Sunday, March 18, 2018


 Doctor: "Tamela, this is your chance! Hurry, get out before--"

 Tamela: "-HUH!?"

 Tamela: "What the-- what are you creeps doing in my room??"
Dan the Camerawoman: "Tamela, it's time we have a talk."
Tamela: "Okaaay...?"

 Jan the Camerawoman: "V is waiting for you outside."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tamela: "So what's this about? I promise, I haven't been hacking anyone's computer!"

V: "No no, of course not. Please, have a seat."

Tamela: "So I'm not in trouble?"
V: "That is correct."
Tamela: "Phew!"

V: "I want to discuss your nightmares. And more specifically, your past."
Tamela: "Don't you people already know everything? I had a good upbringing."
V: "Is that so?"
Tamela: "Yeah, my parents only had me. We were close..."

 Tamela: "But then... I found out my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer."

Tamela: "It was only bad news after that; she never got better, only worse and worse..."

Tamela: "...My mother passed away when I was only 8."

V: "Tell me. What happened after your mother's death?"
Tamela: "Well... Father never fully recovered. He became somewhat... distant."

Tamela: "He sent me to all the richest and most pretentious private schools. I was pretty lonely, I guess that's why I grew a strong fascination for computers and writing."

V: "What became of your father?"
Tamela: "He grew increasingly stressed. The medical bills had added up, and we lost our home. We lived in his office for a few months. We were in debt, but of course he didn't tell me any of this until years later.
I think he tried taking out loans, but was denied. Hit dead end after dead end."

Tamela: "Something... snapped. He was more anxious than usual. Answering calls in the middle of the night... He began drinking, too. Never before then had he so much as a SIP of alcohol."

Tamela: "He worked long days and even longer nights. We were suddenly living rich again... His job description was vague, and I didn't question it for awhile. I trusted that he knew what he was doing, even though I knew something was changing inside of him..."

V: "I hear you graduated with a perfect GPA?"
Tamela: "Yes, I did. My father expected nothing less of me. I had my fun too, of course. I learned how to balance work and play."

Tamela: "....I eventually got my Bachelors Degree in Journalism at the University of Oxford.
 I applied for The Mole Season 3 the next summer, and here I am today. Was it a bit extreme that you guys kidnapped and blindfolded me in the middle of the night? Yes, but it added to the effect, I s'pose."

V: "What do you remember of the kidnapping?"
Tamela: "Well, it was dark..."

V: "I hope you weren't hurt."
Tamela: "No, of course not. Startled? Absolutely. I'm not sure how necessary it was to use chloroform to knock me out, but it's not like I'm going to sue you guys over it. The Mole means business, and I'm forever grateful to be here."
V: "Right.... Tamela, is there ANYTHING you're uncertain of?"

Tamela: "No. I mean... yes. I suppose. Sorry, my gut instinct has been to lie lately."
V: "That's not an unusual habit to develop in a game such as this."
Tamela: "Right... Well... I guess I'm confused."
V: "About?"

Tamela: "Everyone keeps saying this is Season 6, but Season 2 was only just on last year. I think Maya was pulling my arm with the whole 'Trump is President' thing, but I feel this sense of dread.... Something is obviously wrong, and HAS been wrong for awhile. My memory is foggy and my nightmares are too realistic.... Was I.... imprisoned?"

V: "Tamela... I'm making you a drink now because what I'm about to tell you is very serious. The year is NOT 2013. It's 2018, and Trump is indeed the President of the United States of America as of 2016. We did not 'kidnap' you that night; someone else did and put you in a secure and isolated prison in Staten Island. You were in that prison for 5 years, completely unregistered. Someone was hiding you in there.
Do you have any idea of who might have done that to you?"

Tamela: "I....I-I do not."

V: "If you do, let us know immediately so we can take you to the proper agency. We suspect they drugged you with Lorazepam, a sedative that if given in high dosage, can cause Anterograde Amnesia. This condition prevented you from creating new long-term memories. Old memories remained intact, but any new memories created could not be permanently implanted into your conscious. Once we had you, we of course took away your pills. But you were incredibly paranoid and reliant upon them, so we gave you placebos instead. That explains why you can remember the first day here, but nothing before that. They must have had you on this drug the moment they kidnapped you and brought you to the prison."

Tamela: "But.... How did you find me??"
V: "The casting team of Season 3 had selected you for the semi-finals. We needed an in-person interview from you, but we never heard back."
Tamela: "Because I was kidnapped.... What about my father?? Is he OK?!"

V: "This is why you're going to need multiple drinks... Your father never filed a missing person's report, Tamela. He told family and friends that you were traveling the world. But months later, the FBI started an investigation when one of your online hacking buddies started to suspect something serious was going on, and tipped an agent off."

Tamela: "I'll take that drink now."
V: "Thought so."
Tamela: "...The thing is, I found some dirt on him before being taken."
V: "Your father?"
Tamela: "Yes, my father. I hacked into his email account and finally found out what he had been doing to accumulate so much wealth in such a short period of time..."

Tamela: "My father somehow got himself wrapped up in a drug cartel involving Venezuela and some serious higher-ups. I couldn't access names-- everything was a codename for something else-- but I knew this was the real deal. I needed to know for sure though. I just couldn't SEE him doing any of this... So one night, I followed him."

Tamela: "I caught him bribing someone, and he, well... caught me spying. He was angry. VERY angry... He didn't talk to me for an entire week.
My friend Stacey was a waitress at a local diner, and told me she saw my father talking to two men in an alleyway.... That was the night before I was kidnapped."

V: "Tamela, do you think it is possible that your own father kidnapped you, in order to silence you? Or perhaps.... Protect you?"
Tamela: "Fuck... To say I'm overwhelmed right now is an understatement... I don't even know what to think anymore... Or even where to begin....."

V: "Fortunately for you, the United Nations did. After the FBI's investigation hit a dead end, they passed your case over to the UN. It took us 3 years, but we finally found you. Scared, alone, and confused. You were a ghost. You were not assigned to the prison, and you had no name. Your identity was swept under the rug. Someone was clearly hiding you there, so, we devised a plan to get you out. And perfect timing too! A week before you escaped, a woman had to drop from this season's cast. We had a vacant female spot to fill, and you were the last missing piece. It was fate, no doubt."

*Tamela inhales and exhales deeply*

Tamela: "So now what?"
V: "Now? You do nothing but finish your job that you started here. First however, I suggest you drink your sorrows away for the moment, because you ARE of age now, after all."

Tamela: "I'm not of age to drink though. I'm only 20 years-ohhhhh.... Riiight... I missed 5 years of my life. Wait, so does that mean I'm actually...."
V: "25? Yes, yes it does."

Tamela: "That's.... strange. Happy birthday to me then? At least now I don't have to steal alcohol from my father anymore!"
V: "Ha-ha."
Tamela: "Jeez, she even laughs like a robot..."
V: "Pardon?"
Tamela: "Nothing!"

V: "Anyway. I hope this wasn't all too much for you at once, Ms. Wakefield. I am going to leave now, but if you have any more questions, or just need someone to talk to, please notify Production.
Farewell, for now. I will see you tomorrow for your final mission."

Kaitlin: "Hey, slow down there, woman! That's your fourth drink already."

Tamela: "I'm not stopping until I forget what V told me this morning."

Kaitlin: "Haven't you already forgotten your past enough...?"

Tamela: "Now's not the time to be rational, Kait."

Kaitlin: "Tamela..."

Tamela: "Can I help you?"

Kaitlin: "Tamela."

Tamela: "What?!"

Kaitlin: "Drinking isn't going to solve your problems. It never does."
Tamela: "I'm fully aware of that."
Kaitlin: "Uh-huh."

Tamela: "Hey, only a few hours ago I found out I'm of legal age to drink. Let me celebrate, alright?"
Kaitlin: "But you're not looking for a mere buzz. You are trying to forget."

Tamela: "Maybe forgetting is the only way to cope? It's as they say... Ignorance is bliss."

Kaitlin: "Do you really believe that?"

Tamela: "I didn't before... But that was when I was ignorant to the truth. And the truth fucking sucks."

Kaitlin: "How close were you to your father? Is he really capable of doing something like THAT to his only child?"

Tamela: "Hell if I know. I can't claim to know anything anymore."

Kaitlin: "I understand why he might be upset after your mother passed away... I was mad at the world too when my parents died. It wasn't fair. And NOTHING I did could ever bring them back. But that doesn't explain why he'd pay someone to kidnap you and lock you up. Seems to me like that's the exact OPPOSITE of protecting you."

Tamela: "Maybe he thought I'd turn him in, and then I'd be unprotected. And besides, my conditions weren't terrible."
Kaitlin: "How would you know? I thought you couldn't remember anything."

Tamela: "I can remember excerpts. Like the doctor. Tom. He was such a caring man... I met him before I went on the pills that wiped my memory...."

Kaitlin: "Wasn't he the one that GAVE you the pills?"
Tamela: "...Yeah, I suppose. But maybe he was forced to. Or perhaps he didn't know what they were? Either way... I think he helped me escape. Someone was giving me notes."
Kaitlin: "Notes?"

Tamela: "Yes, notes. The day that I escaped. One was on my food tray that morning, telling me to head to Tom's office when the guards were distracted.... Moments later, a fight broke out in the cafeteria and I figured that was my cue. I slipped out and not a single guard noticed. The security room's door was ajar, and I noticed all the TV screens were blank. Someone had turned off the electricity, so none of the cameras spotted me."

Kaitlin: "Then what?"

Tamela: "Then... I-I can't remember..."
Kaitlin: "Can't or won't?"
Tamela: "...."

Kaitlin: "Did the doctor help you escape?"

Tamela: "Tom, h-he was... I think he was....."

Kaitlin: "You don't have to continue."

Tamela: "No. You were right. I can't keep hiding from the truth. These broken pieces that I remember are what shape my past... I need to know the truth of what happened. The FULL truth."

Kaitlin: "That's what I like to hear!"

Tamela: "...But I need to figure it out on my own."

Kaitlin: "...Oh."

Tamela: "I'm sorry. I just need time to process... well, everything. But you were right. I would rather feel pain than nothing at all. Numbing myself isn't the answer."

Kaitlin: "That's my girl! And I completely understand. I'll give you the space you need."

Tamela: "Thank you, Kaitlin. I really appreciate having you as my friend."

Kaitlin: "The feeling is mutual... I feel so incredibly lucky to have met you through this amazing experience. I don't think I could have made it this far without you, Tam. Seriously! You truly are one of the best friends I have ever had, and for that, I must thank you."

Kaitlin: "Alright, I'm off."

Kaitlin: "Oh, woah!"

Tamela: "What?"
Kaitlin: "This guy is covering a Hozier song!"
Tamela: "What's that?"

Kaitlin: "More like WHO'S that... He's a newer artist. You weren't, uh... 'around', when his music became popular back in 2013..."

Tamela: "What's special about him?"
Kaitlin: "Nothing, other than his album has been playing on the record player out back."

Tamela: "Ahhh... So THAT'S the madman I've been hearing all week..."

Kaitlin: "His stuff is actually pretty great! And this guy sounds JUST like him... I almost wonder if it IS him!"
Tamela: "Wouldn't that be something? I don't think this hotel is upscale enough for that though."

Kaitlin: "True, but this is also the most upscale hotel I've ever been to in my life. I'm used to Motel 6's."

Tamela: "Good point... Say, is there access to the roof on the third floor?"

Kaitlin: "Yeah, there is. I've been up there a few times now."

Tamela: "Awesome. I think I need to get some air."

Kaitlin: "Probably a good idea... Lemme catch us the elevator."

Kaitlin: "...You coming?"

Tamela: "That's okay, you go on ahead. I think I'm going to head up the stairwell."

Kaitlin: "Oh. Are you sure you'll be fine walking up the stairs on your own? You've had a bit to drink."

Tamela: "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks though."

Baaaaabe... ♪ 

♪ There's something tragic about you

Something so magic about you

Don't you agree?


There's something lonesome about you

Something so wholesome about you

Get closer to me

No tired sigh

No rolling eyes

No irony

No 'who cares'

No vacant stares

No time for me....

Honey ♪ 

You're familiar

Like my mirror years ago

Idealism sits in prison ♪ 

Chivalry fell on its sword

Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know

I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door


There's something wretched about this

Something so precious about this

Oh, what a sin

To the strand

♪ A picnic plan

For you and me

A rope in hand for your other man to

Hang from a tree...

Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago

Idealism sits in prison

Chivalry fell on its sword

Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know

I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door


 You're familiar

Like my mirror years ago...

Idealism sits in prison
 Doctor: "Hurry, get out before-!" *GUNSHOT*

Chivalry fell on its sword...

Innocence died screaming


Ask me, I should know

I slithered here from Eden

Just to hide outside your door

[DAY 29]

V: "Good evening, Agents."

 Wil: "What's up with the wheelchair?"

V: "Oh, this bad boy? THIS is your new sweet ride, Agent Sampson."

Wil: "You're kidding."

 V: "Do I look like the kind of woman to kid around with you?"

 Wil: "What's the catch?"

V: "No catch. For this mission, it is imperative that your chair is in working order. Production caught wind that your current chair has some functionality issues, so we've provided you with a modern and fully automatic electric chair for this mission. Whether you keep it or not is up to you."

 Kaitlin: "I am not sure that's the best idea, V. I know Wil is very proud of his current wheelchair, he doesn't want to--"

 Wil: "It's fine, Kaitlin. I think I'm ready."
Kaitlin: "...really? Are you sure?"

 Wil: "As sure as I was about switching to almond milk, yes."
V: "Wow. He's serious."

Kaitlin: "Well?"

 Wil: "I... like it! The padding is certainly comfier. Slightly higher off the ground too, which is nice seeing as I'm taller than most people."

 Tamela: "Test out the automatic features!"

 Wil: "Nawh, that's okay. I prefer manual. Besides, it is the only time I work out my biceps. Otherwise I'll just turn into one of those fat potatoes from Wall-E hahaha."

Wil: "Well, anyway, thank you V, and the entire The Mole Production. I really appreciate this gift. I humbly accept it."

V: "Say goodbye to your old chair! We'll donate it to some old granny in a local senior home."

Wil: "Goodbye, Gladis!"
Tamela: "That's what you named it?! Buahahahaha!!"

V: "Right. Onto the mission at hand."

V: "As you can see, we have brought you to the United Nations Headquarters."

V: "This final mission will be called, 'The Breach', and you can earn up to $200. Here's how it'll work..."

V: "Each of you has an earpiece so that you can communicate with each other. Although you'll be starting in different areas and won't be able to help each other physically, you can provide aid verbally."

V: "You also are wearing a pair of glasses with a built in camera to help Production in filming."

V: "On the car ride here, you were tasked to choose between 3 roles- Hacker, Ghost, Thief.
Your objective for this mission is to breach through the UN's security, locate my office, and enter it without getting caught."

 V: "Each person who makes it into my office within 15 minutes will add $60 to the pot. Within 30 minutes, you'll add only $30 instead. After half-an-hour? Nothing.
 If ALL 3 of you make it within 15 minutes, I'll add a bonus of $20."

 V: "Of course, it won't be that simple. This building is heavily guarded, so walking right on in won't do. Instead, each of you will utilize your own strategy in order to reach my office, based on your specialty. I also need each of you to come up with your own code name, as this is how you will be addressed."

~ several minutes later ~

 [As a GHOST, your job is to reach the Office undetected. You'll need to infiltrate the building without a trace. You must essentially become invisible]

[As a THIEF, your job is to reach the Office using theft as your main strategy. You may steal whatever you need in order to achieve this goal]

 [As a HACKER, your job is to reach the Office by hacking your way through walls, doors, gates, and anything else that stands in your way]

 V: "Great! Glad we got that settled."

V: "Now. Keep in mind that this is the real deal. Only the head of security has been notified of what we're doing tonight. Other than him, no one in that building is aware of our show, therefore, you must be discreet. Our cameraman will be posing as businessmen to remain inconspicuous, hiding their cameras. They won't be able to follow you everywhere, which is where your glasses will come in."

 V: "If at any point you are compromised by security, do not resist. The main reason the head of security allowed us to do this is because it provides a unique practice drill for his security guards. They take all threats very seriously, so if you've been found out, obey them until Production can swoop in to rescue you."

V: "Oh, and one last thing I forgot to mention... Sitting on my desk is a folder with classified information about the Mole... This is in fact the Mole's Dossier, which contains the details you just might need to succeed in your final ranking tomorrow, especially if you are still unsure of who the Mole is.
The first person who reaches my office has a choice to make. They can view the Mole's Dossier, but in order to do so, must LOCK my office door behind them, preventing the other two agents from reaching the room and adding additional money to the group pot.
If you don't want your fellow cohorts getting the opportunity to examine this top secret file for themselves, I suggest you reach my office as quickly as possible."

 V: "We will escort you to your starting positions momentarily. I'll be listening in from the van, acting as your collective eyes and ears, ready to assist when needed. However, my involvement will mostly be hands off, as this mission will be run by the 3 of you.
Oh, and don't forget the password to my office...
Room 101, in the MIDDLE of the hallway."

Wil: "Tap tap. Is this thing on?"

Kaitlin: "Yup. I can hear you loud and clear, buddy."

Wil: "Do either of you gals have a strategy yet to get through our first obstacle?"

Tamela: "Hermmm... This won't work for me. I need to hack my way in guys. I'll be back."

Wil: "I think I MIGHT have an idea for myself..."

 Tamela: "Mind sharing?"

 Wil: "I'm gonna run into a guy and steal his ID."

Kaitlin: "Sounds risky. Good luck with that... Agent Hotwheels." *giggles*

Wil: "What? You think that's funny? Like 'Free Spirit' is any better!"

Tamela: "Enough you two! This is a SERIOUS mission!"

Kaitlin: "You definitely don't sound serious..."

Tamela: "You're right! I'm having waaay too much fun right now!"

Wil: "Alright, I'm moving towards my target now..."

Man: "OWH!"

Wil: "Excuse me sir! I am TERRIBLY sorry!"

*Wil snags the man's ID fob*

Man: "Just watch where you're going next time..."

Tamela: "So? Did you get it?"

Wil: "I did! Piece of cake. How's things on your end?"

Tamela: "Well, not too good."

Wil: "How so?"

Tamela: "This panel is super high-tech, I can't find a way to bypass the security."

Tamela: "I guess that's what happens when your own father imprisons you for 5 years... Your hacking skills become a little outdated."

Tamela: "Yeah, this is untouchable."

Tamela: "I'm gonna have to find another way in."

 Wil: "Hey there."

Woman: "Hello. Please swipe your card, sir."
Wil: "Oh, right..."

Woman: "Thank you, Mr. Muldvarp. Have a good day."

Wil: "Thanks, you too."

Wil: "...Guys! I'm in!"
Tamela: "Copy that. Good job!"

Tamela: "Now it's my turn... Kaitlin? Have you managed to get through yet?"

Kaitlin: "Negative. I'm blending in with the crowd currently, but I need to find a way to get in, without those guys behind the counters seeing me."

Tamela: "Good luck with that. Alright, I'm gonna go silent for a bit, don't need anyone seeing me talking to myself. That certainly won't help with the mission at hand."

Tamela: "I think I'm gonna go ahead and use my EMP. It'll interrupt the registers temporarily, which should make getting in a breeze."

Wil: "Let's hope so!"

Tamela: "Alright, here goes nothing..."

*Tamela activates her EMP*

Woman: "Hello. Please swipe... Oh wait, hold on. There seems to be a problem."

Woman: "Erica? Is yours not working either?"

Erica: "No, somethings seems to have disrupted the signal. What should we do?"

Tamela: "I hate to be a bother, but I have an important meeting to attend..."

Woman: "Of course, ma'am. Let me call in help."

Man: "Come on! What's the hold up now!?"

Woman: "My manager is on her way, I apologize for the inconvenience ma'am. Why don't you just go on through."

Tamela: "Really? Why thank you."

Tamela: "Guys, it worked! I'm in!!"

Kaitlin: "AWESOME!!"

Wil: "Color me impressed!"

Kaitlin: "Now that you're in, you need to help me hack into the fire alarm."

Tamela: "Fire alarm?! That seems a bit extreme."

Kaitlin: "I suppose... How about the lights? Is there a way to turn those off?"

Tamela: "Pft! Is there a way to turn the lights off!? Of course! That's the easiest thing to hack! If you don't want to blow the circuit, you can just override the mainframe and manually turn off the lights of the lobby. Did you find a load center?"

Kaitlin: "Load center?"
Tamela: "Yeah, it's an electrical panel but it's not going to be a simple switch like the one in your living room."
Kaitlin: "I don't have a living room..."
Tamela: "Oh.... right. Did you find one though?"
Kaitlin: "Ja. Now what?"

Tamela: "If the green light is on, all you have to do is select electricity and then go under settings and scroll through until you find the lights you want off. There shouldn't be a password, so just hit enter."

Kaitlin: "Success!"

*commotion can be heard as people shout and murmur*

Kaitlin: "I'm a complete ghost now! No one can see anything."

Kaitlin: "I'm in. What's the next obstacle?"

Wil: "Good question... I'm on floor 4 but there's a LOT of cameras in-between me and the door to the hallway that leads to V's office."

Kaitlin: "Pooper-scooper."

Wil: "Hah, yeah, tell me about it."

Kaitlin: "How many cameras are there?"

Wil: "Too many. Nearly a dozen?"

Tamela: "What are we gonna do?"

Kaitlin: "Unfortunately 'we' can't do anything... We all have to find our own way in."

Tamela: "I need to look for a control room then."

Wil: "Hm... I MAY have an idea."

Kaitlin: "Are you going to steal someone's identity again? You can dress up like you're the Ambassador for Canada!"

Wil: "I don't think the Ambassador for Canada is disabled..."

Kaitlin: "Riiight... Whatever you decide to do, good luck."

Wil: "Thanks, we're gonna need all the luck we can get in this mission. Any idea how much time has passed?"

Kaitlin: "Not a clue."

Tamela: "It's been nearly 13 minutes already."

Wil: "Yikes. Tamela, how's your strategy going?"
*Wil pulls out his lockpick*

Tamela: "It's going absolutely fabulously, because..."


Wil: "That's great!"

Tamela: "What's your next course of action, Agent Spirit?"

Kaitlin (out of breath): "You know, just typical spirit and ghost stuff..."

Tamela: "Boys and girls... It is SO freaking cool in here!"

Tamela: "This is an amateur hacker's dream come true! If mom could see me now..."

Tamela: "Wait a minute. Wil, you said the main obstacle is avoiding the cameras, right?"

Wil: "Uh-huh."
Tamela: "I have a genius idea!!"

Wil: "My idea is.... less than genius, but an idea nonetheless...."
Kaitlin: "What's your idea?"

Wil: "I found the janitor locker room... And now I'm disguised as a janitor."
Kaitlin: "You stole someone's clothes?!"

Wil: "Better than setting off an EMP! Hold on, I gotta go. My plan is in motion."

Wil: "Excuse me, ma'am! What's your name?"
Bertha: "Bertha Wallace. What can I do for you?"

Wil: "More like... What can I do for you?"
Bertha: "I don't understand what you're asking from me."

Wil: "I noticed you had an ever so slight limp to your gait. Would you like a ride down this ridiculously long hallway?"

Bertha: "You know what? I would! It won't be long before I'll need one of these things for myself."

Bertha: "What a kind thing for you to offer. I suppose chivalry ain't dead after all!"

Wil: "Ahaha, I s'pose not..."

Bertha: "This is far enough, kind sir."
Wil: "That's okay, let me at least take you through the doorway."

Bertha: "No need, this'll do."
Wil: "Really, it's no trouble on my end. I consider this a break from cleaning the urinals!"
Bertha: "I insist you stop immediately! You are being far too kind."

Wil: "No, trust me, I insist!"

Wil: "Guys, I'm in."
Tamela: "Nice job, I won't be far behind."

Tamela: "I've looped the security footage from this time yesterday. I only have a one minute window!"

Tamela: "Kaitlin!?"

Kaitlin: "Keep going! Don't worry about me, I can handle myself."

*Kaitlin climbs back in through the window*

Kaitlin: "Guys, I'm in a pickle... BUT I still have my smoke grenade!"

*Kaitlin unclips the smoke grenade and throws it at the doorway*

V: "Congratulations, Agents. You all successfully made it inside my office!"

V: "You all made it within 30 minutes."

V: "However, none of you made it within 15, therefore, you all add $30 to the pot instead of the full $60."

V: "Altogether, you have earned $90 for the final mission of the season. Not your best, but, not your worst either."

V: "Final pot standings are... 
$1090 for the group,
$910 for the spy's stash."

V: "Tomorrow will be your biggest day yet, as you will complete your final ranking, and then be immediately escorted to the live finale and reunion, where a winner will be revealed, and the Mole exposed..."

V: "Get a good night's rest, Agents! You're dismissed."


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