Friday, December 29, 2017


Paul: "Brother Pacco!"

Kaitlin: "OH my!"

Giles: "FINALLY! It was about damn time a Spy was assassinated."

Maya: "RIGHT when I was eliminated too... Pooper scooper."
Wil: "Is he... alive?"

Giles: "Honestly? Not sure. I feel like this is in poor taste... And that's coming from me."

V: "The Red Spy, has, in fact, been assassinated. Congratulations, Pacco, on making it this far, but unfortunately your time has come to an end."
Tamela: "Poor choice of words there, V."

V: "Why was Pacco cast, you ask? Well, when we saw his audition video, we thought he was just yet another diehard Mole fan. But then he ended his audition tape by admitting he has cancer and won't have long to live... And his final wish? To be cast on The Mole.
So needless to say, we decided to honor his final wish, to prove to the world that some dreams DO come true. All you need is a little H.O.P.E... 'Hold On, Pain Ends'."

V: "Why was Maya cast, you ask? Admittedly, her character was far more complex than we first anticipated. We simply wanted a relateable character, someone like Georgie Hobble. We didn’t want an entire cast of extraordinary people, as these shows need relateable folk in them since the cast, to some extent, is supposed to reflect REALITY. A lot of young people are lazy, misunderstood, and don’t know what to do with their lives. They can feel trapped, lonely, and unmotivated. We also liked her ironic job as a fitness instructor, but I suppose that was all just a façade in the end... Regardless, she was an excellent member of the cast and it's a shame to see her go."

V: "It is time for the both of you to leave."

Pacco: "Nein! I do not want... This all I have left..."

Giles: "Should we still do it?"
Tamela: "Now?! With what instruments??"
Giles: "I brought the speaker. Everyone can just sing along! You can lip-sing your part if you're not feeling up to it."
Tamela: "I mean, if we do it, I want to do my part. We didn't practice all day today for naught."
Kaitlin: "I don't know about this..."
Giles: "I say we do it. For Pacco."
 Tamela: "...Okay. Yes. For Pacco."
Kaitlin: "..."

Maya: "Welp, I suppose it's time I leave. Sorry for being a jackass to you sometimes Paul, you're actually a really great guy."
Paul: "No harm, no foul."

Maya: "And Wil..."

Maya: "I guess this is it, dude."
Wil: "Yup, I guess so..."
Maya: "Mhm..."

*they stare at each other longingly and intensely, holding back tears*

Wil: "Valentina--"

Maya: "Maya. I've decided I want to keep my name as Maya. I have never felt more like myself until I met you. I don't even know who Valentina is anymore... But Maya? I know exactly who I am, thanks to you. You've helped me to rediscover myself and give my life a sense of purpose. I was just drifting... aimlessly... without hope. But you, Wil.... gah, okay, I promised myself I wouldn't cry during this stupid show. So I won't. I just wanted to say....... thank you."

Wil: "Are you shittin' me?! I'm the one who should be thanking YOU! Maya... You're the FIRST person to accept me since the accident. Do you even comprehend how monumental that is to me?? My girlfriend at the time, my friends, my peers, my teachers... Even my own fucking PARENTS resented me. Of course, mom and dad never said it outright... But I could see it in their eyes. The way they stopped saying they were proud of me. The way they stopped hugging me, even.... Everything became about my mistake and my injury. All I wanted to do was forget about it and leave it all in the past, but no one would fucking let me! It was all about what I couldn't do anymore... I couldn't walk, I couldn't run, I couldn't drive, I couldn't get into my own fucking home until we installed a ramp... The list goes on and on. And of course the only thing my father cared about was that I was no longer his football star. It's like, when I lost that dream, I no longer was valuable to him, as if I took that dream away from HIM."
Maya: "Oh, Wil..."

Wil: "How is that fair?! How is ANY of this fucking fair?!"

Maya: "It's not, Wilson. It's not. And it is okay to feel that way."

Wil: "No, no, no... You don't even understand!"
Maya: "-Huh?"

Wil: "I always manage to fuck everything up. Just when things are going good, I find a way to screw it all up and then everybody hates my guts."

Maya: "Wil, do not say that! You have me, don't you? It's not like I'm dying--"
Pacco: "TOO SOON."
Maya: "...We can find each other once this is all over. Of course, I'll likely be given a new alias and sent to a different country like Switzerland or fucking Russia or something, but we'll find each other again. I promise."

Wil: "....I think you should just go. Your taxi is waiting."

Maya: "Wil!"

Wil: "GO!"

Maya: "...."

V: "The evening is not getting any younger. I need both of you to leave immediately."

Paul: "But what if we have something planned? Please, V? It's Mole tradition... The contestants do it every single year!"

V: "Unfortunately, it is not up to me. Pacco, Maya--"
Maya: "I'm going, I'm going! Jeez Louise."

Pacco: "Verdammt! I cun't believe I made it this far, and for what? So devastating... I waz doing this for me family too."

*Pacco begins to sob*

Giles: "It's okay buddy, you have nothing to be ashamed about. You've never mentioned your family, but I'm sure they'll be proud of what you accomplished here. And dude, since when did you speak German?? Ah, no matter, you're not out of the show just yet--get ready. We're doing it, okay?"
Pacco: "You don't mean..."
Giles: "Yes, I do." ;-)

V: "I hope you guys are not planning what I THINK you are planning..."
Pacco: "Oh, but we are V, we are! And there's nothing you can do to stop us!"
V: "Oh lord help me Jesus..."

Maya: "Adios, amigos! It's been fun. See you all on the flipside!"

*Giles pulls out a speaker and presses play... Try to follow along!*

Giles: "Caaaaaaaaaaaaaan....."

Maya: "Huh?!?"


"Find meeeee..."

"Somebody tooooo..."



"Each morning I get up, I die a little"

"Can barely stand on my feet!"


"Take a loooook in the mirror and cry"

"Lord, what you're doing to me!"
"I've spent all my years believing you" 

"But I just can't get no relief, Lord!"



"Oooh somebody"


"Can anybody find meeeeee..."

"Somebody to love...?"

"I work hard"


"Everyday of my life"

"I work 'til I ache in my bones!"

"At the end"


"I take home my hard-earned pay all on my own!"

"I get down on my knees and I start to pray"


"'Til the tears run down from my eyes, Lord!"



"Ohhh somebody!"


 "Somebody to looooOOOOooooooooooOOOooove?"


"Oh, everyday..."


"I try, and I try, and I tryyy!"

"But everybody wants to put me down"

"They say I'm goin' crazy!"

"They say I got a lot of water in my brain"

"I got no common sense, I got nobody left to believe..."







"Ohhh somebody!"


"Oh somebody!"

"Can anybody find meeeee..."

"Somebody to loooooooooooooooooooove?"

"Got no feeeel...."

"I got no rhythm!"

"I just keep losing my beat"


"I'm OK, I'm alright"

"I ain't gonna face no defeat"
"I just gotta get out of this prison cell"

"Someday I'm gonna be free"


"Find me somebody to love"

"Find me somebody to love"

"Find me somebody to love"

"Find me somebody to love"

"Find me somebody to love"

"Find me somebody to love"

"Find me somebody to love"


"Find me somebody to LOVE-LOVE-LOVE"

"Find me somebody to love"

"Find me somebody to love"







"Somebody find me somebody to love"


"Somebody toooooooooo..."




"Somebody find me!"

"Find meee..."

"Somebody find meeeeeeee!"

"Somebody to love!"




"Somebody to loooooove!"


"Somebody to love"

"Somebody to love"

"Find me..."




 * * * * *

Giles: "Not bad ladies, not bad at all!"

 Kaitlin: "I...I.... I don't really even know what to say. I wasn't expecting to have so much fun doing something so... Trivial. Pointless. Goofy."
Tamela: "It's been awhile since I've had so much fun too, y'know."

Kaitlin: "Tamela, I just want to say......... Thank you."
Tamela: "For what??"
Kaitlin: "For being my first true friend."

Kaitlin: "And Paul!"

Kaitlin: "You were the first man to show me genuine kindness, and I will not be forgetting that anytime soon. And I apologize for how I acted towards you the other day during the Clue Mission, I was a bit, uh... out of my mind, to say the least. It was a weird day."

Kaitlin: "SPEAKING of that odd day... Giles. You helped me get through my first ever panic attack, and for that, I am forever grateful."

Kaitlin: "As for the two lovebirds..."
*Giles and Paul exchange a look*

Kaitlin: "Maya, you approached me on that lighthouse balcony with a genuine apology and for us to start over and I deprived us of that second chance. I gave you the cold shoulder because my own heart was colder than ice. I apologize now, and I hope you can forgive me. I wish I had apologized to you BEFORE you were eliminated so that we could have had our female power alliance. I sincerely regret not taking you up on that offer when I had the chance."

Kaitlin: "And Wil... I know we haven't interacted much this game but I hope that can change moving forward. I'd love to get to know you better, and I'm finally open to revealing more of myself to everyone as well. And if it weren't for you pushing me and everyone else to do this song and dance, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now, so thank you. Tonight was the first time I had real honest fun for as long as I can remember, so I can't even begin to express how thankful I am to you for allowing me to be apart of it."

Pacco: "I hate to interrupt this kyoot moment, but I must leave now. Meine taxi awaits."

Kaitlin: "Oh Pacco... Don't think I have forgotten about you! My thank you/apology tour is not over yet!"

 Kaitlin: "I know I have burnt a lot of bridges this game... And this is a weak attempt to remedy them, but a girl can still try, right?"
Pacco: "Ja, of course."

Kaitlin: "You've always been an odd fellow to me, and I may have mistakenly perceived you to be a pervert too early on and dismissed you right away. I see now that I was terribly, TERRIBLY wrong in my judgment, for you are actually an incredibly intelligent and caring guy. I know we haven't built much of a relationship over the last few weeks either, but I hope we can fix that in the coming month--oh. Right."

Kaitlin: "I'm sorry. I forgot about your terminal illness..."

Pacco: "Do not apologize. I have accepted meine fate... 'Zit iz whut zit iz', like it or not. As with the world, your life will continue on without me."
Kaitlin: "You're a brave man, Pacco. Braver than most I know."

 Pacco: "My first kiss!"

Pacco: "This is it. My final moments on The Mole... Thank you everyone for the memories and the experiences! I wouldn't change them for the world."

Giles: "Farewell, mein freund."
Tamela: "Good job on fooling us all season long! You're one clever man."
Paul: "See you on the flipside, Brother."

 Maya: "I suppose it's my turn now..."

Wil: "Don't think of this as the end, think of it... As a new beginning."

 Maya: "A new beginning? My new beginning was supposed to be with you..."

 Wil: "And it still will be. Don't worry about me. I will find you. Trust me."

Maya: "But Wil... There's something you don't understand, that I've been too afraid to tell you..."

Wil: "It is okay. I know."

Maya: "You don't though. After this is all over, the Witness Protect Program is going to slap me with a new identity and I'll be forced to go into hiding. I can't keep in contact with anyone I care about, or else... or else........ I'll be putting them in danger too. And I CAN'T let that happen to you..."

Wil: "Maya... What YOU don't understand is that I don't have anything else left for me in life."

Wil: "All I really have left..... Is you."

Tamela: "What's happening over there??"
Giles: "I don't want to stare!"
Kaitlin: "That's your entire job right now, to stare!"

Paul: "If we stare it'll be WAY more suspicious!!"
Giles: "Fine, fine... They're hugging... And I think Wil might actually be... crying?"

Tamela: "Who's crying?"
Giles: "Stop!"
Kaitlin: "I think he said WIL is crying."
Giles: "Shut up, she's right behind--!"

Maya: "It's been fun, everyone. I would do it all over again with all of you if I could."

Maya: "Catch that stinkin' Mole for me, would ya?"

Maya: "Good luck, everyone!"
EVERYONE: "Bye, Maya!"

 [DAY 22]


{Unfortunately, our idiotic cameramen forgot to turn the cameras ON during the mission, thus, there is no footage of it. Instead, the results are listed below}

There were 10 rounds. Each round, there was a new faker who had to try and fit in and remain inconspicuous. Everyone else was given a prompt, and the Faker was given nothing at all, and had to answer solely based on other's answers and their luck.
If the Faker was caught, + $20 for the pot
If the Faker evaded capture, + $0 for the pot
[Evading as the Faker would earn you 2 points, and voting correctly any round rewarded you with 1 point. Whoever had the most points at the end would get the Exemption]

Round 1: HANDS OF TRUTH (Wil was caught)
Round 2: HANDS OF TRUTH (Paul was caught)
Round 3: NUMBER PRESSURE (Tamela evaded capture)
Round 4: NUMBER PRESSURE (Kaitlin evaded capture)
Round 5: YOU GOTTA POINT (Paul evaded capture)
Round 6: YOU GOTTA POINT (Tamela evaded capture)
Round 7: FACE VALUE (Wil was caught)
Round 8: FACE VALUE (Giles was caught)
Round 9: FILL THE BLANK (Giles was caught)
Round 10: FILL THE BLANK (Kaitlin was caught)

Each round is worth $20, so $120 has been added to the Group Pot.
That means $80 has been added to the Mole's Stash.

~TAMELA winds up with the most points, earning herself an exemption~


((To see the real life players play this mission, you can visit the thread linked below))