Wednesday, May 3, 2017


[DAY 3]

"So we’re past the first few days and already got two challenges behind us… I still can’t get used to so many people in one house… Back in the military, at least we got space there… And I could get out… The open fields are what I miss the most. And the bench on the veranda isn’t that comfortable… But I can’t get myself to sleep in the same room as that guy, guys… There are too many things that remind me of…. Oh, I mustn’t think of those days… It’s over… I need to think of the future. Kaitlin, you put that behind you. A long time ago…  
*talking to herself* 
Just focus on now!  
Here, ‘The Mole’... This is the future…"

Tamela: "Ah, look who's finally up!"

Giles: "Ugh... W-what time is it?!"

Pacco: "Good morn-err, afternoon! It's nearly noon, and you're missing all the Codename Game fun!"

Giles: "Me? Missing the fun? That's impossible when I'm the fun! Haha, I kid, of course.
 Where did you two get those laptops from??"

Tamela: "V. They're without internet, which is unfortunate, but at least it has a writing pad app. It's this season's version of the journal.
Everyone has their own, and the coolest part? You have to use your thumbprint to login!"

Pacco: "Yep, and in addition to having a place to write stuff down, it also serves as the device to take care of the Codename Twist and where we will perform our Rankings. Everyone got a message from V this morning, explaining the Codename thing. Each of us has a different target, and if you get your target's codename, you get an exemption! Plus, first person to get all codenames gets the Bodyguard Reward, which is, what again? Automatic double-immunity during the vacation-stay, right Tamela?"

 Tamela: "Indeed. We've already shared our codenames with each other,  and verified them with HQ. We'll tell you ours if you tell us yours, Giles."

Giles: "Am I supposed to know my own Codename already? Or do I have to find my laptop first? I'd assume it's something along the lines of 'Agent Bigfoot' or 'Agent Bigmouth', or... Well, I'm sure you could guess the next one." ;-)

 Tamela: "No, it's actually our middle name... According to V:
Millions of people share your first name.
Thousands share your first and your last.
But your first, last, AND middle?
...Less than one hundred

Giles: "So, basically, get your target's codename, get their identity? Simple enough."

Pacco: "Simple in theory, yes. It's actually more difficult than it sounds, since not everyone is open to sharing their codename, but if we work together, as a team, I think we can at least help each other get our targets, and then continue from there!! So, you in?"

Giles: "Of course! Where's Eva?"
Pacco: "Sweet! And she's doing some espionage for us as we speak."

Eva: "How dare you accuse me of committing espionage! I would NEVER do such a thing..." ;-*

  Pacco: "Eva! How did it go? Got any names for us?!"

Eva: "The boys were TOO easy. Ben's is Frederik, and Wil's is James-Patrick.
Had some trouble with the women, however. I still need my target: Zelinda.
Tamela, I got Paul's for you, but I'm afraid I need you to get Zelinda's codename for me first, deary."

Tamela: "Seems fair enough. You got a deal. And I just sent Wil's and Ben's names in; they check out. Well done, Eva! Now if we can just crack Giles' codename... Hint hint."

Giles: "Huh? Oh, right. It's Henry."

*Tamela quickly types it and sends it to HQ*
Tamela: "....According to this, it's not." 
*Eva raises an eyebrow*

 Giles: "Well, TECHNICALLY... It is Henrik."

Pacco: "Oh, nice! Is that Dutch? I have a lot of fans in the Netherlands."
Giles: "Don't think so."

Eva: "Swedish? Polish? Norwegian?"

Giles: "Not quite..."
Tamela: "German?"
Giles: "Bingo. But I'm really just a complete mutt, so to speak."

Eva: "YES you are... A young, soft, and energetic one at that!" ;-)

Giles: "As sweet as you are for comparing me to a puppy, I must confess this: There's a point where a bit of fur on a guy turns from cute to monstrously and disturbingly hairy... Trust me, I would know....."
*glances at his privates*

Pacco: "...I think we'll take you on your word for that."

  Maya: "Oh! Here, let me help-"

Wil: "NO! .... I, uh, got this. Thanks though."

Maya: "If you say so... How does this thing work anyhow?"

Wil: "You know that machine that allows old people to sit down while going up and down the stairs?"
Maya: "Yeah?"
Wil: "It's just like that, but it spirals... Pretty much just shitty old grannie technology."

KAREN (Executive Producer): 
"Hey! That 'shitty old grannie technology' cost us a couple of grand to install, just for YOUR fat ass!"

Wil: "That still doesn't mean I have to like it!"

Maya: "What's not to like?! You get free rides up and down, and best of all: you don't have to hike up stairs. Completely exercise-free! I'm almost jealous."

 Wil: "....You're COMPLETELY missing the point here, Maya."

Wil: "Have we reached the second floor yet?"
Maya: "Technically this is the 72nd floor-"
Wil: "Even better, where's the nearest open window?"
Maya: "Ha! You're funny."

Maya: "So, before you go to take your daily nap-"

Wil: "Huh? I don't usually take naps."

Maya: "WHAT!? H-how is that POSSIBLE...!? Napping is like my second favorite thing in the world compared to like, uh, compared to uhmmm......
Okay, I take that back. Napping is my favorite thing to do. But anyway, you should join my roommates and I, to discuss Codenames!"

Wil: "Sure, sounds good. Your roommates are chiller than mine!"

"Hello, my dearest brothers and sisters!! It is me, Elder Nugge- nope, Elder Nugent again at the diary room haha!! In case you’re wondering how to pronounce my last name, it’s Newgent. Is it really that hard to pronounce? I don’t really understand why but my housemates keep calling me nugget for no reason. I know fried chicken nuggets are very tasty food… or maybe that’s some sort of compliment? Perhaps I should ask some of them to figure that out.

And oh, by the way, I think people here are lost- well, I literally got lost last time when I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I couldn’t find my way back to my bedroom. I mean it wasn’t my fault really, I just couldn’t find the right bookcase to trigger the door to open- anyways, back to what I was saying about my housemates… yes, they are unfortunately lost in the wilderness of their own contempt towards each other. I just finished the fiftieth chapter of the Book of Georgia in which there is a verse that states it clearly that ‘For those who can no longer hear the words of wisdom from our Saviour, our Redeemer Jesus Christ, dare them not expect to be rescued from the flood and be accepted on to the Ark.’ You see, Noah was appointed to build the ark according to God’s instructions in order to save his family and the animals from death. What will happen if he didn’t obey the God’s words and disregard them? The answer is fairly simple: We die. What I would like to say is that we all are human and human make mistakes because we are not born to be perfect. Only our Heavenly Father has the complete righteousness and knowledge that He is more than willing to share with us all. He teaches and nourishes us with overflowing love and passion because He loves us and tries to keep us away from temptation and prejudice. For every one is God’s creation, we are all born to be equal.

I’d like to end my Diary Room Entry with this very good scripture from the Book of Roman, Chapter 12, from verse 14 to 16: ‘Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse, Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.’ And I really think that I should spend more time with them such as reading scriptures or to teach them how to repent and pray, these are some of the most important tasks we need to do before we can finally turn back to our Heavenly Father. Ooh, you know what? Maybe I’ll start holding a scripture study group in the living room and I’ll invite all of them to come over and we’re have a really fantastic night together!! Agent V and A are welcomed to come as well haha! ’For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.’ Okay, I hope I’ll see you guys very soon, bye!!

*to the cameraman* Hey, do you want to join the scripture study group as well? It will be fun, I assure you…"

The Gov: "Ms. Leyen! To what do I owe the pleasure?" 

The Gov: "Beautiful view, isn't it? In all my days in Office, I never managed to visit The Big Apple. Better late than never, I suppose?"

 Zelinda: "Let us skip the small talk. And besides, my flat in Las Vegas trumps this view completely."

The Gov: "Is that so? Lucky girl. Hey- did you happen to smuggle any smokes into the game? This quitting cold turkey thing isn't going over as smoothly as I hoped."

 Zelinda: "I'm afraid not. Back to why I'm here: You're a smart man, correct?"

The Gov: "Depends on the poll you look at, but sure, for all intensive purposes that is correct."

 Zelinda: "Fantastic! I need someone to work with, and I want that person to be you. You appear to have your wits about you, and politicians have a knack for being loyal as well."

The Gov: "Debatable."
Zelinda: "Regardless, what do you say?"

The Gov: "Hmmm...."

 The Gov: "Considering not a single soul has approached me for a coalition yet, you got yourself a deal."

*they shake hands*

Zelinda: "ONE thing, however.... If you attempt to cross me, I will fill everyone here in on your little 'secret'."

 The Gov: "EXCUSE ME?? And what secret is that?!"

 Zelinda: "You know the one. The scandal exposed by the media.
But do not worry, your secret is safe with me as long as you don't betray my trust. Don't back-stab me, I won't back-stab you. Simple."

The Gov: "HAH! I like you. Takes balls to blackmail someone so openly like that."

Zelinda: "Why call it blackmail? I'd like to think of it as.... an ultimatum of sorts."
The Gov: "Either way, you still have more balls than most of my colleagues, and that's saying something!"

Paul: "Greetings, Brother Dave and Sister Zelinda. Have either of you seen Sister Kaitlin out here?"

Paul: "-Oh, er... Am I interrupting something?"
Zelinda: "No. I was just saying good night to the Governor before I retired to bed."

Zelinda: "Goodnight Elder."
Paul: "Goodnight, Sister Zelinda!"

The Gov: "Boy. I'm about to talk to you man-to-man. Are you ready?"
Paul: "Of course! I am always able and willing to talk to the Man in charge."

The Gov: "...Right. So, you should probably knockoff with the sibling labels. It's creepy and weird, and it's starting to rub people the wrong way... NOT me, of course! I don't mind it ONE bit, but I uh, have heard from others that they don't care for it as much as I do."

 Paul: "But you ARE my Brother's and Sister's; we are all children of God, after all-"

The Gov: "I hear you, and it's a shame people don't like it, but that's that. No more, son."

Paul: "OK... I will attempt to rid of this behavior if it helps me in the game. Is there anything else I should be aware of?"
The Gov: "Depends. How many hours you got?"
Paul: "None. Just wanted to speak with Sis-.... Kaitlin, before resting."

The Gov: "Then just one more thing- we've discussed this before; kindly refer to me as The Governor. We're not on a first name basis yet, would you not agree Mr. Nugent?"

Paul: "I would agree, but I'd also kindly ask you to refer to me as just Elder then, if I am to call you Governor. We both identify moreso as our status rather than our names, it seems."

The Gov: "Indeed, and that's also about where our similarities end. 
Ms. Harlow is laying in her usual spot over yonder, if you are out here to read her a bedtime story."

The Gov: "I'm going to bed myself. Sleep well, Mr. Elder."

Kaitlin: "Hi Paul.... I mean, Elder..."
Paul: "Hello. Your bed remains cold and empty. Why must you continue to sleep out here in the cold?"

Kaitlin: "This is comfortable for me. I like it out here. It's more.... tranquil." 

Paul: "Tranquil? New York City? I think not. There's too much commotion and chaos down there. Why don't you come with me to our room? The Governor and Wil are already asleep."

Kaitlin: "Thanks Elder, but I like it better out here."
Paul: "Are there too many men? Is that it? I'm sure someone will switch rooms with-"
Kaitlin: "No. I'm staying out here."

 Paul: "In that case, I shall leave you alone. I'll let our Father, in the stars above, watch over you: 
Psalm 4:8 'In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety'.
Sweet dreams, Kaitlin."

Kaitlin: "...."

[DAY 4]

"You know what, the couch is actually more comfortable than I thought. Even though it is quite difficult to sleep when some of the girls try to chat, but I guess I found some kind of routine so I can sleep without problems. It still can be very annoying when they need to change clothes, but in Germany we would say "Damit kann ich leben." I hope the production will put subtitles into this *laughs*.
 Anyways, the last challenge was bullscheiße, if I would have wanted to write an exam in the holidays, I rather would have asked my dad if I could get home-schooled. I think I slept most of the time there. The only thing that kept me awake was Paul speaking, and that is not a good sign. I will celebrate the day when he finds another topic than Religion. It might be either the Autism or the... hold on a second, wie hieß dass nochmal gleich... ugh, what ever you call people when they don't believe in god, screaming out of me, but I don't understand how somebody who is barely an adult is so obsessed with the theory that a long bearded man created the world. I accept people who see themselves in a religion, but it isn't funny when somebody tries to tell you that your own opinion is false just because god isn't involved. I rather waste my time teaching some of my housemates some German. Did I tell you that I teach some house guests some German right now? They asked me if I could, and I said yes because so far this is the most exciting thing to do here *laughs*."

*commotion can be heard in the kitchen*

Paul: "Mhmm..... Smells like bacon!"

Paul: "-Woah..." 0_0 

Wil: "Wait, bacon is Speck?!"
Ben: "Not quite..."

Giles: "Hah! Your American accent amuses me, but I don't blame you, German is hard. Here, catch!"
*Giles tosses an egg he's juggling to Wil*

Ben: "Wil, you have to sound more German than zat! It more like 'schpeck'.... Oh, good morning Elder! Want to help us make breakfast??"

 Giles: "No way, he can't join this all-boys club until he strips down to his underwear like the rest of us!"
Ben: "Ja! I think I read in the bible that the best meals are made naked..."
Giles: "I think I read that too! I heard Adam was a legendary chef."

Paul: "Erm, hehe.... Th-that's alright. I-I'll come back another time, uhm. Yes. Excuse me."

Wil: "That's definitely not a requirement guys, haha. Please, give us a hand, Elder!
 ....Well, give Ben a hand. Giles and I are just messing around."
Giles: "Elder, CATCH!"

 Paul: "AUHCK!!"
 *the egg explodes on his buttocks*

Eva: "What in the WORLD are you boys doing in here?!?!"
Ben: "I'm making breakfast. Giles is wasting all our eggs."

Paul: "These are my specially designed undergarments! Now they have... Goop all over them!!"

Giles: "Ooohhh... My bad, dude! But hey, at least I hit the bulls-eye, amiright?? Hehe.... No? Anyone? Okay, sorry man, didn't mean to ruin your PJ's."

Wil: "Wait, before you go! Did you want some coffee or something? I just brewed a batch."
Paul: "No thanks. I do not consume coffee."
Wil: "Oh. Alright. Well, come back for the eggs, bacon, and pancakes then!"
Paul: "Sure thing. Thanks."

Ben: "Müll! Now we not have enough eggs for everyone, thanks to you two!"
Wil: "Sorry man..."
Eva: "Huh. That's peculiar. There's something in my bosom!"

Eva: "And another one! Mysteriously appearing in my pocket!"

*Eva places the eggs onto the counter*

Wil: "...What is this sorcery?!"
Giles: "And more importantly, where can I learn it??"

Eva: "Can't say. Family secret." ;-)

"Hello! Production!”
*Taps the camera*
 “Hey you, V for Vendetta or whatever your name is... *Coughs*
I need a favor or two, look I need my cigars, cigarettes, Anything! I am not going cold turkey live on TV for the benefit of ratings, I will not be made to look like an ass in front of thousands of future voters.
I got my reputation to uphold, God forbid I lose the next election. Those damn government swines will have my guts for garters. *Coughs*
I can pay whatever you want, just get me those cigars!”

Tamela: "Seriously? Everyone has already identified their Target?!"

Pacco: "It appears so! Now it's just a race to collect 'em all, in order to get that Bodyguard Reward.
And trust me when I say this: I need that bodyguard more than all of you combined! I've already been attacked once in my life, I definitely don't need to go through THAT again..."

*The Governor guffaws*
Tamela: "What?"
The Gov: "That's a ludicrous statement!"

 The Gov: "I'm a POLITICIAN for crying out loud! I served as the fricken GOVERNOR of WASHINGTON STATE FOR 4 YEARS! And half of my OWN party hates my guts!! If there's anyone here who needs a personal bodyguard, it's me. Hell, I could use the whole god-damn Secret Service!!!"

Maya: "Be careful to not make assumptions of those around you, Governor. You're not the only one with a target on your back."

Tamela: "I-I agree...."
The Gov: "Whatever. I still think I should have been offered better protection and security for this gig."
Zelinda: "There are snipers."
Maya: "What??"

Zelinda: "In a few skyscrapers around us. There are snipers aimed at this building right now."

The Gov: "WELP. I guess there's no day like today to go peacefully... Just didn't think it would happen before I started going bald."
Maya: "Then I'd say it's right on time, wouldn't you?"
The Gov: "Fuck off."

Zelinda: "No. They are PROTECTING us. Seriously, has no one else noticed?? There are guards stationed everywhere; in the waiting room, in the downstairs lobby, at the building's entrance, even on the rooftop; I can hear their footsteps at night as they change shifts. The U.N. funded this season, and they sure are investing a heck-of-a-lot of money into protecting the cast, more-so than usual."

Tamela: "But why?"

Zelinda: "My guess? We don't have just one Very Important Person here; we have many."

*A deafening silence engulfs the room* 

 Maddie: "Kaitlin! What are you doing over here when the party is clearly over there?!"

Kaitlin: "I'm thinking."

Maddie: "Brooding, more like it!"

Kaitlin: "...."

Maddie: "What! I'm just teasing you! You need to lighten up, buttercup!"
Kaitlin: "I cannot 'lighten up' when we have an EXECUTION in a few hours. Aren't you nervous at all??"

Maddie: "Hardly. Stressing out doesn't help anyone, that's why I always try to remain as optimistic as possible! Plus, if push comes to shove, I have my Plan B right in my pocket."
Kaitlin: ".....You're pregnant?"

Maddie: "What? NO! My exemption, silly! I have my exemption if I need it tonight."
Kaitlin: "Oh, right, my bad. You're just giving me strong Chanel vibes is all, and we all know how THAT story went..."

Kaitlin: "Say. Do you trust any of those people over there?"
Maddie: "No, not really."

Kaitlin: "Good. Neither do I. We should stick together. My Codename is Leigh, by the way."

Maddie: "FABULOUS idea! I trust you fully. My middle name is Hisoka."

Kaitlin: "Nice to officially meet the full you, Ms. Maddie Hisoka Golden."
Maddie: "相同, Kaitlin Leigh Harlow!"

V: "Welcome, Agents, to your FIRST Execution."

V: "Moments ago, the 10 Agents completed their Ranking on their laptops.
It is now time to see who knows the LEAST about the identity of the Spies."

V: "Before you sit down-"

Wil: "Already sitting."

V: " ready to answer this question: Do you want to use an exemption? 
If yes, stay standing.
If no, please sit and prepare yourself for your fate in this game..."

 V: "Please make your decision in 3... 2.... 1......"









V: "Paul, Eva, Ben, and Maddie are vulnerable tonight."

V: "Everyone else: Go ahead and retreat to safety on the sidelines, and throw your exemption card into the fountain."

V: "You may be thinking: How will the Spies assassinate? Answer: They each have their own set of signals with their 'Sniper' to communicate who they want to attempt to assassinate.
 Neither Spy can target an exempt player; they only have 3 or 4 options here.
Target incorrect? Nothing happens.
Target correct? You'll know."

Giles (whispering): "Hey, sorry about this. You'll survive though. I just know it." 
Eva: "Thank you, dearest."

V: "Let's begin, shall we? Who wants to go first?"

Maddie: "WAIT!"

V: "...Yes?"

Maddie: "I can't do this...."

Maddie: "...I QUIT!"

Paul: "What the-!?"


*Maddie screams, car comes to a screeching halt*

Giles: "HOLY SHIT!"

*Eva gasps*

 V: "SWEET BABY JESUS! Turn the cameras off... NOW!!"

 * * *

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