Saturday, June 24, 2017


 "... I guess it was just proven that brains isn't everything in this game. Poor Ben, I definitely was hoping for him that he'd make it further though, he's a good boy. But alas, the bad part of the first 2, maybe 3 Executions is that it's mostly luck. You see, I've done..."
*Pacco gets fast forwarded for several minutes in which he's rambling about how he's extensively researched odds and chances on The Mole and eventually goes strays away off topic entirely*
"... And that's exactly the reason why I was pretty... annoyed when Joss Hodge made it on The Mole before I did. Ugh."

[DAY 9]

Maya (typing and muttering): "Ya ni siquiera sé. Tal vez debería dejar el show también …"

Wil: "Hey, nice Español!"

Maya: "-OH, hey Wil! Uhh..... That? That was nothing… I studied it in high school… pretty dumb stuff, honestly.... And good morning to you too."
Wil: "Oh, hey! Kaitlin's sleeping inside. What changed?"

Maya: "Kaitlin finally gave in to Paul's demands to sleep inside, but she refused to sleep anywhere but this room for some reason....
 Fortunately for her, Ben's elimination gave her a couch to sleep on."

Wil: "Well, good for her, I suppose."
Maya: "Indeed... So what's up?"

Wil: "I, uh.... I wanted to apologize for my actions yesterday. I wasn't exactly acting like my usual self. Some girls like guys with a load of confidence, and I just assumed you were one of them. It was silly, I am fully aware of that now.... It's been awhile since I've flirted with a pretty girl, you know.... I'm a bit rusty here. Rustier than my wheels, believe it or not!"

Maya: "Pretty, eh? Hmm.... Well, now you know not to be a douche-canoe in the future, but honestly I was just a little overwhelmed and on edge. I’ve had a lot on my mind."

Wil: "Hey, I'm all ears if you ever need someone to talk to in here."

Maya: "Lame, but you can’t really help, nobody can. Part of the reason I came here was so I didn’t have to be alone anymore, but I push away anyone who shows interest... so…"

Will: "Well, you can push me away all you want, but I'll just keep wheeling myself right back in here."

Maya (laughing): "Persistent, I suppose I can appreciate that. I just feel like I’m going to explode you know? God, now I feel lame. I’m not usually this open. You're probably like where's the crazy bitch who is whining and being sarcastic all the time...
Anyway… I haven’t necessarily been truthful to you, or anyone else, for that matter. I-I'm not really a fitness trainer, and my real na-"

*Kaitlin farts very loudly in her sleep*

Maya: "....."

Wil: "Bwhahaha! That's absolutely hysterical!! Ahahaha......
 Anyways, what were you saying? You're not a real fitness trainer? I think that much was obvious, you don't know shit about fitness! And you're lazy as fuck! ...Well, erm. You know what I mean... But what are you really? Some kind of genius? Game Theorist? Professional Liar? Russian Spy?!"

Maya: "Uhm... Haha, yeah, close! No, not really... I'm actually just....... unemployed. I thought that was embarrassing, admitting I still live off my parent's money at the age of 22, so I made a teeny-tiny white lie..."
Wil: "Oh. I was DEFINITELY hoping for Russian Spy.... What a shame."
Maya: "Oh, were you? Sorry to disappoint... hehe."

Wil: "Say! Want to be my plus one in an hour?"
Maya: "For what?"
Wil: "Paul's scripture thing. Tamela asked me to, and Zelinda said this one was going to be pretty interesting.... Which I doubt, but oh well.
So, what do you say??"

Maya: "Uhhhh.... Sure! I mean... What else am I going to do except just take another nap?"
Wil: "Great! How about I pick you up here at noon?"
Maya: "Shouldn't I be the one picking YOU up? I'm the one with this sweet car!"

Wil: "Ahaha, erm, true. But I got a sweet ride too, you know. You haven't truly lived till you've taken a spin on these wheels!"
Maya: "Haha, I guess I'm just gonna have to take your word on that one..."
Wil: "Mhmm..... Well,  see ya at noon!"
Maya: "Yes! Cya at noon."

MAYA (to cameraman):
"Do you enjoy stalking people? Who willingly goes into a job where they film reality TV? It’s kind of skeezy if you ask me, but I do need to get some things off my chest, so whatever. We can psychoanalyze your twisted motivations some other day. This game is starting to fuck with my head big time. I’m constantly paranoid, checking to see if anyone is out to get me. It doesn’t help that some mornings I wake up to see you lot peering out of the corner with your stupid cameras. Anyway, I’m so on edge that I almost ruined everything! I can’t trust anybody here, or really anywhere, and I need to remember that. This is a game, a dumb game to get my mind off of all this shit. I need to be more careful.
 *Starts crying* 
What the fuck? No, I don’t cry. Fuck it, fuck it all. I… I just want to go home… wherever that is..."

Pacco: "Knock knock!"

The Gov: "Come in! Unless you're the IRS, in that case... I'M NOT HERE!!"

 Pacco: "Ooooh, sounds marvelously juicy. So what's the scoop on that? Did you evade your taxes?"
The Gov: "That's none of your damn business, boy." *coughs*
Pacco: "Boy?"

The Gov: "Yes, BOY, are you deaf or something?"
Pacco: "...."

 The Gov: "Now, are you going to tell me why you and your godawful plum-colored shirt barged in here, or are you going to make me guess?"

 Pacco: "...Huh? I mean, uh.....Yes, erm..... Well, ACTUALLY..... You see, I........ I-I....... completely for-forgot why I even came in here in the f-first place....."

The Gov: "I hope it wasn't to ask me if I was going to that daily cult meeting. Because for the final time... And make sure you read my lips this time, because I know you're deaf and all:

 Pacco: "..........What's up with you today? You're being grouchier than usual."

The Gov: *coughs* "Aurgh, I know. It's the withdrawal talking. Don't mind me, son. Just having a hard time lately..." *proceeds to have a coughing fit*

 Pacco: "EUREKA! I just remembered why I came in here!!"
The Gov: "Oh, isn't that lovely. Do share."
Pacco: "You have an extra bed in here, right??"
The Gov: "I don't like where this is going..." *coughs*

 Pacco: "I knew Giles reminded me of someone, and that someone is Kenneth! The thought of having to share a bed with him for another night is too much for me to bear, and Giles is the next worse thing. So, I'm moving in here. Kaitlin's not using it, so why can't I?"

The Gov: "Because I said you can't?"
Pacco: "OH, GROSS! Wil has his underwear all over the top bunk!!"

The Gov: "Harharhah! It appears that you traded in Giles for Wil's used undies!"  
*begins to chuckle but cough-spasms instead*
"....God, you up there? If you're gonna kill me, please just get it over with and do it now."

*Eva taps on the glass*


Giles: "Huh?"

*Eva gestures seductively with her finger*

 Giles: "May I ask what this is about, the lovely Miss Eva? Where are you luring me to?"

 Eva: "Just hush, dear, and follow me."

Eva: "I feel like you're the person I can trust the most here. Do you remember how I said that a girl... never reveals her secrets?"

*Giles nods, looking flustered*
Eva: "Well, I want to tell you this: I came from a long line of witches back in my home province. We're actually well-known in the area, but outside, I tend not to bring it up except for those I trust the most."

Giles: "Haha, WHAT?! I don't believe that for a second!" 

Eva: "You better start believing it deary, because it's true."
Giles: "If it's true, then go ahead and give me your best 'magic' show."
Eva: "You don't believe me, do you?"
Giles: "Of course not! I won't believe you until you conjure a cat from thin air, or give me killer abs!"
Eva: "Wait...."
Giles: "What?"
Eva: "I thought the weatherman said today was going to be sunny?"
Giles: "It.... is?"

*Eva snaps her fingers*

Giles: "What the-!? ....How in the WORLD did you- It-it's raining!"
*Eva giggles* 

 Giles: "But how did you...."
*Eva smiles*
Giles: "No, SERIOUSLY. How is this possible!?"
*Eva smiles wider*
Giles: "But..."
Eva: "...." 
Giles: "......." 

???: "Hey, Giles! You're going to want to see this-"

Zelinda: "Oh, my apologies..."

Zelinda: "I'll just, uh... Be outside. Or is it inside? Outside this room, yet inside the penthouse...
...Why is it raining in there?"
Eva: "Zelinda."

Zelinda: "Right. I am leaving."

Zelinda: "Don't be long."

Eva: "Well, so much for that. I suppose we should get back to the others before they start to get suspicious."
Giles: "Agreed."
Eva: "Now that I've made a move, I guess it's your turn to make the next one."

"I'll be eagerly anticipating this--that is, if this is what you truly want."

Giles: "Hey, I'm down for anything. Witches, vampires, werewolves.... Bring 'em all on!"
Eva: "Be careful what you wish for darling, as it may just come true." ;-)

Eva: "Sorry for the delay everyone, we were, er.... preoccupied."

Tamela: "That's alright, Zelinda already filled us in." *smirks* 
Zelinda: "Tamela!"

Giles: "What is it that you wanted me to see?"

Zelinda: "Take a look above.... It appears your name may have been slandered. Or perhaps not... You be the judge."

Giles: "What the--!?"

Zelinda: "You have any idea who would have written that?"
Giles: "Hmmm. Nope, can't think of anyone who would....."

Tamela: "Well, it CERTAINLY couldn't have been production, they cannot meddle with this type of stuff, so clearly it was someone in this room..... Or David."

Paul: "Brother Dave! It's quite a shame he hurt his back and couldn't join us today. Speaking of, can we get back to studying? That's why we're all here today, right?"

 *crickets chirping*

 Wil: "Uhhh yeah dude! Most definitely! Go God!"
Zelinda: "Perhaps God left that message for us to decipher...?"

Eva: "What is even MORE curious is how seemingly obsessed you are, Zelinda, with that message...."

Kaitlin: "It was probably the Gov. He's such a shady fellow...."
Pacco: "I can attest to that!"

Paul: "Hey now, let us not accuse people who are not here to defend themselves!"

Tamela: "He's right, we have no idea whether or not the Gov actually did this. Besides, aren't we all here to participate in some scripture readings?"
Kaitlin: "Yeah.... I suppose...."
Tamela: "Great. Carry on, Elder!"

Paul: "Thank you, Sister Tamela. Now, where were we? Ah, yes.... 'The Book Of Siobhan'!"

"So, I decided to do a little experiment earlier today. At 3:00 AM, I wrote on the library wall that Giles is one of the Spies. I do not have any idea whether or not Giles is truly a Spy, but I wanted to see how Giles and the others react to that message. Let's just say, I got some very interesting reactions.... The best part is that nobody knew I wrote it."

[DAY 10]

Invisible Bailiff: "Arriving now is Suspect #1: Dave Byrd."

Bailiff: "Represented by Zelinda von der Leyen."

Bailiff: "Arriving now is Suspect #2: Tamela Wakefield."

Bailiff: "Represented by Wil Sampson."

 Zelinda (whispering): "This should be easy competition."
The Gov (muttering): "Undoubtedly."

 Bailiff: "All rise...."

Bailiff: "This court is now in session. The Honorable Judge V presides."

V: "Thank you. You may now sit."

 V: "Agents, welcome to your FOURTH mission: 'United Justice'."

V: "Earlier you had to decide as a group who best belonged in each category:
Rational & Unbiased (4 Persons)
Chronically Guilty Looking (2 Persons)
Competitive, no matter the cost (2 Persons)
Believers of everything seen and heard (2 Persons)."

V: "As you can now see, the competitive spirits are the LAWYERS [Zelinda & Wil], the guilty guys are the ACCUSED [The Gov & Tamela], and the rational folks make up our JURY [Eva, Pacco, Kaitlin, Giles]."

 V: "As for our believers? They are the WITNESSES, and both have information that confirms one suspect innocent, and the other... Guilty.
However, who they actually testify against remains to be seen, because they don't necessarily need to tell the truth... They will be presented with the classic 'Prisoner's Dilemma', which we will get to later when they give their SWORN STATEMENT."

Brazilian Coast Guards identified a flagless ship passing through their territory. They stopped the ship, suspecting Pirates on-board, but instead found a MASSIVE human trafficking operation. Brazil wanted to try them in their country's court, however: when South Africa caught wind of this search & seizure, they announced this ship had done business in their country, and wanted to try them in South Africa. To make matters even MORE complicated, the United States announced the crew on-board are American citizens, and should be tried in their home country.
Thus, the only way to resolve this disagreement was to hold the ship's crew in the United Nation's International Court of Justice.
Most of the illegal activity happened on international waters, after all.
ONE problem, however... the presumed Ring Leader of the entire operation jumped ship before he/she was captured. Brazilian Coast Guards were tasked to watch the coast for their arrival; surely enough, within the next few hours, two people swam to shore: A man named Dave Byrd, and a woman named Tamela Wakefield. They both claim they are innocent, but one is lying. It is now time to decide who is innocent, and who is guilty of running one of largest human trafficking operations of the last decade."

  "On the surface, this mission is very simple. At the end of it, the Jury will vote and give a life sentence to whoever they think is guilty; either The Governor or Tamela.
If right: 200 dollars added to the Group Pot.
If wrong: 0 dollars added to the Group Pot.
So, yes, this is an ALL OR NOTHING mission; very important. The only things for the Jury to base their decision on, is behavior of those who might KNOW THE TRUTH, and any potential bribing. As a Judge, I obviously shouldn't allow such dastardly deeds in my court room, but sometimes... I may just turn a blind eye." ;-)

[If you satisfy your win condition, you will receive 2 pieces of Armor]
 THE ACCUSED know the TRUTH of who is GUILTY and who is INNOCENT.
=Win condition is being found INNOCENT=

THE LAWYERS will likely defend their client at all costs, regardless of their innocence.
=Win condition is WINNING THE CASE=

THE WITNESSES were lounging on the beach when the Leader swam to shore. They too know the TRUTH, since they saw the INNOCENT suspect earlier in the day.
=Win condition is WITNESS'S DILEMMA=

 THE JURY  have no win condition. They are simply responsible for putting the correct culprit behind bars.

 -->The BLUE SPY got to a third witness (A surfer) before the UN did. The Surfer revealed the TRUTH before she mysteriously disappeared....
-->The RED SPY got to a fourth witness (A lifeguard) before the UN did. The Lifeguard revealed the TRUTH before he mysteriously disappeared...

 V: "Before we begin with Opening Statements from the Lawyers, let's check in with our Accused and ensure their pleads have not changed. Tamela?"

Tamela: "I plead Not Guilty. I can’t believe I’m even here. I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. I swim in the ocean a few days a week as part of my training for the Olympic triathlon. I’ve been doing it for a few weeks now. This time when I came out of the water, instead of going home to a nice cup of fresh fruit and a protein shake, I was arrested. You can’t do this to an innocent person. Please find me innocent. Please."

The Gov: "Before you go accusing me, I'd like to remind you all that I'm a decent guy. I am innocent, these accusations are nothing but a tissue of lies! I am being set up here! You've got to believe me! I plead Not Guilty, Your Honour."

V: "Very well, both suspects have pleaded NOT GUILTY. Let us proceed with Opening Statements.
Ms. Leyen, you go first."

Zelinda: "Before anything, this trial should be judged based upon evidence and contradictions. Nothing else. There is evidence pointing to the real culprit and that real culprit is not the Governor. In addition to that, Tamela has already made a contradiction in this trial. She stated this:
"Please find me innocent. Please."
In order for her to be 'found' innocent, she would have to be guilty of something in the first place, if she were innocent, she wouldn't have to beg to be found innocent, you would automatically be innocent. This suggests that A) She is lying and B) She has made up her own story.
As a professional gambler, I can tell when somebody is guilty of something and this is no exception here."

 Wil: "Right... Well it seems that my client, Tamela, has already given some information as to her side of the story and alibi. As opposed to the other accused dude, Governer Byrd, who may I remind you all was caught after he attempted murder with a guitar once, and is not above such dastardly deeds. Mr Byrd has given us nothing but "I'm a decent guy" to go off... I think it's safe to say we all disagree with his idea of decency... Regardless, we'll need to piece this together with our witnesses Miss Hansen and Elder Nugget. I'm confident that my client will have a clear alibi and this man with a criminal past will once again be found guilty."

V: "Thank you, Lawyers.
Witnesses, you may now take the stand."

 Wil: "Good luck up there! I promise not to grill you TOO hard..." ;-)
Maya: "Thanks, but do your worst... I'm used to it, unfortunately... Don't worry though. I'm on your side. I think."

V: "Ms. Hansen, Mr. Nugent: Do you solemnly affirm that the evidence to be given by yourself shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

Maya: "I solemnly swear."

Paul: "I solemnly swear.... Isn't there a Bible I should place my right hand on?"

V: "We're representing United Nations ideals here, and separation of church and state is a MAJOR ideology of ours, so, no. No bibles here."

V: "Lawyers, you may begin your open cross-examination."

Wil: "Firstly, I'd like to say that Miss von der Leyen's accusation towards my client Tams is complete bogus. In this situation, both parties are like Schrodinger's Cat; They are both guilty and not guilty, until proven otherwise. So her accusation towards my client, saying that her asking to be found innocent, is not only relevant to her own client Dave Byrd, but also irrelevant to the court, considering both parties need to be found guilty and/or not guilty... But enough of that.
To the witnesses... Miss Maya Hansen, you're looking rather beautiful today and we'll start with ladies first... Could you care to begin explaining where you were, and what you claim to have seen on the day of the incident in question?"

Maya: "Oh...? Yeah... um, whatever. I mean it's kinda hazy. I was on the beach you know, soaking up the sun. I was just chilling and rocking out to some Panic! At the Disco when I saw something weird. It was... It was umm... Dammit! I'm not usually this tongue tied. Why are we even testifying anyway? If the government actually did its job properly for once this should be a closed case. But, if you must know, I was very much reminded of that Ursula character from James Bond at one moment during my stay on the beach.... Which COULD mean I'm remembering your client, Tamela, walking on shore. Gorgeous entrance, of course, but rather suspicious-looking, if I'm remembering correctly."

Zelinda: "Ms. Hansen, please describe everything that you remember being out of the ordinary on that day."
Maya: "God, putting me on the spot. I feel like the criminal! How can I even trust you? How can I trust any of you? I saw some things okay. There were some people who just didn't fit with the puzzle. I saw Tamela, but I also saw Governor Byrd. He seemed strangely out of place. Nobody goes to the beach in a suit. Highly suspect, but I can't say that Tamela looked innocent either."

Wil: "Miss Hansen, if it's not too much of a strain on your memory, could you identify for us what Tamela was wearing at the beach?"
 Maya: *fidgeting* "Something outlandish for being at the shore, her typical attire, full on with jewelry. It definitely stood out to me. Again, both were dressed very inappropriately for a day at the beach. I remember because I thought to myself that they must be crazy."

 Wil: "Elder Paul Nugent, would you like to assist us in commenting on both parties clothing?"
 Paul: "I agree with sis- er, Maya. I remember seeing Tamela at the beach because she was wearing her normal attire that seemed really out of place. It occurred to me that she wasn't there for a nice sunbath. And the Governor as well. He was wearing a tie. Holy chicken dood, why would someone wear a TIE at the beach? I thought it was an illusion but now I'm sure it isn't. I sensed the pungent smell of devil's poison when he walked past me at one point. I'm sure it was him."

 Maya: *snort* "Devil's poison? Do you mean booze? If he was really intoxicated he wouldn't have been able to swim to safety after jumping off the boat. But maybe Nugget here was closer to the suspects than I was and has a more reliable opinion in this case.
People should REALLY stop trusting my judgement anyway... I'm not some fortune teller, you know. I'm tired of all this fucking pressure! STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS!!"
 Zelinda: "Errr.... OK."
Zelinda: "Elder, are you implying that the Governor was drunk during that time? If so, he might not be thinking straight and thus he came to the beach in that attire because of his mind state. I will like to hear more about Tamela. For example, what did Tamela smell like during that beach? Did you hear any words coming out of her mouth?"

 Paul: "Yes, I believe so. But I couldn't remember what Tamela smelled like or what she said because she was quite away from the spot where I was building a sand castle."
Zelinda: "What kind of sand castle?"
Paul: "A massive cathedral."
Zelinda: "Why did I even ask?"

 V: "Thank you both, Witnesses. Let us retreat to my chambers to affirm your Sworn Statement."

Giles: "Hey. What do have when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in sand?"
Kaitlin: "What?"
Giles: "Not enough sand!"
*Kaitlin smiles*

Giles: "What do you call 5000 dead lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
....A good start!
Why won't sharks attack lawyers?
...Professional courtesy.
Do you know how to save a drowning lawyer?
....Take your foot off his head. Heehee!"

*Eva and Pacco are trying to contain their laughter*

Giles: "Hey hey hey!!
 What do dinosaurs and decent lawyers have in common?
....They're both extinct.
 Why did God make snakes just before lawyers?
....To practice!
 What's the difference between a lawyer and God?
....God doesn't think he's a lawyer."
*the entire jury can no longer contain their laughter, and burst out laughing*
Paul: "...."

V: "Jury! I will not accept this behavior in my courtroom, especially in my absence. Be quiet and attentive for the remainder of the session or I will dismiss every single one of you."

Kaitlin: "Sorry ma'am."
Giles: "Yeah, we're REAL sorreh..." *snorts* "Is she being serious right now??"
Kaitlin: "Can't tell. She's a hard woman to read."

V: "If this were real court, you'd have to remain seated and quiet, but since this is The Mole.... You're allowed to do whatever the heck you want. We'll return shortly."

 Tamela: "Should we bribe a jury member?"
Wil: "Why would we need to bribe anyone if you're innocent?"
Tamela: "True enough, but we have to beat Zelinda and Dave somehow."
Wil: "I dunno. You should just trust me. I'm your Lawyer, after all."
Tamela: "Alright, I'll trust you. But I'm having a hard time reading Eva and Pacco. Think either of them would be open to bribery?"
Wil: "It's possible. Perhaps we should just talk to them so that Zelinda and Dave can't?"
Tamela: "Good plan."

* * *

V: "Alright! We're back from the Jury Chamber. As a reminder, the Witnesses have been presented with the Prisoner's Dilemma, and the 3 possible scenarios work as follows..."

"1) +2 Armor: Both tell the TRUTH (Normal Win Condition)
 2) +1 Armor: Both tell a LIE (Testimonies align, but technically, both committed perjury)
3) +0 Armor/Elusive Exemption: In this scenario, one Witness tells the TRUTH, the other, a LIE (The Liar gets the Exemption, and the Truther walks away with NOTHING)
Here are the Sworn Statements of the 2 Witnesses..."

V: "This is MAYA's Sworn Statement:
'Fine! God! You got me! Dammit, it was the Governor! I saw it plain as day, only an idiot wouldn’t have seen it. He’s been lying the entire time on the stand to hide his reputation! The man will do anything, ANYTHING. I was afraid, okay? I I’m still afraid, but if you want the truth it was the Governor. Tamela was an easy one to throw it onto, a safe one, But she was really at the beach all day like Paul and me before the whole scene even happened. The Governor is responsible for all of this. Just… Please, please don’t let me get hurt'."

 V: "This is PAUL's Sworn Statement:
'I hereby confirm that I have seen Tamela wandering around the coastal area in her out-of-place attire when I invited her to build sand cathedrals with me and maybe some scripture sharing which she kindly declined before walking away from the beach as if someone was after her, that was before the police arrived; I remember the heavy, pungent smell of alcohol made of rotten apple or something like old cheese from the Governor when he walked past me hurriedly. The sun was burning hot and the salty scent from his suit told me that he had been for a swim in the ocean for sometime. I saw him striding across the beach and walked into the restroom when a policeman asked for my ID and told me that he was looking for a suspicious middle-aged male with dark hair who might be associated with a horrible case of human trafficking. I told him what I saw and the policemen went on searching for the Governor at the restroom but wasn’t able to find anyone at the cubicle except for a pair of drenched leather shoes and a leftover suit that looks exactly the same as the one he was wearing that day'."

V: "The only thing we have left to hear before the Jury makes their decision are the Closing Statements from both Lawyers. Wil, why don't you go first."

 Wil: "To the members of the jury, who I believe have had my back through most of this, I hope you can now see how obvious the guilt is of Governor Dave Byrd and his lying lawyer Zelinda.
I have presented counterargument after counterargument in order to show you that the Governor was the culprit and I finally feel after all this that you all can see what I've been fighting for. I believe that their arguments have been mere attempts to throw dust in our eyes and try and pin the blame on anyone but themselves. Our opposition has admitted to lying about their own story and their arguments have been rather pointless, unclear and contradictory. The marks of the guilty. They have considered bribery, if not already attempted to have bribed Maya, Paul and/or Pacco at some point.
My client Tamela Wakefield is innocent. Her alibi is clear; triathlon training. Her character is not questionable, and neither of us have attempted to lie or stray from the facts of the case. I would give my armour to each jury member, if it is revealed that I attempted to bribe anyone. I didn't... Sorry :P
Despite the trouble at the start with the witnesses, who THANKFULLY changed to the truth, and despite a jury member threatening myself and Tamela for a bribe, I believe that the true story has still come out and that you all should band together to vote the Gov guilty as he rightfully is.
Wil Out."

Zelinda: *laughs* "Wil, it is a shame that you have to coming to bribing the witnesses in order to get what you want.
I believe both witnesses were bribed by you.
The only thing Maya said was that the Governor did it but never actually gave the details of the crime. It is almost as if she was forced to say that the Governor did it and could not come up with lies in order to prove his "guilt".
Paul's testimony kinda has a lot of contradictions
1. Paul confirmed that the Governor smelled like alcohol but he stated that he was in the water for a long time making it seem like he was the culprit. If the Governor was the culprit and he was drunk, he would have probably died.
2. Paul implied that the Governor escaped from the bathroom. However, I remained unsure how the Governor was unable to escape from the bathroom.
I ask the jury to either believe a man who via common sense, he is very likely bribe the witnesses or a woman who undoubtedly did not bribe the witnesses based upon the witnesses' sworn statements.''

V: "Jury, the fate of the Accused now lies with you. You are dismissed from the Juror bench; please proceed into the Jury Room and convene, before making your final decision on who is guilty."

* * *

V: "Has the Jury reached a verdict?"

Eva: "We were not unanimous, but we have, in fact, reached a majority decision."
V: "Alright, let's hear it. You can go first."

Eva: "I find THE GOVERNOR guilty."

Pacco: "I find... TAMELA guilty."

Kaitlin: "I find THE GOVERNOR guilty.... Obviously."

Giles: "I find THE GOVERNOR guilty."

Pacco: "Oh no!"

Zelinda: "OH no!"
The Gov: "OH NO!"
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The Gov: "What's the one thing that never works when it's fixed? Huh? What's that? A DAMN JURY."

V: "The Jury, by a 3-to-1 vote, has found THE GOVERNOR to be guilty of this heinous crime, and has been sentenced to life in prison!"

The Gov: "Arrested?! AGAIN!? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! My hands and conscience are clean! My liver.... Not so much."

Wil: "Tamela.... Tell me it ain't true."
Tamela: "Well, ermmm..... I plead the 5th!"

V: "Tamela is indeed the TRUE Human Trafficking Leader, which means the Jury erroneously sentenced an INNOCENT man to life imprisonment. This moment doesn't go unnoticed without a UN lesson, however:

Quote by William Blackstone: It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.”

Anywho, this means that....
WIL earned 2 Armor for WINNING THE CASE.
PAUL & MAYA each earned 1 Armor for having matching testimonies, however, they both committed perjury.
The wrong suspect was accused, which means the entire 200 buckeroonies will go straight into the Spies Stash....


~Current Earnings~