Sunday, July 16, 2017


[DAY 11]

"Ugh. I feel so bad about committing perjury at a court. I don’t even want to think about it but it’s just so hard for me to forget about everything and pretend that nothing’s ever happened during the last mission. It was my first time telling a lie and I think I’m a horrible liar. But to make things even worse, I lied and let everyone think that Tamela to be innocent and let the poor Governor took the blame.
The housemates keep telling me that it doesn’t really matter because they were all playing it like it was a game or something. Still, it was a hard pill to swallow… I think I owe mister Governor an apology."

 The Gov: "It's just utterly ridiculous, is what I'm trying to tell you. I came onto this show hoping for a fresh start, and what happens? I now look even worse than how I started!" *coughs*

Zelinda: "And I'm sure getting accused of leading a human-trafficking operation and being sentenced to life in prison because of it did not help your image all too much... Which again, I must apologize for. As your lawyer in that mission, it was my duty to lead us to victory. I failed you."
The Gov: "Oh, don't beat yourself up about it too much, Miss Leyen. Others were involved, clearly."

Zelinda: "True... The Spies had to have been involved somehow. That, or Wil and Tamela bribed the Jury with everything they had. I wonder if it is an idea to question them?"

 The Gov: "Who? The Jury?"
Zelinda: "Precisely."
The Gov: "I could try talking to Giles, the kid is pretty open. Eva and I haven't bonded much so I'm not sure about that, and Kaitlin's an obvious no-go. She hates my guts... STILL."

Zelinda: "Alright, I will talk to the girls if you talk to the guy."

 The Gov: "What about Pacco? Neither of us talked to him during the mission, right?"
Zelinda: "Right."
The Gov: "He must've just believed us then."
Zelinda: "It appears that way."

Zelinda: "I was quite impressed with the witnesses though. Even I had my doubts about you when they both testified against you. I was not shocked to hear that Maya lied on stand, but Paul?? I assumed he was a man of his word. And even more than that, it made sense for them to work together, to align their statements, but yet again the Prisoner's Dilemma has revealed the greed in Man."

Zelinda: "You know something, Governor?"
The Gov: "What's that?" *has a short coughing fit*
Zelinda: "I'm promoting you to a C-grade. I feel like you've earned it."

The Gov: "Huh? What does that mean?"
Zelinda: "I rate my relationships, so I can keep track of my friends and foes. Everyone here remains a D, meaning, they are irrelevant to me. But you, sir, have been promoted! Congrats."
The Gov: "But.... Isn't 'C' just a bit... average?"

Zelinda: "A very average grade for a very average man, yes. But do not fret, that means I consider you not only an ally, but also a friend."

Zelinda: "...Not something to take lightly from me, mind you."
The Gov: "Ah, I see. Well, thank you, Zelinda, for seeing the best in me when no one else will."

 The Gov: "I've quite appreciated our time together by the way, I hope it doesn't come to an end after tomorrow night's exec- OH! Why good morning there, Mr. Nugent."

 Paul: "Pardon me, am I interrupting something again?"

The Gov: "No, not at all, we were just finishing our breakfast, actually."

Paul: "Oh, perfect. You must excuse my hesitation, there's been so many romances blooming you never know when you'll walk in a room to find two people making out!"
The Gov: "...."

Paul: "Oh, before you go, I must apologize for something.... Well, two things, actually."
The Gov: "Let's start with the slippers you keep 'borrowing'."
Paul: "You know about that??"

The Gov: "Mhmm..."

Paul: "Riiiight.... But Zelinda made me do it!"
Zelinda: "Do not drag me into this, please."
Paul: "She's right, she didn't do anything... I lied again! What's wrong with me!?"

The Gov: "You're learning life, kid. So what's the second apology for?"
Paul: "For lying on the stand. I'm sorry, Governor. It was a selfish act."

The Gov: "No need to apologize, I probably would have done the same... Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually a very honest man, but this is a game for potentially a million dollars. A white lie never hurt no fly."

Paul: "Wow.... You know Governor, you're surprisingly a very good guy. I just KNEW everyone had the wrong perception of you!"
The Gov: "Thanks, mind convincing the rest of the house-- and world-- that?"
Paul: "Come to my scripture study group today, and I guarantee we'll change their minds!"

The Gov: "I doubt it, but sure, why not. I'll do whatever I have to to improve the public's perception of me, even if that's accepting Jesus into my life."  
*snickers then coughs*

Zelinda: "R'Amen."
Paul: "Great! See you both in an hour! ...And uh, mind if I keep the bunny slippers, Gov?"

The Gov: "...Yes, actually I DO mind. Those are MY bunny slippers!!! Find your own!"

Paul: "Alright, here goes nothing...."


 *Paul's voice is drowned out by laughter from below*

Paul: "-Huh?"

 Giles: "Quick, someone hide the scotch before he comes! Else he'll banish us all to hell for eternity!!"
*everyone laughs*

Wil: "Don't forget the coffee! You'll be damned to hell for consuming caffeine!!"
Maya: "Hey, don't fucking swear! Don't you know swearing too is a sin!?"
*Pacco snickers*

The Gov: "...But for real, if anyone has scotch on their person, it's best you cough it up now."

Tamela: "Someone please remind me.... Why again are we all here?"

Kaitlin: "To support Paul, of course!"
Giles: "Yeah, because supporting a cult has historically always been a FANTASTIC idea..."
Kaitlin: "Oh, shut up, Giles. Your incessant need to be funny is tiresome..."

Maya: "If we're being completely honest here though, the ONLY reason I'm here is for Giles' hilarious jokes."

Wil: "Hey! And all this time I thought you came for me!"
Maya: "Well.... I suppose you too. But Giles' jokes come first, of course, heehee!"
Wil: "Haha wow. Fuck you, Giles!"

*everyone continues to laugh*

Paul: "....."

Paul: "They're mocking me, aren't they?"
Jan the Camerawoman: "Unfortunately, I cannot comment on-"

Paul: "I'm not stupid! I can tell they are all here for the wrong reasons, no one's desire to learn more about the MDPR Church is genuine. I am wasting my time here."

Paul: "If they are not willing to learn, I am not willing to teach."

"So, I honestly have forgotten to come in here. Been enjoying the competition so much that I can't remember to come talk to you guys - the audience! Haha, good to see you, good to see you all. As I said, I've been loving this whole thing. It's like the holiday I didn't know I needed because my whole job feels like such a thrill ride! It's odd, really, to think that I came all the way to New York for a reality show competition, yet...nah, I could never regret this! Think of the content I have now for my stand-up! Anyway, I don't want to sit here all day and let my feelings pour out, because I'm not a sappy kinda guy, but let me just tell you, Eva and I...if this was the cruise liner, and she was one of the fellow staff members, well...let's just say her and I really are hitting it off, and even if this is some type of fling, at least it'll be a memorable one...never romanced a 'witch' before.
*he winks*
Okay, better go now, thanks for this."

Pacco: "Have you ever wondered why butts are sexualized in the first place?"

Giles: “I do not question what my penis wants, so no, I have not wondered that.”

Eva: "Ohhhh Giles, you naughty boy you!"

Giles: "I try."

Eva: "BUTT if you're looking for a serious answer deary, I know that the body wants as few orifices as possible, which explains why one orifice is multi-purposeful... IE: both a tool for sex AND excretion."

 Pacco: "Hm, seems legit. Say, if you ever want to dye your hair Eva, I'm your girl. You'd look so beautiful with literally any color. Ever tried blue highlights? Or maybe just an auburn fade?"

 Eva: "I'm quite happy with how my hair is now darling, but thanks for the random offer."

Giles: "Yeah, I don't get you at all, dude. When did you suddenly become a hair stylist??"

Pacco: "Oh, it's just something I've been doing the past few years. I've always loved dyeing and styling my own hair, so why not charge others for something I already love to do??"

 Giles: "That's the secret to life right there. Do what you love, and you'll never have to work a day in your life. Something my parents STILL don't understand. They think my cruise liner gig is all just temporary fun, and that eventually I'll settle down with a 'real job', which is just a load of BS. I could continue ranting but right now I am waaaaay too relaxed to give a shit about anything else."

 Eva: "Hey! Stop playing footsies with me you hairy dingus!"

 Giles: "What are you complaining about? You KNOW you like it..." ;-)
Pacco: "But seriously, not even a small trim? Ever try a pixie cut?"

 Eva: "My hairstyle is not just preference, you know. It is a part of my culture. The braids I don reflect the braids of my ancestors... My hair is very sacred to me, and I would never think to stain it with artificial colours or markings."

Pacco: "Welp, if that's how it's gonna be, so be it."
*awkward silence ensues... ruined by Giles slyly nudging Pacco and gesturing for him to get out*

Pacco: "What? Why? Ohhhh.... I'm being an awkward third wheel again, aren't I? I'll leave. NO problem. Don't mind me..."

Pacco: "My headache is starting to come back to me anyway, I thought the steam would help it, but to no avail... Either of you know where the bottle of Aspirin is?"

 Eva: "Yeah, check in the bathroom! Should be in there."

Pacco: "Thanks gurl!!"

Giles: "HOOSHWAH! What's that?! Is that the.... TICKLE MONSTER?!?!"

Eva: "Oh no. How terrifying."

Eva: "Oh golly. What is a young helpless girl like me supposed to do?!?"

Giles: "AURRRCHHH!!"
Eva: "How scary! Heehee! Stop-p it! Heeeeeheeee!! S-stop tick-tickling me!! HEEHEEE!!
W-WAIT! ....You sly dog you. How did you change the lights??"

Giles: "Can't say, family secret."
Eva: "Oh stop it."
Giles: "Have I ever told you what nice legs you have?"

Eva: "Hmm... No, no you have not."
Giles: "Well, you do. I am mightily impressed. Might have to snatch them and make a lamp out of 'em...."

Giles: "Really? You don't get the reference?"
Eva: "I am afraid not."
Giles: "You're killing me! Well, regardless... You have REALLY nice legs."
Giles: "Legs so nice, they make my peepee go, ba-doing doing doing... See!?"

Eva: "Diyos ko, Giles! You are not one for subtlety, are you? But boy, I am ALL for it!"
Giles: "Come hither, you cutie!"

[DAY 12]

"Man, Maya is a great chick! I'm really glad I got another shot with her. I'm even more glad that she's opened up to me slowly. I feel like I can start opening up to her as well... Things got a bit ruined last time, but we're getting closer each day, I can sense it. Almost as close as Eva and Giles have been getting *winks* Haha!... Either way, it's nice to have someone you can be close to in a game like this, man. It's nice to have someone to be close to beyond this game too... It's been hard for me to have this kinda connection with someone. Especially recently... I've been rather shunned, since the, uh... The accident, you know?... Which is whatever... 
Maybe I deserve it... All the hate and the... Being an outcast and everything... Never mind."

Maya: "So when are you going to tell me what happened?"
Wil: "When what happened?"

Maya: "Don't play coy with me dude. You know what I mean. The accident."

*Wil sighs*

Wil: "Fine. I meant to have brought it up by now, but the details of the accident make me too emotional, and I didn't want anyone--especially you--to see me like, you know...."

Maya: "Weak? At your lowest point?"

Wil: "Sure, that. Honestly, I'm pretty susceptible to breaking down at any moment, and that's not exactly something I'm proud of doing on national television.... Gosh, you see, I'm already getting flustered!"

Maya: "You don't have to tell me everything. Let's just start with the basics. Was it a car accident?"

Wil: "Bingo. Happened a little over a year ago... I was driving."
Maya: "By yourself?"
Wil: "Not exactly...."

Maya: "You don't have to continue."

Wil: "It-it's okay, no one died or anything like that, but.... still. My mate Daniel and our friend Benson were in the car when I, erm.... crashed into an oncoming car, followed by a tree. Impact fucked both of them up pretty bad, and as for the two passengers of the other vehicle... One sustained life-threatening injuries. Truly a miracle she survived.... And, uhm, yeah... I suppose it's been, you know, uh... haha, it's been pretty fucking hard ever since, you know?"

*Wil begins to tear up*

Tamela: "Kaitlin?"

Kaitlin: "Huh-!?"

Tamela: "There you are! I've been looking all over the house for you!
....What's that?"

Kaitlin: "Oh, just some religious texts that Paul handed me, nothing too interesting."

 Tamela: "Really? I'm surprised he's talked to you, since today's meet was cancelled and he's been moody all day. Any idea why, by the way?"

Kaitlin: "Hmmm.... No, I can't imagine why. I thought he would be happy considering EVERYONE showed up for once. Perhaps he's just feeling under the weather?"

Tamela: "It's a possibility, I suppose. Perhaps he's just homesick? But who isn't in here."

Kaitlin: "Hard to be homesick when you don't have a home...."

 Tamela: "Wait.... You're not homeless, are you??"

 Kaitlin: "No no, but that's something Paul and I have bonded over, the fact that we're both orphans. I grew up without a stable home or family, and he lost both his parents during the Yugoslavia War."

Tamela: "Right. You told me you bounced around various foster families for most of your youth?"
Kaitlin: "Correct.... No family was the right fit for me I guess, so I ended up just living at my orphanage throughout my teenage years."
Tamela: "When did you join the military?"

Kaitlin: "The moment I turned 18."
Tamela: "How was that?"

Kaitlin: "It was exciting at first... To actually be apart of a team, to have a sense of community and a purpose... So I understand where Paul is coming from completely. The thing about Paul is that his parents were KILLED, and he was just a young boy. He, not unlike myself, had to fend for himself at too young an age. Eventually a religious elderly woman adopted him, but apparently she died not much later, again leaving him with no home, no family to speak of. The only thing she left him was her faith, and what else was a poor, uneducated, and hopeless young man to do? He turned to religion, I turned to the military. It's a miracle neither of us turned to drugs or alcohol for comfort."

Tamela: "Wow.... So what changed? Why'd you leave the military? It doesn't seem like it would have been a bad fit for you."
Kaitlin: "Uhm, well, I quit. I decided I deserved bigger and better things."
 Tamela: "Amen to that, sistah!"

 Tamela: "The Execution's only in a few hours... Shall we study for the Ranking?"
Kaitlin: "Sure."

Tamela: "I think I want to move some suspects around a bit, especially after that court mission. Lots and lots of shady activity. Did you notice Maya's squirming on the stand? I don't trust that girl. She's definitely hiding something.... But then again, who isn't!?"

V: "Good evening, Agents. Please take a seat, any seat."
V: "Welcome to Central Park! I expect for most of you, this is your first time visiting... And for one of you, it will be your last."

V: "If the statue behind me turns green, you are safe. If it turns red, you are in fact eliminated from the competition."

 V: "And as always, a Spy can be assassinated at any moment."

V: "Tonight, I'll call on you by alphabetical order."

V: "That means Eva, you're up first."




















 V: "Next: Dave."
The Gov: "That's Mr. Byrd to you, ma'am."
V: "Do not test me."





















V: "Giles."





















V: "Kaitlin."





















V: "Maya."





















V: "Pacco."





















V: "Paul." 





















V: "Tamela."





















V: "Wil."





















V: "Which means, Zelinda...."

Zelinda: "Interesting..."

V: "Zelinda, your journey has come to an end. I must ask you to leave."

V: "Why Zelinda, you ask? The reasoning behind Zelinda's casting is that we needed a strategic giant, someone who was cutthroat and highly competitive. Every season, we recruit both poor and great liars, and Zelinda just happened to have the best poker face this show has ever seen.
However; her execution tonight proves that being cunning isn't the sole trait needed to win this game, and even the best among us are easily susceptible to the lies of the spies."

V: "In other news: I have received a top secret task from the UN that I need to take care of over the next few days. Which means...."

V: "The 9 of you will NOT be driving back to the penthouse tonight...
Instead, you will immediately be flown to Europe, where your vacation destination and new hostess await."

V: "...What are you all waiting for?! Move, MOVE! Your flight takes off in half an hour, there is zero time to waste!"

Maya: "How exciting! To new beginnings!"
The Gov: "I hope they have free healthcare over there."
Tamela: "I've never been in an airplane before..."
Maya: "Don't worry Tamela, it's safe.... Mostly."
Tamela: "If you say so... Alright, I'm in. To new beginnings!!"


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