to play a harmless game of pool! But, people got antsy quick, and started disappearing from the room one by one. I sought my opportunity to exit myself amidst the chaos, and snuck back into her room. Realizing the murder weapon still lay in plain view, I needed to hide it, or at least plant it on another person! And speaking of plants, the conservatory was just right next door, and figured the Gardener would be the PERFECT scapegoat! However, Mrs. Peacock heard my footsteps and almost caught me hiding the wrench in a potted plant! I slid through the secret passageway back into the hallway when it dawned on me that Madam's crimson blood was stained into my dress, and at that point, I knew everyone in the mansion was a witness... And thus a liability. 
And so I started locking everyone out of the main hall, so that I could buy myself enough time to hide the body and at least wash up! But it didn't take long for everyone to escape, and I was physically incapable of dragging MM's body up the stairwell, and so, I returned to the bedroom and played victim with the rest of you inferior beings. Scared I may be caught, I decided I needed to up my game! And so it became lethal... As Mrs. Peacock ventured into the billiards room, I broke the pond's pipe, hoping to drown the both of them. I smelt the smoke emitting from the kitchen, and knew my plan was beginning to properly unfold, and it wouldn't take long before the Butler and the Maid were merely smoke and ash. As for the Professor and Reverend? I thought I dispensed a poisonous gas into the venting system, turns out it was some kind of Haloalkane gas instead. NOT that it mattered to me... Either way, I wanted them dead."

Scarlet: "Somehow, you two imbeciles escaped, but do not fret, your time is--OWCH!"

Wil: "...That was hilariously unexpected! My poor, dear Ketchup!! I had to watch her die twice now!!"

Kaitlin: "...Welp. I'm not cleaning this mess up, because that is NOT mah job!"

Wil: "Quick! Grab the key!!"

Kaitlin: "Let's get out of here!!"


V: "....think YOU could have survived the night too? How about figuring out the killer? Check the link below for the 'behind-the-scenes' {AKA: Real Life} info on this mission!"


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