Monday, April 3, 2017


[ALL confessionals are written by the creators, none are written by me]

"Heeello my dearest brothers and sisters! This is Elder Nugent from the Church of Jesus Christ of Modern-Day Prophets and Redeemers at the Diary Room and I’m so happy to be here at this brilliantly built penthouse with 11 fellow flatmates in New York! Yeah, you can tell I’m so thrilled right now, I mean- come on, this is one of the biggest and most important cities in the world and everything is so much different compared to Belgrade.
Those people I just met have such diverse personality and that only makes them more attractive to me as I literally cannot wait to share my messages for them today. Actually, I have reread the final five chapters of The Book of Siobhan three times during the flight and I was so inspired by the verses that praised how Judith, one of the greatest Prophets of all time, was heartbroken at the sight of those foreigners not believing in the salvation plan tailored for them and so she was instructed by the ecstatic vision of our heavenly Father to decapitate Holofernes. And you know what I think of Judith? Not only is she a woman of bravery, but also a woman of vision and purity. She believes in the words of our Father without any doubt and eventually have the Israelis saved from slavery and starvation. You see, our Father loves us and only wishes the best for us. But why is it so hard for people to come back to Him? Satan tries everything he could to pull us away from the happiness our Father has long promised for us; he blinds the vision of those in the wilderness and lures them with temptations. But do not worry, we missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Modern-Day Prophets and Redeemers are here to send you the authentic gospels from our heavenly Father just as what He has assigned us to do centuries ago in the Book of Matthew chapter 28 verse 19, ‘Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.’ And I believe that with the merciful love from our Father with the incoming message from the ecclesiastical prophets, those led astray may one day return to His loving arms. May he that hath ears to hear, let him hear. And I say this in Thy Son, Jesus Christ’s name, amen."

Maya: "Soooo... Where exactly are we going again??"

Police Officer: "That's confidential. Just follow me, ma'am."

Maya: "Gosh. Still don't know why they chose ME for this position... I suppose I should be honored that they all trust me so much?"

Police Officer: "You got your gloves on, right? Good. Once we get there, be careful not to contaminate any of the evidence. You can inspect things, but make sure to put them back how you found it."
Maya: "Roger that!"

*  *  * 

Police Officer: "We're here, but we might be too late. It appears the Killer caught wind of our pursuit and wiped the scene clean before we could reach it. Fortunately, some witnesses were able to take a few photos, so you will have access to those. The Coroner is here as well, he will be able to tell you more about the cause of death."
Maya: "You're making this sound so real!"

Police Officer: "It's New York City at night. Might as well be true, someone was likely murdered SOMEWHERE tonight."
Maya: "What a lovely thought. Thanks for that."
Police Officer: "You are most welcome. Welcome to my life."
Maya: "Alright... Let's go. Time to do some Forensic-y stuff!"

V: "Agents... Welcome to your FIRST assigned mission."

V: "As you know, the man laying outside was playing possum-- which, by the way, according to the new United Nations Counter-Intelligence Service, or UNCIS, is Rule #453: Always play possum if you are outgunned and outnumbered, Agent or not. Even civilians can benefit from this tip in the case of a mass shooting. Sometimes playing dead is better than running or even acting."

*everyone looks at each other, weirded out*

V: "I must apologize now for any future advertising for the U.N.C.I.S. that I am forced to do. As stated, the UN heavily funded this season, and thus, is expecting quite a bit of gain from it, so please, you must forgive me now.
Anyway, our possum-player is a local police officer, who is currently escorting Maya to the actual crime scene-- whom you all voted for earlier to be the 'Forensic Scientist' for this challenge. No one knew exactly what this role entailed, other than that it was vital to the success of the Agent Pot. As a group, you chose Maya, indicating that you all thought she was the most trustworthy player here, just by your first impression of her. Only time will tell how accurate this impression was."

 V: "She is being debriefed on how the mission works as we speak, so now it's my job to do the same for all of you. Ready? Let's begin.
The 11 of you are Investigators in this murder case. One of you is secretly the Killer, who's already been notified. Maya is the Scientist. She's seen the crime scene, and unfortunately, the crime scene was recently wiped clean, and now it is her job to report back to all of you what she's seen.
The bad news? The Killer is jamming the signals, making communication with Maya mighty difficult. Your only method to gain info from her now is using Clue Cards- 3 will be given to you for free, more will cost you. More on that in a bit."

V: "It's evident that someone here is the Killer. Thus, we have searched through all your bags, and found 6 objects on all of you. 3 are considered to be potential Murder Weapons, the other 3 are potential Items left behind on the scene.
Maya, before the scene was wiped clean, was able to identify the victim, the murder Weapon, and the evidence Item left behind, so she'll attempt to communicate the information over to here in an effort to catch the Killer.
Everyone here gets 1 guess. When you guess, you must accuse someone of being the Killer, and pinpoint the correct WEAPON and ITEM. Both of these need to be right. If either is wrong, or both, I will simply say 'Incorrect'. Once someone has guessed both correctly, the mission will end. This person also receives $10,000."

V: "If all 11 of you are unable to guess the combo correctly, the Killer gets away with the ELUSIVE EXEMPTION. This exemption will be difficult to catch, and if uncaught this time, will reappear in the future. Once caught, there will be no more exemption opportunities from now till the Vacation, other than exemptions earned through the Codenames Twist."

V: "You are free to talk openly amongst yourselves. Everyone should contribute their own theories. Obviously, the Killer will be lying the whole time."

V: "You have until Midnight to catch the Killer, otherwise the Killer gets away free, skipping town with the Elusive Exemption. If this happens, the pot gets 0... Nothing. NADA."

V: "This board contains all the starting information that you have. Who holds what Weapon, what Item, etc. It also has a map of some potential places this crime may have occurred in this city... Which, if you hadn't already guessed, is New York City: Home to the United Nations Headquarters."

V: "Use this board to gather your thoughts, figure out who's the most suspicious, and eliminate or highlight potential crime scenarios."

V: "This computer is how you will communicate with the Forensic Scientist. Due to the Killer's sabotage, you are unable to effectively communicate, thus, you decided to use one-word answers before the connection cuts out. Clue Cards seem to be the most efficient way to get valuable information across before time runs out tonight at Midnight. Each additional Clue Card costs the group 20 points. You start with 200. Every Investigator here gets one and only one purchase, able to use whenever, even after you have guessed."

V: "The Spies this season have already begun their trickery. Using this computer, they were able to hack HQ, gaining valuable intel for this mission. Both spies know:

V: "If you need me, I'll be raiding your kitchen, eating all your food."

V: "Good luck catching that Killer, Agents. The Mission begins NOW."

*A deafening quiet ensues*

Pacco: "Well then. I suppose I'll be the one to get us started?"
Ben: "Alvays the exception, aren't you?"
Pacco: "I'm not Mongolian for nothing, kid. You're catching on quickly." ;-) ofFCb2modMk

Giles: "What are our free clue cards, buddy?"

Looks like Maya already answered them too. For the cause, the options were:
Severe Injury
Loss of Blood

Wil: "And here's the list of possessions... Says red is Weapon, blue is Item..."


Sailboat Figurine
Fire Extinguisher
Rubber Duck


Office Supplies

Venomous Scorpion

Pizza Box
Tool Box

Bowling Ball
Nylon Rope

Dog Chew Bone

Nail Gun

Bird Feathers

Silenced Pistol

Toy Car
Bouquet of Flowers
Toilet Paper

Jump Rope

Oil Painting


Ice Skates
Orange Juice
Surgery Mask

Shattered Glass Vase
Sniper Rifle

Unopened Beer Bottle
Angel Figurines


Lottery Ticket
Dog Leash

Bloody Fists
Poisonous Mushrooms

Dream Catcher

 Maddie: "So she chose severe injury??"
Paul: "It appears so, doesn't it? How interesting..."
Maddie: "Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't do it! I plead NOT GUILTY!!"
Paul: "But I didn't-"
Maddie: "That's it, I'm pleading the fifth! I won't say another word on the matter."
Paul: "How come?"
Maddie: "I don't want to self-incriminate."
Paul: "Is there something in your possession that incriminates you?"
Madddie: "..."
Paul: "Well, it cannot be your Bible, a Bible would never be used as a weapon!"

 Governor: "HA! Tell that to every single Republican! 'Not a weapon' my ASS."

 Wil: "By being a severe injury, it eliminates several other options... So anything that indicates an accident, like a ladder, can be crossed off, and anything poisonous, like a scorpion or arsenic can be removed too."

Pacco: "Alright, I got Location of Crime too:
Building Site

Ben: "Wait, vut exactly is a pub again?"
Giles: "Oh-ho MAN, are you missing out if you don't know what a pub is!"
Ben: "I think I do... Is it like a bar? Or somesing?"

Eva: "A pub is essentially a tavern, yes."
Ben: "...?"

Giles: "Let's try not to confuse the boy and just stick with bar instead. Poor bastard has yet to experience the wonders of alcohol!"
Paul: "I am not so sure about that. I wouldn't call the Devil's --dare I say it-- 'piss', to be wonderful!"

Eva: "The location of the murder being in a pub eliminates quite a few potential murder weapons, does it not?"
Wil: "Oh, it definitely does. We can eliminate things like shovel, tool box, hammer, nail gun, and chainsaw, since those are typically found in a construction site."
Eva: "Helmet and TNT too."
Pacco: "In that case, I'm off the hook! I hold the nail gun, hammer, AND the TNT."

Zelinda: "How convenient, no?"
Giles: "Why, you think he's lying to us about the clue cards?"
Zelinda: "It is possible, yes?"

Giles: "I suppose... Should I double-check them? Make sure he's reading Maya's hints right?"

Zelinda: "Yes. You do that."

Pacco: "Our last free clue deals with the Victim's Clothes:

 Tamela: "Hey. You've been quiet. Do you have any ideas who it might be?"
Kaitlin: "Oh.... I already know who the killer is."
Tamela: "What?! How?"
Kaitlin: "Simple: Body language. Not-so-simple is the weapon he used... I'm still contemplating."
Tamela: "Feel free to fill me in whenever."
Kaitlin: "Okay..."

Giles: "Hey, I think someone is considering buying a Clue Card."
Pacco: "Oh, no problem, you can take over."
Giles: "How intuitive are you!?"
Pacco: "Oh, hardly. I'm just bored already. I get bored of things quickly."
Giles: "I see... how interesting!"
Pacco: "Hardly."

Zelinda: "I'd like to make a Purchase!"
Kaitlin: "And I'd like to take a Guess."

Governor: "Wouldn't you rather wait till AFTER Ms. Leyen here makes her purchase? You'd have more information to go on."
Kaitlin: "No need, I already know that the dirty rotten killer is none other than you, our dear politician."
Governor: "Wait... what?! I'm flabbergasted! It isn't me!"

Kaitlin: "I hereby guess that the Killer is THE GOVERNOR, with the KNIFE and SURGERY MASK."


Governor: "Sorry to disappoint- Ms. Harlow, is it?"
Kaitlin: "That's Ms. SCREW YOU to you!"
Governor: "WOAH! Let's all be civil, shall we? It's just a game."

Kaitlin: "Can I be escorted to my personal bedroom now, please?"
Jan the Camerawoman: "Can't do, Agent. Rooms aren't ready NOR are they personal."
Kaitlin: "Typical..."

Zelinda: "I'd like to take a gamble now and purchase a clue card. What are my options? Anything to do with the motivation behind the crime?"

Giles: "Yes. There's 11 options here, one for the each of us, annnnd... Indeed! MOTIVE FOR CRIME is available for purchase. Should I send it for you?"
Zelinda: "Please do."
Giles: "Sent!"

Eva: "We need to be more conservative with our guesses and purchases. It is too early to guess, and we should deliberate as a group which Clue Cards to purchase. Just my two coins."

Giles: "I agree... And this is odd. No answer. I suppose that indicates none of the above?"

Ben: "So no option veighs more heavily than the others?"
Tamela: "How curious..."

 Wil: "What WERE the options?"
Giles: "Jealousy, Love, Hatred, Justice-"
Pacco: "-Boredom?!?"
Giles: "...No. Boredom wasn't an option."

Pacco: "Oh. Sometimes I like to do things out of boredom."

Wil: "Like murdering people in pubs?! Harhahaha!"

Pacco: "...No. Like retying my shoes a dozen times or buying backup ties for my tie backups."

Ben: "But you aren't vearing a tie?"
Pacco: "...I'm not? How peculiar. I always am. Must've came loose somewhere around here..."
Governor: "MURDER WEAPON! I smell a murder weapon!"

Paul: "Nope, cannot be. Even if a tie WERE in his possession, suffocation, and by extension: strangulation, has already been crossed off our list."

Ben: "And you all know what I realize just now?  The crime was NOT committed in a hospital... So why in Freyr's name did Kaitlin make a guess involve Dave's surgery mask?!"

Governor: "I've been asking myself the same thing. Suspicious, right? And please son, feel free to call me The Governor... Or just Guv for short. We're not on a first-name basis yet, wouldn't you agree?"

Kaitlin: "How about we just call you The KILLER instead...? Fitting, no?"

Zelinda: "So far, the victim was killed by a severe injury in a pub, and their clothes were still neat and tidy. What does that tell us?"
Giles: "That there wasn't a struggle? Likely an instant or near-instant death?"
Zelinda: "Bingo."

 Eva: "There's still way too many possible combinations here. I would like to make a purchase."
Giles: "Fire away! Juuuust don't fire any bullets, please! I don't want to wind up a victim too, haha."
Eva: "No worries on that front, I have no firearms. Just my Bloody Fists and a Chainsaw."
Giles: "Lovely. Even better."

Eva: "Alright, I shall purchase the CORPSE CONDITION Clue Card, please and salamat."

Pacco: "Good! With the corpse's condition, we can get a better image of how this scene played out."
Wil: "This map shows a pub in the downtown area. Does that have any special significance?"
Eva: "Doubtful. I believe the board is partly cosmetic. Like how those pictures hold no meaning."
Wil: "Gotcha. Well, Giles? What you got man?"

Giles: "Here's what I got from Maya:
Still Warm
Seemingly Unharmed

Kaitlin: "At least now you all know it's not me... My axe would leave them dismembered, and a shotgun blast doesn't scream 'seemingly unharmed' to me...."

Paul: "She's right. We can count her out."
Tamela: "You too. What weapons were found in your possession? Spatula and Narcotics? Spatula would be found in a restaurant, and narcotics point to another cause of death."
Paul: "And obviously my pillow doesn't fit the bill either."
Tamela: "Exactly."

Kaitlin: "Tick-tock, tick-tock... Only two hours till midnight!"

~1 hour later~

Zelinda: "We need a recap. Who's guessed what again?"

Kaitlin: "I did the Guv with KNIFE and SURGERY MASK."
Pacco: "I guessed the Guv as well, but with TASER and ORANGE JUICE."

Wil: "Eva's BLOODY FISTS and COTTON was my failed guess."
Tamela: "And I just guessed Maddie's CORKSCREW and BOUQUET OF FLOWERS. As we know, that too was incorrect... Or at least one object was."

 Paul: "What were the other options for the Evidence Left Behind clue card you bought, Kaitlin?"

Kaitlin: "If I recall correctly... Artistic, Written, Synthetic, Unrelated, and.... Personal."

 Paul: "Hmmm...."

Governor: "I see your gears churning. What are you thinking over there?"

 Paul: "There are very few plausible combos left, right? The weapon has to cause blunt force trauma, nothing else matches both 'severe injury' AND 'seemingly unharmed'. A single massive blow to the head is enough to kill a person, easily. And narrowing those options down, only so few fit both natural evidence and something found in a pub."

Governor: "How do we know 'natural' indicates nature? Natural could also refer to... Think of the natural evidence of a crime scene. A shotgun would naturally result in shells littering the floor, and blood and possibly guts spill everywhere..."
Pacco: "Ooh! Just like the orange juice! I KNEW OJ was involved! Its oranges are natural, plus, it can be found in a pub!"
Governor: "Pub? More like a restaurant, eh buddy?"

Ben: "Should vee consider purchasing another clue, or just keep using our guesses until we figure it out via PoE?"
Paul: "PoE?"
Ben: "Process of elimination."

 Giles: "We still have quite a few Clue Cards available for purchase... We've only bought 3. There's some potentially useful ones here, like Duration Of Crime and Killer's Personality. Social Relationship between victim and perpetrator might be interesting too."

Zelinda: "I have a guess!"

 Zelinda: "I'm guessing the Killer is Pacco, with his HAMMER and BIRD FEATHERS."


Wil: "Who still has their guess? Maddie, Guv, who else?"

Ben: "Us three guys. I don't know about you two, but I could REALLY use the money... At least, my family could."
Paul: "Me as well."
Ben: "You are vearing a suit."
Paul: "I do not personally need it. It would be a great donation to my Church."
Ben: "..."

Paul: "I am ready to guess now. If I'm wrong, you can go ahead?"
Ben: "Fine, sure."

 Paul: "We've all been dancing around the answer all along, I believe... Guitar is clearly pub-related and of course, a blunt force weapon."

Wil: "And the victim's clothes would still be neat, because one unexpected blow to the head, they fall down...  Not much resistance or struggle."
Paul: "Indeed."

Paul: "My guess: The Governor's GUITAR and ORANGE JUICE... Final answer."

Loudspeaker: "CORRECT!"

*Everyone applauds and celebrates*

Governor: "Darn it. This certainly won't help the public's perception of me at all..."

V: "Well done, Agents. You ousted the Killer before midnight, and only spent 60 points on Clue Cards."

Maya: "Hey everyone! Nice job figuring out the culprit!"

Police Officer: "Governor Dave Byrd, you are under arrest for murdering Mike Hawk."

Giles: "Jeez. He's wanted for murder AND castration now too?! Gosh, no wonder why people hate politicians so much! Heheehahaha..."

Police Officer: "Right this way, please."

Governor: "I'm not talking until I see my lawyer!!"

Maya: "You DO realize you're not actually going to jail.... right?"

Governor: "...I knew that. Old habits die hard, I suppose?"

Maya: "Suppose so."

Maya: "You guys want to see the crime scene photos?? Look what this scoundrel did to poor Mike Hawk..."

V: "Hit in the back of the head with a guitar, how tragic. And a bottle of OJ left behind... Too bad this wasn't charades, someone could have reenacted the OJ Simpson court case!
 'If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!'... Bwhaha."

V: "Now. Before I let you all inspect your new digs: Let me briefly explain the Codename Game.
Head Quarters, or HQ for short, is tasking the 12 of you to try and fully identify the other 11 people among you. You know their first and last name, sure, but do you know their middle? After all, millions of people have the name John, thousands have the name John Smith, but how many people are currently named John Cusack Smith?? Less than a hundred, I'm sure."

V: "Your task? Finding your target's codename.
What's that? Their middle name.
Who's your target? You will learn your target's name tomorrow.
Your target will be randomized, and everyone will have a different target. Once you think you have your target's codename, you will message HQ and if correct, you earn yourself an exemption that can be used anytime until it expires right before our Vacation."

V: "First person to get EVERY Agent's codename earns the 'Bodyguard' advantage, where you will have a bodyguard accompany you in the Executions during our vacation stay. The bodyguard protects both Agents and Spies from execution and assassination. This advantage is essentially a double exemption.
Because it's possible for the holder of this reward to be eliminated before the vacation, the SECOND person to get all codenames will get the reward if the first person is eliminated, and it will continue down the chain. So even if you're not the first, there's still an incentive to collect 'em all."

 V: "That's all for tonight. Figure out your sleeping arrangements. I'll see you all the day after tomorrow for your second mission."

"Wow, this year's cast is much younger than I thought, and from so many different countries, I think Zelinda was born in Austria, Paul...I mean Elder is born in Serbia, Giles is born in South Africa, Kaitlin is from Zimbabwe, Maddie is born in China and Eva is from the Philippines. To be honest, I don't get why we have to call Paul Elder. I mean first of all, I find Religion kinda boring, and next to it, he is only a few months older than me and talks about religion all the time. He is even worse than me when I talk about video games, and trust me, my mum already calls my behaviour as an issue *laughs*. I am quite confused about Zelinda. I've never heard the word Gambler before, and I never heard a word in German that I could link to it. All I know is that she isn't a gamer. The governor reminds me so much of my dad, mostly because both are polititians. The only difference is that my dad hasn't a bad reputation yet. This Tamela who sat next to me at the introduction kinda worries me, she seems to have some kind of amnesia, or she just has problems to remember things, in this case I wouldn't be the only one *laughs*. Pacco is...Pacco is...Scheiße, wie heißt das nochmal auf Englisch? Oh right *facepalms* 
 Pacco seems to be quite monotone to me, he reminds me of my German teacher who talks so monotonous and slow that I always fall asleep. Thank god German isn't that necerssary for Business School. Wil is actually kinda fascinating. I didn't quite get if this situation with the wheelchair is just temporary or forever, but he seems to still live his live and actually the courage to do all of this even though you are in some kind disabled to do something is admireable. I really hope I used the right word and didn't say something inappropriate now."

Giles: "Woah... The view is incredible up here!"
Pacco: "Where the bedrooms at?"
Wil: "This way!"

Paul: "Hey, wait for me!"

Maddie: "Look who's out of jail already!"
Governor: "Harhar, funny."

Kaitlin: "...."

Kaitlin: "Hmmm..."

Eva: "You boys best not take the best beds!"

Giles: "Woah...."

 Wil: "........NOPE."

Tamela: "What a beautiful study!"

 Wil: "A two-story study?! That's neat! Say, what's your name again? Tam?"

Tamela: "Tamela, yes. Wilson, is it?"
Wil: "Wil's just fine, thanks. You seemed pretty jittery earlier, are you good now?"

Tamela: "Yeah, I'm good now, but I'd be better if I could find a proper room to sleep in! Everyone filed into the first one, and that second one has too many bright lights flashing for my taste.
 Something's off though..."

Wil: "Yeah? How so?"

Tamela: "Isn't it a bit odd to put a bookcase down the hall from a room full of books...?"

Pacco: "So who's sleeping with who??"
Eva: "I do not advise that you phrase it like THAT..."
Giles: "I don't mind sharing with a dude. Paul, you up for it? It's okay, I don't bite...often." ;-p

Paul: "Er... You know what. This room doesn't fit my style. I'll look elsewhere, thank you for your time."

Wil: "This is super cool! Never seen a hidden door in person before! OK, just look for anything that's suspect... Like a book that doesn't quite fit."
Tamela: "Like this one?"

 Tamela: "...You call this a bedroom?!? Bunk beds?! No thank you!"

Paul: "Did you say bunk beds!? That is JUST what I wanted to hear! Want to switch?"
Tamela: "Into the Culture Room? Sure thing! ....Elder."
Governor: "Save a top bunk for me!"

Ben: "Third time's the charm!"

Maddie: "Awhhh girls-- is this the best bedroom in the Penthouse or WHAT?!"
Zelinda: "Agreed!"

Maddie: "I feel like we're in some kind of arcade/pub combo!"

Maya: "Oh god, don't ever mention a pub to me again..."
Zelinda: "Too soon?"
Maya: "Haha, yes, too soon. That crime scene seemed a little TOO real..."

Ben: "Ahem... Hallo ladies, mind if I join you all? All the other rooms are full."

 Zelinda: "Yes, do come in!"

Zelinda: "Welcome to the 'Game Room'."

Ben: "Ooh, perfect! I'm a huge fan of games!! I sink I just may love it in here... Look at that! AN XBOX ONE!!!"

Zelinda: "Only trouble is that I've claimed this bed, and M&M over there are sharing the racecar bed."

Maddie: "HA! She called us the M&Ms!"
Maya: "That's so great! I love it already!!"

 Ben: "That is no trouble at all. I'm perfectly happy to sleep on the couch! Pretty used to it anyway with my large family, hehehe."

"Well, this is the first day on The Mole. I am glad that I am able to sleep in the bed all by myself. I am not completely fond with sharing a bed with a complete stranger. Ben will sleep on the couch just because having a man sleep with another female may suggest he wants to have a showmance with a woman, and frankly? None of us should be the next Figgy and Taylor.
Anyway, I am concerned about Pacco. He states that he is the biggest fan of The Mole. He is probably a superfan of this show, analyzing every episode to figure out who the Mole is, therefore, he is likely the biggest threat on this season. I have to do everything in my power to screw his game and get him executed. Unless he ends up being one of the spies. However, a gambler does everything to win and I cannot risk any possible situations that will have me lose the game."

* * * * *

Eva: "Goodnight you three!"

Ben: "Lights out! Time for sleep."

 Wil: "See you guys in the morning... Hey, who's supposed to be sleeping in the bunk above me?"
Paul: "I am unsure, actually."
Governor: *snoring*
Wil: "Huh.... Oh well."

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