Sunday, August 27, 2017


 [DAY 16]

"I kinda feel double about the latest execution. One hand I'm glad that I'm another step closer to the finale, but on the other it's sad that it was Eva who left. I could really relate to her, considering our backgrounds...
With Eva gone I also pretty much feel that the group is crumbling down. I mean, we started with 12 and now we're at the final 8... Makes me wonder who'll be gone next? Giles, Tamela, even me?...
Let's not hope for the latter, I've been through losing too early, and believe me, that's no fun..."

Kaitlin: "Ah, good morning, Tam."

Tamela: "Morning..."

Kaitlin: "Is something wrong? You still experiencing those nightmares?"

 Tamela: "Yup, I am... Not all of them are bad though, some are good... But a lot of them are intensely vivid. I can't seem to shake them off.... I keep thinking about them all."

 Kaitlin: "Are they still about you being kidnapped?"

Tamela: "No, they're all different now. One is of me looking in a mirror with an orange prison suit. Another is of a cafeteria, eating along with all the inmates. I think there was a fight in the corner but I wasn't close enough to find out how it started. We got put back in our cells quickly after that incident. Once I had a dream of an older gentlemen. He wore a white coat like a doctor, I think. He just seemed so nice and warm.... Maybe he was my grandfather or--"
 Kaitlin: "Hold up, I REALLY need to pee.... And probably more than that. Sorry! Let's chat later."

*Door slams shut* 

Tamela: "....Okaaay."

Tamela: "Where is that secret book of hers?! I know it's in here somewhere...."

Tamela: "Ah! There it is. What have you been hiding from me, my dear Kaitlin?"


Tamela: "Hmmm.... It's a diary?"

"20th March 2007:
Today is my birthday and I got this journal from Mrs Elaine. She is the third foster parent I got this year. I like her! She is a very nice woman, she bought me a jacket and even a birthday cake. I really hope I don't mess up this place too...."

"23th March 2007: 
I am scared… Last night he was in my room… I hate him for what he did to me!"

Tamela: "What he DID to you....?"

Kaitlin: "Enjoying your book?"

Tamela: "GAUH!! ..... I thought you said you were pooping!?!"

Kaitlin: "I have notoriously fast poops."

Tamela: "You don't say.... Look, I was just worried and perhaps a bit curious as to--"

Kaitlin: "Save it. I don't want to hear your excuses. I expected spying from the Spies of this madhouse. But you? My only friend?! How could you invade my privacy like that?!?"

Tamela: "I'm sorry Kait, I truly am. I just want to help you is all, my intent was NOT malicious whatsoever. You've been helping me with my issues, so why can't I help you with yours?"
Kaitlin: "Who says I have any issues?"
Tamela: "I'm not blind y'know. You clearly have a strong disdain towards the men in this place for absolutely no reason.... Or so I thought. Kaitlin, were..... were you molested as a foster child?"

 Kaitlin: "....."
Tamela: "Kaitlin--"
Kaitlin: "NO TAMELA! What makes you think this is the proper place OR time to bring this up?!"

Tamela: "But--"
Kaitlin: "But NOTHING. Please, just STAY AWAY from me!!"

Maya: "How about your head? How's that feeling?"

 Pacco: "Still have a migraine of sorts, but nothing new there."

Maya: "Well, just continue to drink lots of fluids. Perhaps you've just been dehydrated or something?"
Pacco: "Perhaps...."

The Gov: "And by fluids, she means alcohol. Too bad this shitshow is run by a bunch of prohibitionists. It's really quite a pity."

Pacco: "What can we do for you today, Gov?"

The Gov: "Who says I want anything?!"

 Pacco: "The fact that you're a politician, babe."
The Gov: "EX politician." *coughs*
Pacco: "No matter."

 The Gov: "Sorry to disappoint, but my sole reason for entering this room was to check up on ya. I heard about you fainting the other day and figured I should swing by to make sure you still had a pulse! Harharhar."

Maya: "Hmmm.... Thanks for checking up on him, but really, he's fine. It's Paul I am more worried about. He's been so distant and.... moody lately. He's normally NEVER moody, he is always so upbeat and optimistic! To see him so down-and-out is really concerning."

 The Gov: "Mr. Kruger was telling people he actually overheard us 'making fun' of him during that last cult study session of his."
Maya: "Oh shit."
The Gov: "Yeah. Exactly."

 The Gov: "Pride comes before the fall, they say. I would know; been there, done that.
That kid was just so proud of his growing study group, and the fact that we all tore it away from him while simultaneously making a joke of him PROBABLY did not help much."

Maya: "God. I feel awful now."
Pacco: "Same gurl, same."

 The Gov: "....In OTHER news!!"

 Pacco: "Yeees?"

The Gov: *coughing* "I heard that the three of you have been sharing a lot of information in here, and formed a coalition?"

 Maya: "SHUT UP! Who told you that??"

Pacco: "Maya!"

Maya: "What?"

The Gov: "HA! No one told me, because YOU just did!! Harharhar!!"

Pacco: "Grrrr.... I just KNEW he had an angle coming in here!"

Maya: "Welp, congrats Gov. You tricked me and found out people are playing the game. Big whoop. And oh boy, want to know a bigger secret?! Wil and I like each other! Yeah, we're practically a showmance!
And guess what, want to know an even BIGGER secret?! My real name isn't even Maya Hansen! HA! In yo FACE, you big old dummy."

The Gov: "....Pardon?"

 Maya: "My birth name is Valentina. Maya Hansen is only an alias that the Witness Protection Program gave me after I witnessed a crime. Everything you think you know about me is completely false. I'm not a fitness trainer, I was born in South America NOT North America, and I HATE the color purple."
Pacco: "It's true, I overheard her say it all to Wil one night."

The Gov: "Hm.... Interesting.... very, VERY interesting! Now THIS is something the Bureau could most certainly use..." 
*strokes beard*

Jan the Camerawoman: "You're thinking out loud, Gov."
The Gov: "What is she talking about? No I'm not."

Jan the Camerawoman: "Yes.... you most definitely ARE."
 The Gov: "...Oh. Did you hear me mention my contact in the Bureau?"

Jan the Camerawoman: "Yes. Yes we did."
The Gov: "Oh fucknuggets.... Erm....."
*coughs loudly*

The Gov: "...As you must know, my CONTACTS are on my bedroom BUREAU! Ah yes, yes!! I should go retrieve them now, my glasses are getting a bit foggy from all this humidity, mhm." 
*coughs nervously*

Pacco: "But it is not humid at all? It's actually raining right n--"

Pacco: "He's a bad liar."
Maya: "Si."

"What's interesting this season, at least I think. I mean I had watched The Mole since season 3, and I only just caught up on the first few seasons before coming here, but I think this season has the MOST secrets yet! Everyone seems to have some sort of secret past or is hiding something, man. I mean, even I'm hiding something from everyone. Like Maya, obviously, for example, she's hiding her past and her life. But then obviously so is Kaitlin... And Tamela... And pretty much everyone. Like who knows what people are really hiding from everyone else. I could only imagine what someone like Paul could be hiding, man. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'd top the cake.
Elder Nugent and I have bonded though, surprisingly enough. He's obviously big on religion, and I come from a religious family, so I thought it best to... 'confess my sins' to him in the nicest way possible, without giving much of my past away, in order to spiritually cleanse myself. He's been more than happy to oblige and send my sorry ass to heaven and I sure as hell need the help. But I'm not only doing this to cleanse my soul, I'm also trying to get closer to finding out Paul's secrets. He HAS to be hiding something and I'm going to get close to him and find out if there is more to this angel than we think."

Wil: "Oh yeah! And back to my brother Michael, I got another story about him...."

Wil: "This time I actually STOLE from him. Fifty bucks! Fifty whole buckeroonies! He was supposed to buy pizza for us that night, but I thought my parents were giving it to him for good grades. By the time I found out what it was really for, it really was too late to confess... I couldn't just be like 'Hey everyone, I'm the little brat who stole it!'"

Wil: "Long story short: I went hungry that night, haha. But the next day, I tried to get rid of the evidence as quickly as possible, so after football practice, me and the guys went out for icecream and I paid for it all. So, thanks mom and dad for earning me extra brownie points with the team! Quite literally, I should add, hahaha."

Wil: "...Elder? Paul, are you there?"

 Paul: "Uh-huh.... I-I'm listening.... Just keeep goin'...."

 Wil: "Right. Another confession I need to make.... When I was dating my girlfriend Candace in high school, it wasn't until senior year that we decided to do 'it'. I lied and told her it wasn't my first time with a girl, but truth is, it was! I was a raging virgin. I had girlfriends before her, of course, but didn't want to lose my V-card to just anyone; it had to be with a special girl..... Erm. Turns out Candace wasn't 'The One' after all, but that's, uh, for another time......"

Paul: "Mhm."

Wil: "....What about you, Elder Nugent!? Have you lost your card?..... No? You still have it?..... Dude, it's okay if you still have it, I'm not judging, nor am I one to. Based on how religious you are, I'm not too surprised honestly. How old are you? You're pretty young, right? Someone said you were 18 but I didn't believe that for a second, you look like you're in your mid-twenties! Surely someone THAT old can't possibly go that long without sticking it in some pretty girl, but hey, people differ, right?"

 Paul: "....Zzzzzzz...."

 Giles: "Oh, great, Okja has company! I hope she won't mind more."
Wil: "Of course not! Come join the party."

Giles: "...Er.... Wil? Whatcha doin' on this side of the fence?"
Wil: "Oh, Okja's afraid of my wheelchair. You know how young mammals are. Afraid of anything foreign. Doesn't help that I'm a pretty big guy either..."

Giles: "Yeah, Okja probably thinks you're one of the humans from Wall-E. I'd be scared too."
Wil: "Haha, shuddup! So, yeah, anyway. I've just been catching up with Elder over here."

Giles: "Elder....?"

Giles: "You mean the old geezer who's snoring away in there?"

Wil: "...GOD-DAMNIT! I knew it."

Paul: "-Huh?! God, where!?!"

 Wil: "I'm gonna go have brunch with Val--I mean.... Maya." (-.-)

Giles: "Knock knock. Permission to enter? Don't want to walk in on you yanking the pig again!!"

Paul: "Hah. Cute."

Giles: "Who, me? Awe, thanks."
Paul: *blushes*

Giles: "Hmmm.... Here, help me pick out an apple for Okja to eat."
Paul: "Sounds like a one-man job to me--"
Giles: "Shut up and help. I've not been in the best of moods since Eva left me. She was the only ray of light in this place. Damn, was she fine.... Don't you agree?"

Paul: "Uhm, yeah, sure. Of course.... dude."
Giles: "Haha. You're a funny guy, Paul. You know that?"
Paul: "Er... No?"

Giles: "Welllll.... You are. And a pretty cute one at that, too.
Oh look! That's a pretty fresh apple."

Paul: "....I'm 'cute'?"

Giles: "You're JOKING, right? Your eyes are fucking beautiful, and your freckles are adorable.... Even more adorable than mine, and THAT'S saying something!"

Paul: "Oh, ahahaha... Welp, erm.... thanks you. I mean! Thanks."

Giles: "Oh boy. Guess I gotta hold your hand through this.... Okay Paul, how do you PROPERLY thank someone who just complimented your appearance?"

Paul: "Uh...."

Giles: "Nope, that's not it...."

Giles: "...Woah! Can I at least buy you dinner first??"

Paul: "I-I go-gotta g-go...."

Giles: "You can't stay in your bubble forever, you know!"

Paul: "Yeah? And why not?"

Giles: "Because...."

Giles: "I just popped it."

Giles: "BOOP!"

Giles: "Gotta bounce!"

 [DAY 17]

K: "This next mission will be called 'SLEEPER AGENTS', and here's how it will be played..."

Two rival spy organizations have received word that Norway has just built the most destructive nuclear bomb the world has ever seen. Fearing that the bomb will wind up in the wrong person's hands, both organizations send 3 Operatives to Bergen, Norway to scout the area. It's not long before each team realizes they have company. The Commanders of both sides inform their team that they have Sleeper Agents in their immediate area that need activation, allowing for quick backup.
It is now a race to activate all the sleeper agents of your organization before the opposing side activates theirs.

There will be 4 rounds.
Each round, there will be two new teams of four people.
Each team will have 1 COMMANDER and 3 FIELD OPERATIVES.
(everyone will get the chance to be Commander once)

Each round the 3 Operatives of each team (teams will be color-coded; first round will be black team VS white team) will be plopped into a public area where you will have visuals on 16 citizens going about their day. However:
-6 are BLACK-TEAMED SLEEPER AGENTS (Black has one more to activate since they go first)
The databases of both organizations have already numbered and provided the probable activation code for each of the 16 citizens. Problem is, the video transmission signals are too weak so far up North, making it impossible for the Commanders to get a visual on all the citizens; so while the Commanders know the secret identities all the agents, their teammates know the agents only by their activation code.
Thus, the two Commanders take turns giving one-word clues. A clue may relate to multiple codes on the list, or just a single code. The Operatives then take turns guessing which citizen(s) they should activate.
The first team to activate all their agents wins the round.

The winning team for each round has a decision to make: Add $50 to the pot OR each of them earn +1 Armor?
The 4 members of the team will vote anonymously, and majority rules. If a tie occurs, the Commander gets the final say, and at this point a tie WILL be public knowledge, as will the Commander's decision.

Red Spy and Blue Spy have hacked into the Database, and know the identity of the Terrorist each round.

K: "Sounds fun? I surely hope so! Let's go ahead and randomize the teams for the first round! 
It will be taking place in a Library! Teehee, ooh, such excitement!!"




 K: "Black's Commander Gov led his team to victory, with great thanks to White's multiple slips of the tongue..."

 Wil: "Woot woot! We're doing great so far, team! 
Just remember: If you ain't white, you ain't right!"

Tamela: "Uhhh.... Wil?"
Wil: "Yeah?"
Tamela: "Just look behind you."

Wil: "Oh, hey dude. Wassup?"
'Dude': "Got anodzer leg for me to break?"
Wil: "I don't underst--..... Ohhh... Oh shit."

 Tamela: "You'll have to excuse him, sir. He didn't mean what you think."

'Sir': "Suuure he didn't.... Suuuuuuure...."

Paul: "Commander Giles said 2 for his 'Forest' clue, right? PINE was right, so we need one more. Any ideas?"

Tamela: "The only thing I can think of is TAR. Like, sap from trees?"

Paul: "Sounds fine to me. Wil, where's that person located?"
 Wil: "Over yonder!"


Tamela: "Please be right, please be right!!"


Pacco: "That's our last one!"
Maya: "Wooohooooo!!"
Kaitlin: "We won?! WE WON!!!"

Commander The Gov: "ROCK ONNN! GO BLACK TEAM!"

Tamela: "Shoot. My bad, guys."
Paul: "Eh. I probably would have guessed the same. You win some, you lose some!"
Wil: "In this case.... The latter."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~




K: "Both teams started off strong, but when Orange's Commander Kaitlin gave the Clue of 'Arachnid: 1', it quickly made them fall behind Blue, who's Commander, Wil, was dishing out successful two-word clues left and right."

  Commander Wil: "Gunboat: 2!"

 Commander Wil: "Hop: 2!!"

Commander Wil: "Housekeeper: 2!!!"

 Maya: "Housekeeper, eh? We already got HOTEL. TRIP can be in line with a hotel, however.... BRUSH is the only one left that makes sense to me."
Paul: "I think BRUSH has to be it."

Pacco: "Here we go... For the win!"


Commander Kaitlin: "Damn. Cannot believe I let my team down..."

Commander Wil: "Hahaha yeeeahhhhh!!! Goooo Blue Team!"

Giles: "Guess we're shit outta luck then?"
Tamela: "Yeah, ya think? Oh, and someone get me out of this dastardly atrocious orange jumpsuit right this minute! STOP MAKING ME LOOK LIKE AN ORANGE!"

The Gov: "Ooh, I love OJ! And personally, I think it suits you, Ms. Wakefield!" ;-) *coughs*
Tamela: "Gross."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Commander Maya: "Hola! I'm a grape!" :-D


  K: "At the start of the round, both teams appeared pretty even..."

 The Gov: "Is that our target?"
Giles: "Yep, according to the Database, this guy's code should be TRAIN."

The Gov: "ACTIVATION: I'll choo-choo-choose TRAIN! Hehe."

Elderly Norwegian: "Cover your nose when you sneeze, ung mann!"

The Gov: "Ma'am, I was not sneezing, merely attempting a funny joke!" *coughs loudly*

Elderly Norwegian: "Blasfemi! You did it again! How incredibly rude! Such inappropriate behavior you Amerikanere display!!"

The Gov: "Look lady, you're really starting to get on my nerves. I cough a lot, and I was NOT sneezing! Really, you should learn to mind your own business."
Elderly Norwegian: "You come into MY land, and tell ME to mind MY own business?!"

The Gov: "That's PRECISELY what I am saying, yes--"
Elderly Norwegian: "KNULL DEG!"

The Gov: "OW!"















The Gov: "....I hate Norway."

  K: "...But a vague clue from Yellow's Commander Pacco and team drama led to their eventual defeat."

Commander Pacco: "Alright lovelies, next clue...
THING: 2."

Tamela: "So this is supposedly the BOTTLE-coded citizen?"
Kaitlin: "According to the database.... yes."
Tamela: "Should I try and activate her then?"
Kaitlin: "I don't know, Tamela. Should you?"
Tamela: "Jeez.... Just asking.... We're a team, aren't we?"
Kaitlin: "I don't know, Tamela. Are we?"
Tamela: "Last time I checked--"
Kaitlin: "Last time I checked, you snooped through my stuff."
Wil: "Can we do this later, guys? We got a mission to do and no time to waste! Tamela, Kaitlin and I already guessed this round so you should go ahead."

 Tamela: "Okay, fine. ACTIVATION: BOTTLE. Because what else could possibly be a 'thing'?!"

Norwegian Woman: "Unnskyld meg?"
Tamela: "Are you a Yellow Sleeper Agent? Oh god, please don't tell us you're the terrorist!"

Norwegian Woman: "Terrorister!? Nei nei nei! Jeg vet ikke hva du vil, vær så snill å gå med kameraene dine!"

Tamela: "Uhhh.... Imma take that as a NO."

Commander Maya: "YAS! They picked a civilian!"

Commander Pacco: "Ugh. The Thing from the Addams Family, people! Literally everything was riding on this!!"

 Commander Maya: "Alright team, only 2 more Agents to Activate, you guys got this!!
Clue= GOMBEY: 2."

The Gov: "....What the fuck is a Gombey?? Is this some sort of 'covfefe' incident all over again? Did our Commander just have a stroke? Should someone check up on her? Is anyone ever going to answer any of my questions? Hello...? Why are the two of you just staring at each other?!"

Paul: "...Huh? I'm not staring at anyone."
The Gov: "Har! I beg to differ." *coughs*
Giles: "I, uh.... I just think it's funny how purple we all are."

The Gov: "Hmmm.... I've got my eyes on you two..."
Paul: "But you only have one--"

Paul: "Hey now, no need to disrespect God--"
The Gov: "FUCK you and your idiotic 'god' already, boy!!"

Paul: "...."

 Giles: "Governor--"
The Gov: "Yeah yeah, I know I know, too far. Sorry lad. Can we just make a random guess and get this ordeal over with?"
Paul: "I'll do it."

Paul: "Does this DANCE citizen work?"
Giles: "I don't see why not. We got nothin' else to go off of."
Paul: "Are we sure? I don't want to accidentally activate the terrorist--"
The Gov: "Just shut up already and activate DANCE!!"



Paul: "Success! Thank you for answering my prayers, Lord."
The Gov: "Oh for fuck's sake..."

Giles: "Gov..."
The Gov: "Er, I mean. Yay! Yay lord. Thanks for helping us win a single round of a random mission on a pointless TV show that's completely about self-profit and greediness, where you lie, cheat, and steal in order to ATTEMPT to win a million bucks, which you will surely spend on yourself and NOT the poor or famished!"

The Gov: "Yeah, you go God, I'm sure you absolutely do NOT have anything better to do!! Except, I dunno, end world hunger, answer all our questions about space, eliminate cancer, ban apple juice, destroy all nukes, deactivate the Bermuda Triangle--"


The Gov: "...Wut."
Paul: "Did we.... did we somehow just win!?"

Commander Maya: "WOW. I meant to say Goomba because of the Mario/Goomba dance and the fact they always get lost in the sea after-- Oh never mind. You guys got it anyway, so CELEBRATION TIME!!"

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




K: "The Final Round can be summarized with just one explosive clue by Green's Commander Paul..."

Commander Paul: "Clue = LABYRINTH: 1"

Pacco: "...Just 1? Well then. Let's find the MAZE person, right?"

Kaitlin: "Yep, sounds logical to me. The database says the person is up here in the stands."


Kaitlin: "OH SHI--!"

Wil: "That was NOT a-maze-ing."
The Gov: *Whistles The Mole theme tune*
"Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a SPY among us..."


K: "Here are the results for each winning team's decision:
BLACK TEAM: 3-1 in favor of +1 Armor
BLUE TEAM: 3-1 in favor of +1 Armor
PURPLE TEAM: 2-2 in favor of $50 [Commander Maya broke the tie]
RED VS GREEN: No winner, $50 automatically lost to the Spy Stash.
[Altogether, only 50 bucks was added into the Group Pot today, out of a possible 200]
Overall, a pretty successful day for the Spies!!
However, was it actually the Spies who sabotaged...?"








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