Saturday, March 18, 2017


?: "Pst. Need a hint for your next checkpoint? I know it's in someone's MyPage...
Their codename is LUV."


"PSSST, over here!"

 "You there. Yes, you."

"I know what you came here for. You're looking for the 12 strangers about to embark on a 30-day journey, that will test them physically, socially, and most importantly: mentally."

 "Well, I have them. They are currently in a secure location, blinded and tied up, awaiting your presence."

"I will lead you to them now."

"Stay close, don't make eye contact with anyone else."

"You remember our deal, right?"

"I hand over the hostages, and in exchange, we want your loyal viewership."

"We have a lot riding on this season. In the last, Production got a few lawsuits due to some.... unfortunate incidences, some fatal, some not. This show almost went under, but fortunately, a very powerful sponsor decided to swoop in."

"The sponsor? The United Nations."

"The UN watches your every move, on every corner of this planet."

"However, this planet may soon be in peril. Why? With unsupervised nuclear testing in the East, and rising tensions in the West due to new leadership, we may soon face an unimaginable catastrophe."

"But don't be alarmed just yet. National security organizations, such as the FBI, CIA, MI6, and of course, the UN, have been working hard on exterminating threats and maintaining the peace, and they will continue to do so to the best of their ability."

"But the United Nations has become overwhelmed."

 "The UN Security Council has deployed a new counter-terrorist unit, initiated in 2017, focused specifically on preventing the next World War."

"They need YOUR help, however. There are numerous positions open, and to name just a few: Operations Officer, Lab Technician, Foreign Language Expert, Field Tactician, Weapons Production Overseer, Specialized Skill Officer, Political Analyst, Field Agent, Field Medic, and Recruitment Officer, such as myself."

  "Before this new Intelligence Agency becomes the powerhouse the UN hopes for it to be, they need double the recruits that they already receive annually from people around the world."

"How will they achieve this? By funding the popular international show, "The Mole", and advertising constantly along the way, of course! Part of the goal here is to spread the message of the United Nations, which promotes equality, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness and well-being. The other goal is that intelligence agencies like the CIA or UN may have become too intimidating for some, and we want future candidates to realize that their job with the UN will not only be important and meaningful, but also fun. The missions we have planned for this season will attempt to imitate some of the obstacles found in the application process, which reflect the real challenges found in this line of work."

"The 12 players this season don't need the necessary skills, since they are simply playing a game. But to the viewers at home: If you find yourself capable of passing these challenges, and think you can surpass the contestants' ability to think critically, act quickly and effectively, and maintain a high standard of ethics, then consider applying to the UN today."

"But enough of that. Most of you came here for The Mole."

"...But the Mole is no more."

"Why? Because this season, there are TWO Moles."

"Code-named BLUE SPY and RED SPY, these two traitors will be working independently, trying to add money to the Mole's Stash."

"However, both of them will not survive the journey. The existence of the other puts their own secret identity at risk, so during every Execution, they will attempt to Assassinate each other. While everyone else is doing "The Ranking", the two Spies will write down just ONE name: The person they believe to be the other Spy."

 "If wrong, it's simply a failed attempt. But if correct, they will successfully assassinate the Spy, permanently eliminating them from the game."

"The last Spy standing will then become "the Mole" of the season, and will be immune until the very end, claiming everything within the Mole's Stash."

"That means this season's Mole will have to FIGHT for his or her title. It's no longer a free ride to the end, because not only do the Spies have to deceive... They also have to do some sleuthing themselves, forcing them to play the role of the Mole AND the Mole Hunter."

 "As for our other Spy Hunters, their task is trickier this season too. They will have to keep track of two saboteurs, arguably making this the most mentally challenging season of The Mole ever."

 "Who will be the victims of the Spies' deception? Which Spy will prevail in the end?"

And ultimately, who will be the grand winner of the season, taking home all the money earned in the group pot?
That person is the player who can most successfully answer the question....




 Can it be....

Maya Hansen, the Lazy Fitness Trainer?

Governor Dave Byrd, the Deposed Politician?

Giles Kruger, the Entertainer Without Commitment?

 Kaitlin Harlow, the Cursed Girl?

Wil Sampson, the Damaged Overachiever?

Maddie Golden, the Youthful Entertainer?

Paul Nugent, the Perky Proselytiser? 

Zelinda von der Leyen, the Manipulative Gambler?

Eva Gutierrez, the Cunning Cutie?

Tamela Wakefield, the Uppity Hacker Journalist?

Pacco Khuvizayaa, the Biggest Mole Fanboy?

Or Ben Schiffer, the Joyful "Businessboy"?

?: "We have moved the hostages upstairs into their new living quarters."

"I believe it is time for a proper introduction, don't you?"

"Destination? Penthouse."

"Welcome to The Penthouse."

"The 12 players are disorientated, and are unaware of their location. They have no idea that they are currently stationed within New York City."

"The City of New York is one of the most fascinating metropolitain areas in the world – a melting pot of different cultures, western lifestyle, and capitalistic daydreams.
Speaking of a melting pot...."

"The cast this season are their very own melting pot, and not only culturally and ethnically."

"This season, we have quite the array of personalities....
To mention just a few, there's a young man who is our youngest contestant to date, but also the most intelligent, having the highest IQ out of any player in the history of this show."

"There's also the energetic woman of Chinese heritage, who you may recognize as a popular kid's television character."

"Furthermore, we have a politician in our ranks, who recently served 4 years as Governor of Washington State."

"The hostages are just around this corner...."

"Welcome, Agents, to Season 6 of The Mole: Spy versus Spy!!"

?: "I would tell you my name, but that is classified information.
Instead, you all can refer to me as V."

Tamela: "Hello? Who's there?! Are you here to free us!?"

V: "...."

Tamela: "Hello....? Answer me! What do you want from us?!"

V: "You've already been freed, Tamela. You're safe now."

Tamela: "If I'm 'freed', then why am I still blindfolded and being held hostage??"

Paul: "Tamela, is it?"
 Tamela: "...Yes."

 Paul: "Nice to meet you. I am Elder Nugent."

 V: "I never said you could start introducing yourselves..."

Paul: "I am afraid you're showing some common symptoms of PTSD, Tamela."

Paul: "You need to relax, everything will be just alright.... It always is, thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

Tamela: "You sound JUST like the men who tricked me and then proceeded to kidnap me, and all these people too!"

Tamela: "Everyone, I don't know how many of you there are but if your hands are free like mine, this is our chance to make a run for it! We need to do it NOW!!"

*Tamela shoves V and then runs*

V: "Auoughhh!"


Ben: "Oh boy... 'Sich zum Affen machen' indeed..."


V: "Someone call Karen. We have a situation."

*Tamela collapses to the floor and starts sobbing*

Tamela: "Get... Get away from me!! I DON'T HAVE WHAT YOU WANT!!"

Tamela: "Please.... j-just stay away! ...Please......."

V: "Tamela Wakefield. Take off your blindfold."

Tamela: "....Huh?"

V: "The men you spoke to tonight were not tricking you. You really are on The Mole. You signed up quite awhile ago, remember? When you were in college?"

Tamela: "...Th-The Mole? .... I-I-I don't think- I mean, I guess- I d-dunno... I can't seem to....  I, well...
Are you sure you have the right person?"

V: "Sure? Pretty damn so. Let me help you up."

V: "Go ahead and rejoin your fellow housemates. Unless you need to step out for a minute?"
Tamela: "No, I-I think.... I'm good."

V: "Just know we went to great lengths to get you on the show. A female contestant dropped out last minute, and we remembered your application, and knew you'd be the perfect replacement. In fact, we had already planned to cast you, until you, uh... Went off the radar."
Tamela: "...."

V: "Enough of that. Time for proper introductory announcements!"

V: "From now on, you will all be referred to as Agents. You should already be aware of the United Nations presence this season. They are looking for recruits, and figured this would be a damn good place to start advertising, and thus, our spy theme was born."


V: "Good. Now, take a look at the 11 strangers sitting around you."

V: "Your initial thought may be: Who here is the Mole? Who here do I need to weed out in order to win this ordeal?"

V: "But I've got some bad news. TWO Moles have infiltrated our ranks."

 V: "Our sources say they originate from separate underground organizations, and are both undercover, trying to undermine our efforts. I need YOUR help to find them.
The good news? They're not working together. In fact, they are trying to get RID of each other, for they are in each other's way, threatening to expose the other to be the true double agent in the end to claim all the glory. So while they both may be sabotaging the missions, they will also be sabotaging each other."

V: "Nicknamed BLUE SPY and RED SPY, these two rival Spies will attempt to assassinate each other every Execution, while the 10 of you will be working diligently on the Ranking.... But more on that another time."

V: "Due to the nature of this twist, hints/clues will NOT be prevalent this season.
Why? We don't want to accidentally help or hinder either Spy.
What does that mean? You need to pay attention to behavior moreso now than ever, with two saboteurs to keep track of."

V: "I advise that you begin to get to know your fellow Agents, as they will be sharing this Penthouse with you for the next month.
Figure out who you can trust... If anyone.
Keep in mind: Don't expose your middle name just yet. We'll save that for a twist down the road."

 V: "And if you were wondering about me, all I can tell you is that I've worked numerous governmental positions across the world. I am currently the Head Recruitment Officer for The United Nations New Counter-Intelligence Agency Program.
What's my full name? You know it as V, Agent V.
Where am I from? That's classified.
My age? Also classified.
My salary? Strictly confidential."

 V: "Good luck this season, Agents.
 As for the two Double-Agents.... I hope, for your sake, you find that rival Spy, before they find you."

Eva: "I shall go first?"
*everyone nods and smiles in agreement*

"Hello, I'm Eva, and I come from the Philippines. During the day I help my grandmother out with her business selling antiques and oddities. The province I come from is very rich in folklore and tradition, and my family has been there for several generations. I personally enjoy learning about our local history, and I like joining festivals that celebrate our heritage. Apart from that, I like meeting and befriending interesting people. I tend to go out a lot at night, which my parents have scolded me for a couple of times. In my 21 years, I've met lots of interesting characters. Hopefully I'll get to know more here."

“Hey there. The name’s Giles. Giles Kruger.
*he seductively winks at the camera*
I’m 23, turning 24 this year. I was born in South Africa and lived there for about…uh, five years? Maybe six…no, five. We – my parents and my big brother, Skylar, and I – moved to Australia for around eight years after that, before we boarded another plane to live in Wales for another…let’s see, probably five years there. By that time, I was eighteen, ready to explore the world like it was my personal oyster – and trust me, oysters were not something my family enjoyed, but I couldn’t care less. The open waters hadn’t bothered me at all, and when an eighteen-year-old decides to let his metaphorical long hair flow, he doesn’t find a job out of town or working in some lame factory. I found my calling card – cruise ship entertainment. It started out as singing and strumming a guitar that I could barely play – oh hey, you’ll all have to listen to me play that bad boy now – and then… an affliction coursed my body and I was working every cruise liner I could, not just singing but comedy – hell, when it comes to comedy, I’m like that…that guy in Singing in the Rain. “Make ‘Em Laugh”. Live in Sydney now, moved from Wales about one year after my eighteenth birthday. Look, I don’t mean to drag this on for an hour or so, but I do hope you feel more comfortable around me now that I’ve introduced myself. I promise I’m a genuine guy if you promise to laugh at all my jokes…. I’m kidding, of course.”

"Hi… I’m Kaitlin Harlow and I come from Zimbabwe. I was in the military before I came here and I’m 20 years old." 

*Pacco puts on a serious, very concentrated look on his face, while he continues his introduction in a monotonous recitation*
"My name is Pacco Khuvizayaa, and I am just your average media designer from the more exceptional country of Mongolia."
"That is all. Thank you.”

"Hey everyone I'm Maddie Golden and I'm 26 Years old. I originate from China and moved to America at the age of 21 to learn all the tricks of the trade as an entertainer. People may recognize me from some of the children’s TV shows that I have been featured on. For a bit of background information, I was voted most sociable in high school and I take that trade to heart. My mission here is to keep everyone entertained as we seek out and snatch those spies!"

  "Hello, my fellow brothers and sisters! I’m Elder Nugent from the Church of Jesus Christ of Modern-Day Prophets and Redeemers which is also known as the MDPR church."
Giles: "Wait, then what's your first name?"
"Oh, it’s Paul, Paul Nugent. But I’d like to be addressed as Elder Nugent, or simply Elder, please.  I’m currently serving as a full time missionary around Manhattan. Err, I’m turning 19 in June. I was born in Belgrade, Serbia and this is actually my first time abroad and whoa- I am so very excited. I was studying Dental Medicine at University of Belgrade before I took a gap year for my serving as a missionary for the church. Hey, if you would like to know more about the gospel principles and the MDPR church or anything about dental hygiene or just want to find someone to hang out with, please know that you are more than welcomed to chat with me! Mind if I say a prayer? 
Okay. Thank you Lord for granting me such an opportunity to preach to these wonderful people. I shall seize the moment and cherish my time staying here and I say this in thy son Jesus Christ’s name, Amen."

“Um, hi. I’m Tamela Wakefield. I’m…uh…” Her eyes roll to the ceiling. “Twenty… I guess. And I’m a…um…a university student. Yeah, that sounds right. Thank you for listening.”
*She taps her fingers on her knees as if she’s typing on a computer keyboard. Silence fills the room until Paul whispers something to her*
“Oh, my apologies.” She surveys the room and finds the camera. Looking directly at it, she says, “Where am I from? Um, are we in the US? Well, no matter, that is where I’m from. Probably. My accent is different, but I think I am right. Is that it? Or would you like my social security number? Or maybe my weight and height?” She shakes her head, and then takes a deep breath, blowing it out slow and steady. “My apologies for wagging off. I’m done.”

"Hey guys. My name is Benjamin Schiffer, but everybody just calls me Ben. I just turned 18 a month ago and I am from Germany where "still" live with my family. At the moment I visit business school at the first year and luckily we have holidays now. Other than that, I really enjoy hanging out with the few friends I have back home and playing video games. I think I might be addicted to Abnormality Kart, they had this major update for the Nitendo Switch now and it is awesome *laughs*. Sorry, I think I went a little bit off-topic. Anyway, what I need to tell you is that I have autism. Nothing to worry about, I can handle this quite well. I can happen though that I can be impatient and a little bit stressed out, but if some of you have specific questions, feel free to ask. I hope we will all have fun here and I hope that you all understand what I say, English is not my native language, but I try my best to talk in English fluently."

"Hello there. My name is Zelinda von der Leyen. It is pleasure meeting you all here. I was born in Austria but I moved to Las Vegas when I was a 4 months old. I have been living for the past 24 years now. If you ever pay attention to the gambling world out there, I have a feeling you may recognize me since I am a professional gambler."

"Hello, You people seem pretty decent enough so I will make this quick. My name is Dave, The few people in this world I trust know me as Dave Byrd, My enemies know me as Governor Byrd, You however may call me "The Governor" I don’t like addressing people by their first name especially if I don’t know them and I would appreciate it if you would do the same."
*Adjusts glasses and straightens tie*
"I am 45 years old and have currently served 4 years in office as Governor of Washington, As you may have guessed I am a politician. Yes I am aware there is a certain "Bad reputation" politicians have, but hear me out and I’m sure we will get on just fine. I currently reside in Washington, well I did, until a little bad media coverage shall we say "Obscured" the public's view of me. I would rather not discuss it at this present time, It is still under investigation and anything I say will... *Coughs* Well you know what I mean.
Before you judge me know this, I am here to set the record straight and to prove I am a good person. Plus I need the publicity, And to be hounest any publicity is good publicity. What better way to restart my career than appearing on a popular reality show?
It worked for that other guy with that stupid haircut, Why not me? So yes, that is all."

"Hey, so the name’s Maya. Um, I don’t really know what there is to say about me. I’m 22 and I come from... the midwest of the US, yeah, Wisconsin! It’s pretty lame, but I work at a gym there. For a good wad of cash I can help you do what you could have done yourself at home for free, but I’m not complaining; well, not when it’s payday at least. But yeah, Maya Hansen, that’s me!"

"Sup guys! No don’t worry… I can stand for this. Here, let me just get up and… *struggles but gets to his feet*… There. Right… Now… Sup everyone! My name is Wil Sampson. I’m 22 years old, I’m from Michigan, and I study full time: Exercise science… Er… Sporting I guess to put it simply. I’m really big on football and other sports… Oh and I know you’re all wondering about the wheelchair. All you need to know is that I have it, I’m struggling to walk at the moment but I’m totally fine. It’s no biggy. But yeah, it’s really awesome to meet you guys. Lets game on, right?!"


Governor: "Huh?"
Ben: "What's going on?!"
Zelinda: "Hmmm... First mission, perhaps?"

Kaitlin: "I-I don't see her...?"
Maddie: "Where even ARE we?!"
Pacco: "Good question. Don't know."

Eva: "Found V! This way, people."
Wil: "Maya, is it? Do you know what's going on?"
Maya: "I'm as clueless as you, unfortunately."

Tamela: "Hey, Paul-"
Paul: "Please call me Elder Nugent, or just Elder."
Tamela: "Errr... Alright, Elder- Just wanted to say, uhm... Thank you, for earlier. It's been a very difficult and strange few months for me."
Paul: "No problem! I love helping people. It's my calling, after all."

V: "Agents... Thanks for gathering. I'm afraid we have a situation...."

V: ".....There's been a murder."

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